Tappers 101 – Navigating The Krustyland Menu

Note from Alissa: This is one of those posts we’ve had sitting in drafts for a LONG while, but events kept pushing back the need for this to go up.  Plus many of you barely have had a chance to touch Krustyland recently.  So now that we’ve got a little downtime in the game and figure many of you are taking advantage of the time to redesign Springfield and K-Land, we figured it’s a great time to refresh our minds of the menu changes in Krustyland.  (Remember we discussed the changes for Springfield here…). 

Bunny here. Putting on my glasses, getting out my pocket protector, and getting my magic fingers and thumbs ready to type those zeroes and ones. Basically…it’s Nerdy Time!!

For whatever various reasons, our game likes to frak with our minds and heads and nothing seems to quite go right. We panic. Throw our device. Scream. Yell. There may be many tears as well.  Just slowly take your thumbs/fingers off the device or you may crack the screen. Lol.  It’s ok. I am here to help. All of us are. Promise.

Sample 2

Due to all the Questions we keep getting on Menus, I figured a quick refresher would be helpful.

In this post, I will be going over the basics of using the Newer Krustyland Menu EA put into our games in November. Help you find and locate items easier and make sense of it all. So sit back as we dive on in.


There are a lot of cool new changes to the Menus now and it can be kind of overwhelming to try and find information. To help, I am going to break down each icon section to make a bit more sense of where everything is tucked away now and how you can find it.

First things first, locate your Krustyland Shuttle and tap on it to bring you on over to Krustyland. (Yours of course will vary in appearance depending on your Krust O Meter Bouncing Ball Rating.)TSTO Krustyland shuttlebus

Now that you are in the realm of the Clown, in your game in the lower right corner is the Hammer and Saw icon. This is your Krustyland Menu. Tap on it to bring up the Menu Pop Up Screen. (THIS IS NOT THE INVENTORY.)

Main Menu The Store


Once inside the Menu Pop Up Screen aka “The Store”, you will see a basic layout. On the left, 3 icons of Main Items. Characters, Buildings, and Decorations. Right along side of them an arrow that when swiped will open all the icons.Krustyland Main Menu Left Side


In the center you will see items that the game Recommended you may want to get. You may also see it give you a quick link to return to Springfield. It will vary by player. Krustyland Main Menu Center


In the upper left corner is the Back Button.

Back Button


In the upper right corner are two Feature areas.

Videos and Options settings


The Movie Clips Video Camera Icon (Cut Scenes). That will let you rewatch the lil videos from the very start of the game.



The Settings Cog Wheel Icon (Options). This is where you can adjust the in game volume, Character/Sound Effects volume, Push Notifications, set Confirm Donut Spend,  Language, and more.




Now that you have the basic outline, let’s look into The Store Menu a little bit more in details of what you will see when you tap on them. These sections will vary on where YOU are in walkthroughs and what YOU have/have not purchased. Also keep in mind that many items will be in MORE than one place. So tap on that arrow and drag it across your screen to open up ALL the icons.

Krustyland Menu Store Icons



Princess Penelope & PoochyPrincess Penelope & Poochie Icon (Characters). This will give you a list of ALL available Characters that are left for YOU to currently purchase in Krustyland. Mainly Mascots.

NewStar Icon w/! (New!). This will show you anything NEW to YOUR game. This can be anything from Event items to regular items you just unlocked as you finished a walkthrough and/or leveled up.

PremiumHomer Buddha Icon (Premium). This is where you will find all the Premium Items that YOU have currently available for purchase in your game. Pretty much if it costs Donuts, it will be here.

Donuts & TicketsDonuts & Tickets Icon (Currency). This is what the Icon shows. The place for you to buy Donuts or Tickets for your Krustyland. There are other places too.



Krustyland EntranceKrustyland Entrance Icon (Buildings). This is where you will find a complete list of ALL buildings that you can get for Krustyland.

Krustyland HotelKrustyland Hotel Icon (Businesses). This is where you will find any building classified as a business. Like Popcorn Stand, Fleet-A-Pita, and Bumblebee Man’s Tacos.

Death DropDeath Drop Icon (Attractions). This is where you will find all attractions/rides you can purchase for Krustyland.



Palm Tree & Park BenchPalm Tree & Bench Icon (Decorations). This is where you will find anything considered a decoration for Krustyland.

Krustyland Path & LandKrustyland Path & Land Icon (Land & Roads). This is where you will find the Land Expansion icon to purchase land if any is currently available. It is also where you can locate one of the places to Krustyland Paths for the park.

Palm TreePalm Tree Icon (Nature). This is where you will find outdoors and nature type of items. Like shrubs, flowers, and trees.

Inventory GamesWhack A Mole Icon (Games). This is where you will find any games in Krustyland for purchase. Like Ring Toss, Strike Three, and Wheel of Chance.

Krustyland FenceKrustyland Fences Icon (Walls). This is where you will find anything you can make a wall with. Right now, for purchase, there is only one.

Pavilion Tent & Park BenchPavillion Tent & Park Bench Icon (Miscellany). This is where they tucked stuff that just didn’t fit in the other categories. You can find things like cars, Grabage Cans, fountains, benches, and many other just random items.


On a side note, you will also see icons under the pop up. One to take you back to the other menus and one with a Homer Golden Statue.

Character SetsHomer Golden Statue (Character Sets). If you are curious of what all has been released into the game vs what YOU have in the game, this is the place to go. It will show ALL the Character sets from ALL events and releases. You can see what ones you have completed and what ones you did not.

Inventory Storage BoxInventory Brown Storage Box (Inventory). This is where you will find items you tucked away as well as any you may have brought over from Springfield. More on this in another post.


That about breaks down the Krustyland Main Menu and the Categories inside of it. Keep an eye out for other Menu Posts.

As always, we are here to help in anyway we can. (I even try to harass…errr…I mean contact EA on our readers behalf to see if there is anything more I can find out too.) Just keep hanging in there. Changes happen. We will all get used to it eventually. 😉


20 responses to “Tappers 101 – Navigating The Krustyland Menu

  1. Also, there is nothing in my taskbook for krustyland

  2. Sorry for double post, I need to subscribe tonthis.

  3. Please help :I am stuck in kristy land I’ve completed the princess that a as far as I can get it have all the rides it’s not giving me any more tasks what am I missing

  4. Hopefully they add new things to krustyland.

  5. does anyone else feel that the reason why we’re seeing some krustyland post is maybe the Simpsons treehouse of horrors update, that is hopefully coming soon, will have something to do with krustyland?

    • Lol we have zero control over content in the game. Honestly we’re posting these because we finally have the downtime to do it.

      • Oops, my last post about rose buds is in the wrong thread. That’s what I’m get for being a long-eared equine.

      • There was a young girl from Madrass
        Who had a magnificent ass
        Not round and pink
        Like you might think
        But ’twas gray, had long ears and ate grass.
        (Somehow I am reminded of this ditty at the moment)

  6. Not sure if I’m seeing double, or if its because I have an older browser (vista won’t go any higher than 9) but the main page of the site has this blog listed twice, or is it a part deux?

  7. She does not have the Nightmare pile, as she only started playing two weeks ago!

  8. Off-topic, but when I visit my friend’s Springfield Lisa and Milhouse are in Halloween costumes. Are others experiencing this too?

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