iOS Increases Its Costs Effecting TSTO Players

Hey there Hoppereenos. A short time ago we began to notice readers stating that they were seeing a BIG cost increase in their donut pricing. As most of us are in the U.S. We didn’t see this change. (EA is based out of California, so most of their information is set within in the U.S.)

Here is the current U.S. cost of donuts for the game on an Android device as of 4-12-2014.

US donut Android

To clarify, this is what some of our readers were saying on the donut cost increase…

Yazxy– I know this isn’t the right place for this but I’m not sure where to look. If someone could point me to the right forum or area please do!?

I’m from Australia and I recently noticed that the price of Donuts has gone up. Is this the same for other areas? I purchased a ‘Store full – 900 @ $49.99′ last week and only this week I’ve noticed that the price has been updated to ‘Store full – 900 @ $64.99′ – up a few dollars on all the other offers too. It just seems a bit much of a change and I can’t find any info on the update!?

Thank you 🙂


Philbo– I just sent this to EA. May I suggest that everyone outside of the US who recieved a price hike, send EA a message too.

“Why has the cost of purchasing doughnuts for Australian users gone up so much, especially as the Australian Dollar has risen against the US dollar. For example a Shop full of doughnuts(900) was I believe $51.99 last week, it now cost $64.99. I have heard from people in the US that they still only pay $49.99.

A. Why have we had such a massive price hike ?

B. Why are US users still paying the same prices ?

This is unfair and i will seriously have to consider whether i continue to play this gane or not.”


I know there is an exchange rate in play as I deal with it when I want to buy something from the U.K. and it is different in cost to the U.S. This is to cover the exchange rates and fluctuations in that particular countries money vs the U.S. dollar. However, what readers were seeing was more than a standard difference. So we went looking for clarification. In the meantime, an Addict reader and fan of our site sent in this information from an article last year…

Patrick– Love the site…first time poster but always read it. On the difference in prices for the donuts here’s an article about apples change

Thanks again Patrick! Here is a lil bit of information from the article…

“In addition to the U.K., pricing changes have appeared in a number of country-specific App Stores around the world. Australia saw a price drop from AU$1.19 to AU$0.99 on apps that cost USD$0.99 in the States. Japan and Switzerland also saw price decreases, while prices went up in Mexico and Norway.

The adjustments were long overdue, as recent fluctuations in currencies, especially the dollar, had resulted in uneven pricing in a number of countries.”


I then received this from another great Addict reader…

Wolfy89– When did the price of donuts change? It’s been a few months since I bought any. I play on my iPad and for 900 donuts its $62!! But when I log into my android it’s still $51.99.

I asked them to send in some images showing the difference in cost within the two markets as I wanted to see what it was everyone else was seeing. This is what they sent in to us.

Wolfy89hey guys, 

love your work. i live in australia if that helps as to why theres a price change. but maybe its an android/apple thing. like some apps for example angry birds, on apple its $2 but on android its free. still, i think the price hike sucks.

Here is Wolfy89‘s Android market donut cost…

AUS donut Android wolfy89

…and here is Wolfy89‘s iOS market donut cost.

AUS donut iOS wolfy89


Thanks again Wolfy89! So it is obvious that iOS has made the change and increased the cost within the TSTO app while Android still has not in Australia. Took iOS a little time to put this into place, but it is starting to hit more markets now. My suggestion to our overseas friends is if you are thinking of making any app purchases soon, you may want to use an Android device to do it before the cost increase makes changes to that market too (if it hasn’t hit already).

These particular reports to our site all revolve around Australia, but if YOU are experiencing a change too, please let us know where you are from and if possible send us a screenshot too. We want to hear and see the changes from our readers. Send in your information to:

What are your thoughts on the change? Saw it coming? Let us know. Sound off in the comments below.

Til next time…


Bunny Icon






17 responses to “iOS Increases Its Costs Effecting TSTO Players

  1. Maybe I need to get another gift card now in case they decide to raise our prices. (hey it’s a good excuse, right).
    I use my cc, get the cash back rewards for that, and my company is offering 4x fuel points til the 22nd for gift card purchases ($50 card = 20 cents off a gallon of gas up to 35 gals!). Triple win 🙂

  2. I’m in France and the rates here haven’t changed here, but what I can tell you is that we pay A LOT more for donuts than in the U.S.

    2400 donuts =89€99
    900 donuts = 44€99 (= 62.18 USD)
    300 donuts = 17.99

    So, for the 900 donuts at 44€99 that is a rate of 20.004 centimes (cents) per donut. If you convert that to USD that is 27.65 centimes per donut.

    What is worse is that when you travel to a foreign country, apple forces you to change your accounts home country before you can make a purchase. So, even though I am originally from the US I can no longer make purchases in the US App Store. (Plus, any previously purchased content not available in the new country will be deleted from your account. Really. I lost over $150-200 in purchased content and there’s no way to get a refund on those purchases.)

    Just an FYI for all my euro paying European buddies-we pay a 23% TVA (flat base tax rate) on all App Store purchases in the EU. For anyone interested in more info, and you can read a little or a lot french, here is the link that explains it.

    • Thanks so much for the information. I truly appreciate it. The conversion always gets me when I want to make a foreign purchase. I start out thinking it will be 30$ and end up closer to 100$ after taxing and conversions. So it relays to both sides of the pond.

      • Yes the conversions and tax differences are a nightmare pretty much all of the time. Let me know if you need some help the next time you are buying something from my side of the pond, I would be more than happy to help 🙂

  3. I want to move to the states! $99.99 is £59.76 currently a boatload of donuts in the UK IS £69.99 which is $117.07!

  4. Costs on iOS are divided into intervals, set by Apple. By the end of March, Apple informed developers that …

    “To account for changes in foreign exchange rates, App Store retail prices will be increased for the following currencies:
    • Australian Dollar
    • India Rupee
    • Indonesian Rupia
    • Turkish Lira
    • South African Rand”

  5. You could buy a PS4 with the amount this little bit game expects you to spend.

  6. Well, here it is priced in our local currency (CZK), but it corresponds with the US price, only in EUR (i.e. boatload 99 EUR, 900 donuts 49 EUR, etc.). So a lot more pricey, but maybe there is already included 21% VAT. 1 EUR = 1,38 USD.

  7. Another reason to avoid Apple and go for android devices instead! In Canada, the prices are the same as in America even though our dollars do have a difference in value at the moment.

  8. I am in Ireland (EU) and it has all stayed the same for me and I play on ios! Thank god *knock on wood*!!

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