Why Won’t it Let Me Add Friends?!

If you’re unable to add more friends it could be for a few reasons: 
1) You’ve already reached the max of 100 friends

2) The person you’re trying to add has already reached their 100 friend max. 

If you know for certain you have well under the 100 friend limit just move onto the next name on your list to add. If you’re adding someone from a posting on an EA Forum or other site they often get maxed out quickly. If you’re finding you can’t add a lot of names on your list try adding your name to the Tapped-Out Origin ID page, and others will add you. 

171 responses to “Why Won’t it Let Me Add Friends?!

  1. DoobyEn - simpsons name

    December 2020. My game won’t let me add Friends. There is just no option I have looked online and from what I have seen you click the box that looks like 2 hands shaking (the add friends button) and in that menu there will be options at the bottom of the tab. On my game when I click the add friends button there is no option from there. Just a dead end screen.

  2. Help a tapper out add me @ culpa_rima

  3. 🙂

  4. I know this is an old thread but recently I did spring cleaning on friends who haven’t been active and now as I try to add new friends I am having problems. If I personally send a request it shows up for about a minute and disappears and the friend is not on my friends list. I am getting requests but when I go to add them it shows no requests at all. I know for a fact that I have a few people trying to add me but its show up blank. Any idea what is causing this?

  5. Hi there, Strangely I don’t have the option to add friends, I can go into the friends tab and it shows the few friends I have but there is no add or search option?? *****

  6. Im well under the 100 friends and after trying about 30 deifferent origin id’s (some i got from here and some i go from just typing in words) none have let me send a request. Do ya’ll have any knowledge on this matter? Im still reletively new and may have missed some privacy option or something. Any info would be appreciated.

    • Could just be system overload. You can always use a desktop to download the Origin Desktop Manager, log into your account like you do in your game, and try from there instead.

  7. I am only at 20 friends total including “the other Springfield” and I can’t add more and have requests pending and sent is this an issue I should send up?

  8. *****

  9. Please me I play daily sshortcake206

  10. Please add me****

  11. tianabrans794

    Please add me. Daily player

  12. I’m assuming it is, but Is the other Springfield considered 1 of your 100 origin friends?

  13. Please add me —–

  14. Add me please… Very active username is cohynhedge483

  15. Add me – adiliscute 🙂

  16. Add me : babysofff
    daily player 🙂

  17. Please add me on simpsons tapped out I play all the time


  18. Franko1012824 I play 4+ times daily

  19. Add me Tristen9908 I’m level 24

  20. Add me jeffc93 just started playing the other day level 9. jeffc93

  21. Vanessa Allen

    Add me “nessaallen19”
    In all day everyday desperately need neighbors. U help me I help u!:) level 40!!!

  22. id: eqsandro

  23. Add me. I play multiple times daily bmckean94548

  24. Add us Please: JohnD-NL

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