Addicts Bracket Challenge: Most Desired Character Week 7 (The Sweet 16)

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers! It’s time for Week 7 voting of our Addicts Bracket Challenge!  We’re down to the Sweet 16…who will move onto the elite 8?  Vote n
Once again….here’s Safi:

How much longer EA can keep Tapped Out going is up for debate. But what isn’t debatable is that there are plenty of characters in the rich history of The Simpsons universe still not in our little game. From Homer’s college mates to his look-a-likes, from Bart’s crushes to Lisa’s idols, from four-eyed friends to four-legged pets, there is plenty of ‘untapped’ potential (pun intended). But which character do we really want?

We present to you the TSTO Addicts: Most Desired Character Bracket Battle…..

Addicts Bracket Image 2

For all the rules on who was picked and why, and when/how voting works check out our week 1 post which can be viewed here.

Now without further ado, a recap of the results of our final week of eight conference semi-final match-ups:

MENS CONFERENCE – Bleeding Gums Murphy (63.95%) def. Gil Gunderson (36.05%)

BOYS CONFERENCE – Lewis Clark (69.32%) def. Jeremy Jailbird (30.68%)

PETS CONFERENCE – Pinchy (77.89%) def. Maurice(22.11%)

COMBO CONFERENCE – Sam & Larry (56.54%) def. Bill & Marty (43.46%)

DOPPLEGANGER CONFERENCE – Groundskeeper Wilma (59.32%) def. Shelbyville Milhouse (40.68%)

ONE HIT WONDER CONFERENCE – Leon Kompowsky (61.69%) def. Jacques (38.31%)

GIRLS CONFERENCE – Samantha Stankey (51.01%) def. Britney Brockman (48.99%)

WOMENS CONFERENCE – Judge Constance Harm (66.58%) def. Beatrice Simmons (33.42%)

Thanks to everyone who voted in Rounds 1 and 2. With over 180,000 votes cast, we have narrowed down the field from 64 to 16. Here’s a photo recap of Round 2:

click to view larger

TSTOBracket Round02Recap

So just to recap the 16 Round 2 match-ups:

13 favourites won, while we had 3 upsets. The top two seeds advanced in the Mens, One Hit Wonders, and Girls conferences.

No winner received over 90% of the vote, 1 received 85.01% to 90%, 2 received 80.01% to 85%, 9 received 60.01% to 80%, 3 received 55.01% to 60%, and 1 squeaked by with 50.01 to 55%.

Here’s the updated full bracket:

Click to view larger
TSTOBracket Week07

This week, we will narrow down the field from 16 to 8; and in the process, select the best of all 8 conferences. We have several epic showdowns and clash of titans.

Now without further ado, our eight Conference Final matchups:

TSTOBracket Week07 1Mens

TSTOBracket Week07 2Boys

TSTOBracket Week07 3Pets

TSTOBracket Week07 4Combos

TSTOBracket Week07 5Doppel

TSTOBracket Week07 6OneHit

TSTOBracket Week07 7Girls

TSTOBracket Week07 8Women

Reminder, voting is open until noon EDT Thursday July 28.

What are your thoughts on this weeks eight Conference Final match-ups? Who did you vote for? Of the eight match-ups above, which was the easiest decision and which was the hardest? What do you think of the 16 who have made it to Round 3 of the Bracket? Which characters were wronged in Round 2? Sound off below, you know we love hearing from you.

63 responses to “Addicts Bracket Challenge: Most Desired Character Week 7 (The Sweet 16)

  1. Um well ok. Ha. That was a seemlessly pointlessly comment before this one as this is also one to of sorts n such. Ha.

  2. Holy. Moly. Donut. Shop. Where has this site been all my life ?!?! Like I’m level 94 but I did miss all of 2015 due to prison :/. My tsto friends I have mostly suck so I’ll be deleting them n re addin some better more active player.

    itsNAGOLS. I think. Ha.

