Should I Spend Donuts on Planet Hype?

Wondering if you should add Planet Hype to your Squidport?   Well before you hit that confirm button, lets break down the Pros and Cons of adding Planet Hype to your boardwalk

TSTO Planet Hype
Building Name: Planet Hype
Donut Price: 150 Donuts
Dimensions: 5×10
Payout: $300 & 30xp every 12hours
Return on Investment: $2.00/.200XP /Donut Spent
-Unlocks an additional Task for Wolfcastle
-1 of only 2 restaurants on the boardwalk.
-Neat animation, when Wolfcastle is there.
-A bit expensive for the payout.
-Only Wolfcastle has a task there
-It’s quite large for the boardwalk, and when space is limited it can be tough to fit in.
Final: If you’re a big Wolfcastle fan this is a great addition to the game, even if you’re not a big Wolfcastle fan. It is a bit pricey though, so if you’re looking for a better bang for your donuts you may want to wait on Planet Hype and go with another building.

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4 responses to “Should I Spend Donuts on Planet Hype?

  1. How long is the Wolfcastle task?

  2. Does it add anything to the conform o meter?

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