Homer’s Quest for Enlightenment In Four Parts


Before we start this journey, I would like to ask those of you who despise anything that isn’t “directly game related” to turn away…go farm KEMs or simply just save yourself some time and emotional distress.  This is meant for the REST of you, who in a “grinding period” (as we are now) may be looking for a little insight, fun, and metaphysical diversion.

Fair enough? (Although I hate that phrase…something is either fair, or it isn’t).

This update/event has been one of the craziest, most divisive updates in recent memory, and for reasons that the programmers and writers could scarcely have imagined.  OK. Hold on. Who are we kidding here? They knew it was going to incite some discussion, and some controversy, but most likely didn’t expect such clear division between “isms” from the players. So many “isms” choose from…and so few answers.

But, as it is playing out, Homer has continued to lead us all on a spiritual quest for enlightenment (whether we wanted to go down some of the paths or not).  And in the final chapter (is there ever actually a “final” chapter as it pertains to everlasting life?) it’s mostly meant to be just, plain, fun.

Let’s break down Homer’s journey…

The opening dialogue in the first frames of the Act I, started things off poorly.  Let’s be honest about it…nobody who has a chosen faith of any flavor likes to be called a “nutjob.” The ensuing debate between Lisa and Ned over the origins of Christmas and Paganism did little to help, and likely poured gasoline onto the fire.

But, when HOMER gets involved, we are faced with the need to look at religion in a broader context (mostly because his religious views circle endlessly around the food involved with each).

Homer: Is it true, sweetie? Are we having a Bacon Winter Carnival?
Lisa: “Pagan.” Why would anyone have a Bacon Festival? Stupid.
Homer: Don’t mock my religious beliefs! You don’t see me forcing my Baconist teachings on Pagans, do you?
Lisa: No. You’ve been very open-minded about that. Great job.

And there we have it…Homer’s first attempt at being inclusive and not divisive. But it doesn’t stop there…

In Act II things go further off of the rails, with all sorts of misinformation and poor interpretations of Pagan mythology. By the time the “book of shadows” makes its way into the dialogue, the writers are making fun of Paganism, and lazy, TSTO players in one, quick, exchange between Lisa and Willie.

Lisa: This Book of Shadows is just a collection of creepy, witchy nonsense.
Willie: So? EVERY book is a collection of creepy, witchy nonsense. What with all them words, and them strange symbols…
Lisa: Willie… you CAN read, right?
Willie: Aye! Unless it’s in-game dialog. No real man reads in-game dialog.

Ironically, many of you who just blow through the in-game dialogue may have missed that exchange. As well as Homer turning Willie’s horrifying suggestion of human finger sacrifices into “chicken fingers.”  Why not? It’s rumored that human fingers taste like chicken when deep-fried anyway…and they are far better than the squirrels that Willie forces everyone to eat, in order to better understand his version of Paganism.

By the end of Act II, EA has done their best to offend virtually anyone who “believes,” whether it is Paganism, Christianity (with its dedication to lavish gift giving) and almost everything else in between. By the end of Act II…the entire crew is off of the rails. Lisa has turned “Goth,” Burns has taken a turn at becoming a “new God,” and Ned is following any man in a collar, including Lovejoy and the Parson (who is more difficult to follow, as he tools around town in a golf cart, which is far faster than Lovejoy’s train engine).

Act II ends at the same time as 2016…with about the same amount of satisfaction and contentment. In short, hardly anyone felt “resolved.”

The year starts with some basic shaming of the elderly, by making Grandpa wear a New Year’s diaper, and a hotly debated task for Maggie that was either dismembering a “real sheep” or a “stuffed sheep” with a huge kitchen knife on a Pagan alter…neither of which was exactly PG in nature.

The FINAL Chapter in Homer’s quest for enlightenment starts with a lesson for Homer and the concept of “Karma.”

The Wiki describes “Karma” as:
kar·ma – noun
(in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.

Ok. So right away, we see that this is a concept of two different religions (which represent almost 1.5 Billion believers in the world), but also represents some of the basic concepts of Christianity (do unto others as they would have them do unto you). In other words, “what goes around, comes around.”

As usual, Homer’s connection to enlightenment revolves around food and drink…
Homer: Okay, I gave a penny to a homeless guy.  I even picked up a piece of trash. Can I have my million dollars now?
Apu:  That’s not how Karma works. You need to put in some effort, and you’re never exactly sure when the benefit will come.
Homer: Oh, so it’s kind of like drinking.