  3. I voted for the Rabbi, Lewis, Laddie, The Nerds, G Wilma, Mr Bergstrom, Alison and Sarah. I thought Bleeding Gums and Rabbi K would be the two finalists but now its down to the end of the week. Some of the choices were not as hard as before because I felt the same for both choices like Wendell & Lewis and Alison & Samantha. It was a shocking that Bill & Marty lost to the Barflies and with characters like Gil, Jacques and Bea losing, I wonder who would win?

  4. Also, you should do another one for buildings! I think we all know Stoners Pot Palace would win, but it’d be neat to see ppls suggestions for buildings. Like the Box Factory,

  5. Notable missing characters and my top two: Troy McClure and Lionel Hunts. I already know what you are all gonna say about that but I think they should make a way in even if they are not voiced. It should be Bleeding Gum (as a hologram I think, like in the episode) vs Sarah Wiggum at the end.

  6. I personally like the pathetic, never can win nature of Gill, that’s why I hope he loses here. His role in TSTO is perfect, he pops in with an amazing “deal” which you ignore 90% of the time, denying him any success in life. Perfect embodiment of the character.

  7. Some of you are why we can’t have nice things. Good lord. It’s a meaningless poll designed to be fun and should create some great conversation. I wished I’d never started looking at comments again. I should have learned the first time I quit. This site is absolutely great, the comments sections section can be, but all too often isn’t. I’m done again.

  8. I love how bent out of shape people get over these polls. Lots of good characters in the brackets, so plenty will get the axe. And since we already have dead characters in the game, I’m hoping Bleeding Gums takes the donuts.

  9. I’m getting a little concerned over the passionate feelings that Are finding there way onto this site regarding this bracket voting. I love these Safi, I do, but we may need a disclaimer for the next one.

    This is a silly poll, something fun to do, but in the end means NOTHING, some people have voted multiple times (in the same conference) and some people voted just once. It doesn’t mean people do not want the characters whom didn’t move forward.

    When I vote I think about the character (of course) but also what building might come with the character or more importantly to me -Which Event will come with the character (no offense Safi but there are other event possibilities than the ones provided) and then when it comes to a stalemate I take in consideration the number of episodes And sometimes I vote for the character I’m just completely sick of people requesting Again and Again (we get it!!!) so I vote for that character and hope that by doing so EA will bring those into the game for a crazy amount of donuts and I can sit back and smile at the cost and personally say “pass”. (I’m exaggerating, I hope EA doesn’t really use this survey as a donut price point gauge, but I’ll be surprised if they don’t, if they haven’t figured the popularity of the characters on their own.)

    Please folks don’t move to another country.. I mean site just because you didn’t like the results from these posts. Don’t get frustrated over such a silly thing.

    Just let all this disappointment be practice for the results of a bigger election this year :p (Alissa can cut this bit out if she wishes) 🙂

    • I think some people are making the mistake of looking at it like a popular vote instead of what it is – a “sports playoff” like bracket. They think “How can character X not being in it anymore while character Y still is?!” Just like in sports, some teams (characters) can have an easy ride towards the end because they are facing up against easy teams. Some really good teams might not make it as far because they had to match up against other really good teams and only one of them can win and move on.

      I think after this is over, we should have 1 final bonus round where everyone can just rank the list of characters from most desirable to least desirable and then average out the results and see what happens.

      • With well over 100 characters starting out, I think I’d turn into a babbling puddle of goo trying to rank them all….I can agonize for 20 minutes doing a 10 minute market research survey when I have to rank just, say, 10 or 15 different items, lol! 😉

    • I was surprised when I saw this comment (and, later, association’s), because I haven’t seen anyone posting anything really seriously negative or felt like there was any hostility going on. I took most people’s statements about being “devastated” (or whatever) as being somewhat hyperbolic (especially since it’s not like this is a real contest that will determine what character actually does come back in the end).

      I think most of us has a character or two that we feel some passion for (and have expressed that passion), but I don’t see what makes you guys think there’s a problem here.

      (Ironically, I’d especially expect someone who goes by the handle “redsoxnation” to understand a bit about fanaticism for a game and for particular teams/characters in a game! I’m grew up in New York and have been living in the Boston area for over 35 years and I fail to understand the level of negative passion that gets expressed between Red Sox fans and Yankee fans. But, whatever….)

