She’s the birthday, she’s the birthday, she’s the birthday boy or girl!!!

So… Yesterday was Father’s Day here in the U.S. but we missed something even more important.  What was it?  Who could be so selfless that they didn’t call attention to themselves and let the day be about fuzzy knuckleheads like me instead?  Here’s a hint… She’s Amazing!


That’s right… Yesterday was Alissa’s birthday and while I’m certain she enjoyed it, I couldn’t let it slide by on the site without mentioning it.  She’s the glue that holds this site together and one of the most patient and kind humans I have the honor of knowing.  I think it’s proof positive that she would let her special day slide by without making a fuss.


Even though we’re a day late, I thought it’d be nice to throw up a post as a giant birthday card for her.  Throw your thoughts and wishes in the comments and let’s all let the boss lady know how awesome we all know she is.

Alissa.  I’m so thankful to have you as a friend and wish only the best for you and yours.  I love ya lil sissy and hope yesterday and all the days to come are as amazing as you.  Happy birthday and congrats on orbiting the sun one more time!


TTFN… Wookiee out!


136 responses to “She’s the birthday, she’s the birthday, she’s the birthday boy or girl!!!

  1. Happy belated! Thanks for everything you do, it helps more than you know.

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