Totbox’s Throwback Thursday: S2 E4 Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish

Hello Average-Joe Six-pack, Johnny Lunchpail, Joe Meatball, Sally Housecoat, Eddie Punchclock, and clan of Slack-Jawed Troglodytes, (phrases Burns used in this episode)

This is how Some people talk if they are running for political office and if you didn’t know that you should be “fired” (from whatever job you have)… I guess that joke might not make so much sense in time, but right now, currently in 2016, you’ll be laughing and laughing :p (maybe)

Luckily for us folks, in the U.S.A., We will be done with these candidates in no more than 8 years or so (hopefully much much less). Yet every 4 years (or less) we go through the political campaigns and no matter who we like there is always that candidate that schemes/scams and tosses false facts at us (including some we like). In this episode it is Mr. Burns (which saddly doesn’t sound like a bad candidate comparatively) :p

“Two cars in every garage and three eyes on every fish”
Burns runs for Governor and Bites more than he can chew


There are certain moments in political campaigning that become legendary and when they are spoofed by The Simpsons they become better known 😉 1928 speech by Herbert Hoover “A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage” for one, and while there are more, I’ll let you discover them yourselves :p

Place your ballots for this Season 2, episode 4, the 17th episode of The Simpsons. November 1st 1990.

FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING: Mr. Burn’s Limo (yeah, I was desperate to find something for this category) :p

There are also characters and items that appeared for the first time that Could come into TSTO in the future maybe. OH THE POSSIBILITIES:

Some previously requested Characters: Mary Bailey, Dave Shutton (journalist), and the State Capitol (building).

Possible Skins: Campaign Button Smithers, Piñata fighter Burns, “Vote Burns” Simpson House facade.

Possible Decorations: Campaign train (caboose), Tank that Burns was photographed with durring the campaign.


Possible NPCs: Charles Darwin Actor, and Neon Rat.

Possible Events: Blink’n Blinky Event (you know there has been multiple Evolved three-eyed fish variations over the years), Fishing event (I’ve said this before and until it happens you’ll hear it more), Election/Media Event (at first I thought this idea to be lame but with Voting signs, a Political Stage that may be similar to the Open Stage, that Quimby, Burns, Sideshowbob, School President Lisa/Future President Lisa and others can run for office), and a Safety Inspection mini-event.

image (1)

Characters and Things I didn’t mention because I personally have no interest in them joining the game Don’t Mention It: Safety inspectors (unless they are Event Tappable Critters), campaign team, reporters, elephant in Burn’s Darwin campaign promo, and the general public.

some Highlights:

image (2)

Some other things to think about:

Did you see the flag in the Burns’ Ad? (is that the State Flag where Springfield resides?). Burns didn’t win, so how isn’t the power plant shut down (Did they bring it up to code or pay Mary Bailey off?)? Burns is too weak to turn over a little table and whack a piñata but seems to hold onto a jackhammer pretty well. This episode is (one of the first) riddled with Citizen Kane references (which I love) 🙂 with that being said, I’ll leave out a couple of little nitpicks (they scratch my funny bone and I turn a blind eye…or Three) 🙂

Do you remember this episode? What was your favorite moment? Any of the Possibilities that you Really do/don’t like? Ever shout “Echo!” in order to hear the word “Echo” to echo back? Ever have Noodle Kugel (the dish Burn’s offers when visiting the Simpsons’ house)? Can you imagine a world without mutations or politics? Sound off in the comments and have a great journey back to your current space/time 🙂 This is Totbox and I approve this message :p

16 responses to “Totbox’s Throwback Thursday: S2 E4 Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish

  1. Tracy - 1ltwoody920

    Always a Contrarian, why is the authorship of this posting anonymous?
    More importantly, as I march upwardstjeough Event Levels,
    What the heck will the last prize do?
    Future Buck Conversion Pack
    Perhaps let me buy everything with all the “about to become worthless” Future Bucks if I don’t have enough of the primary currency?

    • To answer your first question, I’d let you read the lengthy comment discussion found in my post:

      (Commenter) Lavett Starts the conversation off. Enjoy 🙂

      • Tracy - 1ltwoody920

        Ahh, ‘it’s you who is the author – and all the while I’m thinking Alyssa had a dual personality that was exposing itself.

        And here you go, create a great post, and now exposed yourself- voluntarily, albeit with a little prodding.

        And my 2nd query is answered by the queen herself in the subsequent post.

        All my questions have been answered. Life doesn’t get any better.

        • Yes Alissa and I are two very different people. And with post’s called Totbox’s throwback Thursdays, it’s a bit surprising people don’t know it is me :p

          I guess I don’t do enough branding, some of my picture collages contain my gravitar/icon but not in this one (mainly use it for spacing issues)

          I’m glad all your questions were answered 🙂

  2. Ernest Borgnine and his raft full of Junior Campers in a fishing event!!! EA we hope you are listening.

  3. I too want Blinky! 😀

    Another great episode that I remember fondly ♡

  4. Your passion for this game never ceases to amaze me. A world without politics and mutations?!?! Where’s the fun in that… also I think they might be the same thing.

  5. Great episode, its good to revisit the classics

  6. Not at stupid what does NPC stand for I always wonder ( does stand for none playable character)

  7. Love this episode! Why isn’t Blinky put under wanted NPCs?
    I know some people may say that ‘he is in our games’ due to his appearance in the river but I want him as an NPC swimming/flipping around my town.
    Great post Totbox, love them so much, reminds me of the many fun items that EA could still add and reminds me of great episodes

  8. “But don’t take my word for it. Let’s ask an actor portraying Charles Darwin what he thinks.” LOL!

    A fishing event would have to include General Sherman and Catfish Lake.

    • Exactly 🙂🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟👁👁👁🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟

      maybe (real size) Pinchy (though not a fish, could be included too), Fishface Marge skin, E.H. (papa) Martin, tackle hat Ned, *Batman theme song* na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na FISHING! Homer.

    • LISA: “Mr. Burns? I hardly see what destroying our meager possessions is going to accomplish.”

      BURNS: “She’s right. Take me home, Smithers. We’ll destroy something tasteful. (walks outside) Ironic, isn’t it, Smithers. This anonymous clan of slack-jawed troglodytes has cost me the election, and yet if I were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to jail. That’s democracy for you.”

    • LISA
      Mr. Burns? I hardly see what destroying our meager possessions is going to accomplish.

      She’s right. Take me home, Smithers. We’ll destroy something tasteful. (walks outside) Ironic, isn’t it, Smithers. This anonymous clan of slack-jawed troglodytes has cost me the election, and yet if I were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to jail. That’s democracy for you.

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