But now, as we move into the final stages of “Homer the Heretic” we see a twist coming…once again, offered up by Lisa, and another Springfield religious leader…and finally…the ultimate religious leader.

Lisa: Ned, you must be on my side about people cherry-picking religious practices?
Ned: Absolutely. We should cherry-pick the hardest parts of each religion and force ourselves to do it. That’s the only way God will know how much we love Him!

Rabbi Krustofsky: Homer, I see you’re trying out several religions. Might I suggest Judaism?
Homer: No thanks, not interested.
Rabbi Krustofsky: But how can you be sure if you haven’t tried it?
Homer: I’ve tried Kosher pizza. And that told me everything I need to know.

In this interchange, I suspect we learn that Homer’s real diversion from Christianity may have come from his discovery that the communion wafers are bland and tasteless. So…the “body of Christ” could use a little seasoning?

I am not going to reveal the rest of the dialogue that is coming in this episode. However, I will say that if we are to actually follow Homer in his quest to find some sort of enlightenment, it is best to start by realizing the Community of TSTO is a disparate, wide-ranging, core of dedicated players who are forced daily to suspend reality in order to enjoy the game.  The characters in our game regularly walk through walls, walk across water, and fly across the landscape using a wide range of non-air-worthy tools, all of which go against our understanding of the laws of physics (which Lisa makes note of in her final conversation with God).

But in the end, perhaps the FINAL LESSON to be learned from these events, is that there is no single, defining immutable truth that gives us “the only” answer as it pertains to our reality or place in the universe (or beyond).

What seems clear, is that there is a connection in this community of players that reaches beyond borders, cultures, or beliefs, that should bind us together in our similarities, rather than divide us by the small differences that bring out the worst in all of us.

The fact remains, there is no “right way” to believe, or for that matter not believe, in something larger than the basic existence we experience on this earthly plain (or space/time if you choose).  There are only shades of what we feel intuitively, colored against the science of what we can prove.

But, I suggest that the best of who we are, can never be quantified by science or religious scripture.

The debate really comes down to mankind clinging to the notion (and raw intuition) that there “must be more” than the basics of this life, including some sort of reward for living a life of sacrifice and good works while we are here.

I’m not going to go into my own beliefs, but just to be clear that I don’t have an “agenda” (as some have accused me of in the past), I will state that my beliefs are shaped by my experiences, continued education, and a wide-world-view that there are threads of “the truth” in virtually every religion…as well as science and physics.

Einstein wrote:
“A human being is a part of a whole, called by us “universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

Interesting…and very hard to disagree with, if you take off your own special “ism” cloak.

In my experience, the limitations of most religions, are that they start and stop with their written text, and alter the broader experience and opportunity to understand the universal aspects of what makes us all the same.  In the end, we all want to be loved…and feel as though we live a life that is relevant and important…thereby justifying our existence here (and perhaps beyond this mortal coil).
In the end, the primary differences between religions, as well as the overarching quest in science, comes from the two big questions, “How We Got Here” and “Where Are We Going When We Are Done?”  The former is answered in part in the Simpsons episode “The Monkey Suit” (s7e21) when Ned works to get creationism taught in schools.
The latter is up for debate, as there are countless versions of “the afterlife” and perpetual life (through reincarnation), that give us all a second chance (or unlimited chances) to get it right…and be rewarded.

I actually don’t believe in traditional descriptions of “heaven” and “retribution” due to a brief dance on “the other side,” in the mid-1990s.  But I do believe in the physics of energy…and the eternal nature of its existence in this space/time, and beyond.

I’ll leave you with two quotes…one from a book I read recently for our “book club,” the other from Homer… You can choose which is more influential in your belief structure.

The first comes from a great book called, “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr. This book started out as novel about a small chapter in WWII, and ended up being so much more…
“And is it so hard to believe that souls might also travel those paths? That her father and Etienne and Madame Manec and the German boy named Werner Pfennig might harry the sky in flocks, like egrets, like terns, like starlings? That great shuttles of souls might fly about, faded but audible if you listen closely enough? They flow above the chimneys, ride the sidewalks, slip through your jacket and shirt and breastbone and lungs, and pass out through the other side, the air a library and the record of every life lived, every sentence spoken, every word transmitted still reverberating within it.