      • I can take most of the comments with a grain of salt but sometimes it’s helpful to see after a rant or emotional response to see a “just kidding” or a “:p” or a sentence to balance out the emotion that was expressed.

        I’ve been trying not to comment in these bracket posts because of fear of people misunderstanding my personal thoughts and feeling and in-all-honesty I think by reading some of the comments I have misunderstood and misinterpreted others.

        I have no problem with people making comments as long as it doesn’t cause such a reaction that turns others off to this great site or fear to comment themselves.

        I AM afraid of the Results of this bracket, not because I think my picks won’t win but other people’s picks will not and the even larger disappointmented reaction that will follow.

        So my first lengthy comment wasn’t so much an observation than a fear for the next round/results. So the request for a disclaimer, is still there.

        i wish Safi, or Alissa, can you settle my fears and confirm a disclaimer of sorts will be implicated, if not I might really Freak Out :p (see what I did there?)

  10. All my picks from last week, save for Bea, made it in. Woohoo! I agree with Sandra, this week’s decisions were easy for me too. The men’s conference was the hardest but I went with Bleeding Gums. And I think I’m in the small percentage that really doesn’t want Wendell in the game. But the pets conference was the easiest of all. It’s obvious I voted for…..Laddie!

    Okay, I sincerely doubt anyone bought that. Viva la Pinchy!

    • I *really* don’t want Wendell in the game, either, since I have a literal phobia about vomiting. I wasn’t even going to buy Barney, one of THE most iconic characters because of that, but then they released him with his astronaut skin, and that took care of my concern! 🙂

      At any rate, I hope that, if Wendell ever does make it in, it’s as a premium character, so I won’t have to get him and I won’t see him in quite as many neighbor’s towns.

      • Oh my gosh, we must be kindred spirits because that is EXACTLY why I don’t want him either! Mine used to be much more severe and I couldn’t even handle watching it in cartoons, but in recent years I’ve been a bit better and now I can even watch the grossest FG stuff without problem. But as I continue to suffer through constant nausea, a character that reminds me of it isn’t high on my priority list 😉

  11. Historyguy303

    I wish they would bring back Comic Book Guys wife Kumiko Albertson. Are you listening EA? Please!!!

  12. There’s just something about the way she was animated, but Beatrice Simmons always made me a little uncomfortable.

  13. Mr.Sparkle must be in this game !!!!

  14. It’s a bit too late now, but I really wanted to see Chinese Man Bart from the Episode “Goo Goo Gai Pan” in the Doppelgangers Conference Safi! I thought he was hilarious

    “Don’t have a Cattle Dude”

    “Feast On My shorts Stupid Father Man”


    • I really wanted him in the Doppelgangers too. But I eventually opted to have the first round match-ups square off doppelgangers of the same characters: Homer doppelgangers week 1, likewise Milhouse, Flanders, and Willy. it was hard ranking 8 unique character doppelgangers over two Homer or two Willie doppelgangers.

  15. Bummed that Allison Taylor beat Mary Spuckler. Really bummed as she’s one of my favorites. However I’m overjoyed that Bleeding Gums Murphy beat Gil Gunderson. I see too much of Gil in the game already with him always nagging with his “deals”. Ugh.

  16. How has Constance Harm got this far!? Easily one of the worse new characters in the show, if she ends up in the game, she’s going straight into storage and never coming out!

  17. Great stuff Safi. Mr Sparkle all the way.

  18. Sorry addicts, you guys just don’t think the same way I do. All my personal favourites knocked out by characters I care little about.
    The only selection of mine still in the vote is Sarah Wiggum and that’s not because I particularly like her, I just think she should have been added to the game long ago.

    EA, if you do read this, please, PRETTY please, add Mary Spuckler just for me! One little Mary and I’ll be happy forever. OK, I’ll be satisfied. She’d have to be voiced for me to be happy forever!

