Should I Spend Donuts on Mount Krustmore?

Wondering if you should add Mount Krustmore to your Krustyland?   Well before you hit that confirm button, lets break down the Pros and Cons of adding the ride to your Krustyland…

TSTO Mount Krustmore
Ride/Building Name: Mount Krustmore
Donut Price: 150 Donuts
Dimensions: 12×13
Payout: 120 tickets/40xp every 24hours
Return on Investment: 1.25tickets/.266XP /Donut Spent
-A Krustyland Attraction that earns tickets, and can be used fairly early in the Krustyland quest to earn tickets before other rides are built.
-6 second build, so no long wait before you can start earning tickets
-It’s a little pricey.
Final: At 150 donuts this is a fairly decent rate for the tickets it’ll produce. Plus, since Krustyland is still in its early stages, there aren’t that many attractions. This makes a great addition if you can swing the donut price. Not to mention it’s the only rollercoaster in the park until the very last quest task (Build the Tooth Chipper).

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3 responses to “Should I Spend Donuts on Mount Krustmore?

  1. Does that say 1.25 tickets per donut spent? Shouldn’t it be more like 0.8 if it’s 120 tickets per 150 donuts spent??

  2. I have to go the opposite jamminfrog, I’m loving’s like starting all over

  3. It’s a great building BUT I don’t spend much time in KL. Once it’s all completed I’m going to stop harvesting tickets

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