Every hour, she thinks, someone for whom the war was memory falls out of the world. We rise again in the grass. In the flowers. In songs.”

And from Homer…

Let’s face it…TSTO and religion create a slippery slope for anyone who truly believes. But, as a community of tappers, it is our chosen path to disregard the potential for rancor, and indignation during the COUNTLESS DIGS on religion served up by the show, and the game…and simply agree to be lifted up in the spirit of mutually shared experiences, that make us One!

We are, above all…Tappers. And let us have faith that EA and the writers will bring us redemption for the past few weeks, by bringing us the “BEST UPDATE EVER” in 2017…or at least enough bonuts to make us forget, when they don’t.

Here’s to the search for enlightenment…or bonuts. Whichever comes EAsier.

51 responses to “Homer’s Quest for Enlightenment In Four Parts

  1. Love this post! Have to admit I’ve been one of those people who blew through without reading the dialogue… I will definitely keep an eye out though. Cheers for another great post 🙂

  2. So far, I have refrained from entering the debate but since this is a dedicated post, I will now speak as well – and then forever hold my peace 😉

    As for the Simpsons: I think they showed us in the last 28 years that nothing and no-one is sacred. If there is a laugh to be had, they’ll take it, no matter what. No sense in complaining when they are finally getting around to your own sensitive spot. That being said, EA (and the game) manages to be less funny so you feel the insults more, but you can’t really expect it to be on the same level as the show in a few lines of in game dialogue.

    THE TRUTH doesn’t exist – agreed. Science teaches us that the observer can have a profound impact on the outcome of an experiment, which for me means that two people looking for the truth will not necessarily find the same thing, even if they are looking in the exact same spot. There are as many truths out there as there are people. Religion is supposed to guide us in that search, regardless which one, but this only works if religious leaders are not trying to push their own agenda. Sadly, there are countless examples where this led to death and destruction, rather than the truth for their followers. I am very suspicious of organized religion in any shape or form, just because it is always organized by more or less flawed human beings.

    Life after Death – not so sure about that. Because of the laws of conservation of energy I do think that my consciousness / life force / soul (whatever you want to call it) is not destroyed after my body ceases to function, but I highly doubt that it will retain its cohesion. If every soul that ever was is still out there, and cannot be destroyed, energy conservation would also dictate that a soul cannot be created either. So where do all the new souls come from? You could go with reincarnation, but that also has to destroy our consciousness, because otherwise we would remember all our previous lives. I rather think that the ‘old’ souls provide the raw material to make new ones, no strings or previous lives attached. That would also mean, no answers (or rewards) in the afterlife. You have to find your own truth in your lifetime, and cannot depend on anyone or anything to hand it to you. I am not saying don’t accept guidance, just be aware that there is always a chance it might lead you astray, even if that guidance comes with the best of intentions.

    I think accepting the fact that no two people have the same truth brings us closer to the realization that there is no ‘them’ and ‘us’, no need to hate and belittle anyone for being different, because we all are. And even though everyone is unique, we are still all the same in our quest.

  3. Excellent post, Patric! As a born-and-raised Catholic, I never saw what all of the fuss was about this event. I *especially* liked the posts about Catholicism, because if you can’t laugh at yourself… 🙂

  4. I love playing TSTO and all the event updates whether they are App Store updates or in game updates. The Addicts page is a good source of information as well 😍😍

  5. Love the game !

  6. I do like these pieces by you Patric, my personal view is that organised religion is at best a ollective nuerosis, I had a friend who declared herself an atheist and pagan who got most upset when I suggested you couldn’t be both. And as if to contradict myself I remember reading somewhere that an analysis of all the world’s religions was the basic teaching that…it is good to do good things for others.

    And that is as good a way to live as any in my opinion.

    • Not sure about your first line…but agree with the rest. I would call them a collective salve for an indecipherable malaise. Everyone trying to make sense of that which makes no sense…suffering, inequity, and a seeming randomness in “good and bad luck.”

      But…it is equally whacky on the “science only” crowd who discount anything that “can’t be quantified” until it can…

      • I have more respect for individual, personal views and beliefs rather than doctrine and its when it becomes orgaanised I am equally sceptical of the scientists the laws of physics for example are not laws but an agreed interpretation of phenomena.

        Never did do well around science because of this though my RI teacher tried to get me to take this subject despite or maybe because of my views .