  19. I have two comments to make:

    1) Gil is out? What? Excuse me? I am leaving! *drops mic and slams door*

    2) If Mr Bergstrom does NOT beat Leon then I might change my username to AngryTapper! A lot of you will know that Lisa’s Substitute is my favourite episode with Mr Bergstrom being a favourite character who taught me one of the most inspirational morals ever (being yourself is the best advice a person could give!) and I think it would be disrespectful and wrong bringing Leon into the game with MJ dead (RIP 😢)

    Rant Over 😁 – great post once again Safi!

    • I want Leon in the game over Mr Bergstrom for one very simple reason: moonwalking task. Character-wise, I fully understand your position, but task-wise I don’t think anyone can hold a candle to Leon.

      (The voices of Lunchlady Dora and Lucius Sweet both passed away in the 90s, btw, it shouldn’t be an obstacle to introduce a character just because their voice actor is dead. Also, Leon was explicitly not MJ.)

  20. Ralph needs his mum. Vote Sarah for a happier Ralph.


  22. Wendell and Lewis go together

  23. Holy dang. I knew this site was popular, but 180,000 votes cast popular? Yowza.

    I hope that through advertising revenue Alissa, Bunny, & the Wook not only make enough to cover the site hosting fees, but earn enough to put a little bit extra in their pockets…. or a lotta bit….

  24. I just can’t vote for Mr. Bergstrom. His episode ended so eloquently that to bring him back would taint that.

  25. talon8770 // rick m

    Alissa is there a chart with every character and all skins to find the premium skins for each to get maximum payoff

  26. Compared to last week, this week was a breeze – I don’t think there were any decisions that I really struggled with!

    On a separate note, I assume I’m not the only one for whom the “you have been logged out” thing is happening again, right? I hope it ends soon, because I am overdue to take care of some stuff in my town…

    • Concur on both
      Easy decision
      Logged out

    • I just experienced the logged out thing. Freaked out a bit because it has been some time and took a couple of goes to get the right password 🙂

    • This is the second time I’ve been locked out for a day, I’ve no hope of reaching the final prize or even the boss battle since I was sending all my characters to the summer mansion instead of working the quest line. At least I have bouncing baby Maggie, I’ll have to take solace in that.

    • I too have had the ‘logged out’ issue. I needed to reset my pword as well, when I got back in all my donuts had gone! I then go booted out like 30 seconds later only to re-enter with them all returned.
      All in all my log out issue has happened 4 times since the first yesterday.

  27. I can’t believe bleeding gums beat Gil! I never understood bleeding gums’ popularity.

    • Bleeding Gums is Darth Vader and Mufasa and that old guy who owns the junkyard dog in The Sandlot….

      And that’s enough reasons for me to vote for him over that sad sack Gil….

      Though Gil as a permanent character instead of some guy who shows up once every few months to sell a waaayyyyy overpriced item would be awesome as well….

      • We kind of need Gil to be a non perminant player, who else would replace him for limited time only specials? Though there is no reason as to why he could not be perminant and when a special comes up he can still advertise it.
        But Bleeding Gums for the title for me.

    • Historyguy303

      It’s easy, Gil is irritating in the extreme.

    • Well he is the jazz man after all 😉

  28. Bleeding Gums to win it all and become TSTO Addicts champion for most desired character!

  29. We already kind of got Pinchy, right? So Laddie should be a shoe-in.

    • As I pointed out in the comments for the last bracket (and as I should have added in the actual post this week), if Pinchy does get added as a PC or NPC sometime this week, he will be replaced by the last character he beat, aka Maurice. But for the time being, it remains Laddie vs Pinchy.

      • Yeah, but this is mutant zombie Mega-Pinchy, so I really wouldn’t think that it would count.

        • Nope, like I mentioned on last weeks, this doesn’t count. But on the off-chance a take-down update offers Pinchy as a PC or NPC is what I was referring to.

          • My fingers, toes, and eyes are crossed that they’ll have dialogue about shrinking him back to normal size and we’ll all be awarded our own lil pinchy….a girl can dream right?

          • That’s what I get for not reading everything.

            But still, I was just itching for a reason to use the phrase “mutant zombie Mega-Pinchy.”

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