        I am comfortable with knowing there is a lot in this universe we cannot explain though a health sceptic I do think think we should good things for others rather than personal gain.

        Back to Homers’s quest is very funny but a wee bit profound as well…..love Lisa conversation with God.

  7. AMAZING! Did I spell that right? My screen is blurry for some reason. Maybe some Kleenex would help. You are often profound Patrick but this one is one of your best. Hope you, and all of us tappers have a safe and peaceful year (and the best update ever) Those last 4 sentences were perfect!

  8. Wow, you guys are deep! Made my head spin!

  9. Has anybody else had their righteousness meter drop suddenly? Yesterday I was at 5 stars and now I’m at 2.5 this morning

  10. Beautiful, beautiful quote from Einstein.
    I would just like to say that, to an atheist, this event wasn’t offensive in the least. What I’ve been finding slightly insulting to my intelligence lately are questlines entirely based on gross stereotypifications. The latest example, and one of the poorest, was Lisa’s Goth questline. Some of the lamest in-game dialogue I’ve ever seen.
    Oh, and by the way, Buddhists say that Buddhism isn’t a religion… more like a philosophical doctrine, I guess.

    • Well…that is kind of the point. It is a game…based on a cartoon show…that uses very broad humor and stereotypical humor to make its jokes. So, we shouldn’t really expect anything different in the game dialogue. Let’s face it…how deep can you get with even less characters than the typical tweet?

      • More or less. I get what you’re saying, but I’ve never seen such lame, superficial humor on the show, or I would have been similarly annoyed. It’s one of the reasons why I don’t care much about other cartoon shows (like South Park) which are obviously more shallow and with less substance. What’s offensive to me is not the stereotypification per se (come on, I wasn’t even offended by the two episodes they did about my own country), it’s the shallow humor and lazy writing – you know, as if they were writing jokes for a 6-year-old audience. I feel like they’re either underrating their public (which is where I feel slightly insulted) or overrating their own intelligence (which is where I feel slightly taken advantage of).

        • Uhm…you need to follow the link to the Simpsons examples in the post. There are a ton of “lame superficial” religious references in the show. Loads.

          But I get it. They did the same with physics in the Sci-Fi update. But…let’s be honest. Most people aren’t into deep physics or metaphysics. And let’s not “go there” as to the average intelligence of the average player/reader/citizen. All you have to do is a search for “test Americans on basics of government” and you would be shocked at what we don’t know.

          There are some clever references…but you have to dig beyond the basics. When Lisa says, “I AM excited to meet you. But my excitement is offset by my sadness at the death of the causal closure of physics implied by our interaction,” I laughed at the implications of her speaking to an entity that is clearly outside of our space/time…which breaks the basic laws of physics according to the standard model.

          I believe that we do this all of the time…the consciousness is external…and merely interacts with the “machine” (that is our body/brain)…but I digress.

          There is a lot more to all of this than basic religious texts or physics books conclude.

          • Well, as I said, my problem is not with stereotypification per se, but with shallow humor and lazy writing… these do occur occasionally on the Simpsons (resulting in some of the weakest episodes), but not as often as on, say, South Park (where it’s pretty much a constant).
            By the way, my Simpson house is on fire now. What gives?

          • “Supreme nature” as in… EA? 🙂

          • Oops, I remember now – that was part of the questline…

          • By the way, I did follow the link in the post and, while I agree that some of those jokes are pretty weak, I thought most of them were actually pretty good (regardless of whether you believe in the stuff or not). But, to each his own – maybe my sense of humor is just more compatible with that of the show’s writers…

          • My 7 year old grandson loves the Simpsons not sure he gets the sociopolitical undertones but laughs as much as I do.

  11. I liked it better when religion was an off-limits topic around here…

  12. Tracy - 1ltwoody920

    One additional comment – grinding?
    My ‘cathedral ‘ is in its 4 hour build and I’m finished.
    Ready for Sunday
    And the week end storms.

    • Wow…I’ve hardly missed a 4-hour session, and just got Homer in his undies. OK. I guess maybe I have missed a few 4-hour sessions. By “grinding” I am actually talking about repetitive actions…with little content to break it up.

    • Mine has a new home…in between Ayn Rand and the Min Security Prison and across from the Solid Gold House…members should feel right at home…Lol

  13. Tracy - 1ltwoody920

    FWIW (?)
    Science vs. Religion?
    The presence of a cook book does not preclude the need of a cook.

    And speaking of cookbooks and cooks
    Different styles, different flavors but in the end, all provide nourishment.


  14. “Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual…The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.”

    -Carl Sagan

  15. I enjoyed the post but I wanted to point something out.

    Saying that, ” the FINAL LESSON to be learned from these events, is that there is no single, defining immutable truth that gives us ‘the only’ answer as it pertains to our reality or place in the universe (or beyond)” is itself a single, defining immutable statement designed to give an “only answer” about the truth of our place in reality. Therefore it is self-refuting and cannot be true. Saying “there is no one answer” is itself an attempt to give “one answer” and undermines the very claim it makes. Therefore there must be “some answer” out there and by necessity some things must be true and some thing must be false since people often claim things that are mutually exclusive (I.e there is one God, there are many gods, there is no God/gods – are all mutually exclusive claims). This is not a “religious” argument but merely a law of logical reasoning.

    While we should always be respectful in sharing our views and hearing out the views of other people and while we should always be inclusive in treating ALL people kindly and fairly, reason prevents us from both believing that everything is true and believing that nothing is true. Some things must be true and some things must be false even if we disagree on those things. Disagreement on a solution to a math problem does not mean an answer does not exist. It’s possible that some people are right and some are wrong, or even that everyone is wrong, but still, an answer must exist. Gravity existed before we fully understood it and Truth must exist as previously outlined regardless of whether we know/understand it.

    Therefore I believe that we can conclude that while it’s okay to disagree, there must be some answer out there somewhere (even if you disagree with me on that claim, I’m okay with you doing so, but I stand by my claims and reasoning). To quote the X-Files “The truth is out there”. The question is, what is it?

    Many religions and beliefs share certain themes, but not always (see above) and there are some things that we can grasp as being “true” more easily and consistently than others (I.e. murder and theft are wrong, proper love and kindness is good). Also, many “religions” serve more as traditional rule-based social structures and most “beliefs” are just “claims” of one sort or other. How can you possibly sort through them? What tools do you use to distinguish what is true?

    Most often in life if you are open to the truth and willing to search for it honestly you will find it, and most often if you truly desire good things you will produce them. Not always, but many times. Both reason, observation, and basic conscience and consciousness convict us of this. All of these tools and other faculties along with an honest inventory of our current beliefs and convictions is what gives us insight and direction. Some things must be true by way of logic/reason, some things convict us morally, and some things simply resonate. Our journeys to the truth may be different, but there must be some final truth. And almost by definition we must believe that this truth must be absolute and good and satisfying. We all want to love and be loved, but if we do not love the truth then how can we in turn truly love or be loved? And how can we love what we claim does not exist or what we do not know?

    A few things that have helped me:

    “Seek and ye shall find” – Matthew 7:7
    “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit” – Matthew 7:18
    “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6
    “If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love” – John 15:10

    All spoken by Jesus of Nazareth, regardless of your views on him. Please note that he not only claims to love and speak the truth, but to be Truth itself and to provide the very love he himself needs to receive. Worth reflecting on in my opinion. What would it mean if Truth was not an idea but a person, and if knowledge of this Truth/person was what provided us with the love, acceptance, and answers we have always been seeking? Once again, an interesting idea to reflect on imho.

    The Simpsons, TSTO, EA, and Addicts all enjoy “asking questions”. This is merely my attempt to suggest an answer.

    P.s. Sorry for some of these longer posts. I only reply when I feel compelled and I try to be as succinct as possible, but to be fair Patric’s recent posts on these topics have also been lengthy and often call for equally lengthy replies. Might be a little bit outside of the scope of the blog, but again to be fair the game did bring up these topics as did Patric, so hopefully it’s all fair game 🙂

    • I’m fine with your journey…and know intuitively that there is more, including my own experiences.

      What I am getting at…and hoping to convey…is that there are several paths to the same destination. None better than another. The final answers await…just not in this space/time. Faith is what we are left with.

  16. I dunno what the fuss is about, I liked both events. One question though, game related. In a preview article I read something about another religious character coming to Springfield, other than Brother Faith and Rabbi Krustovski, was that about Father Sean or a different, new character? I wanna know if I’m gonna spend my donuts on brother faith. (Already have father Sean from the original event). Long time player here.

  17. Again, I have enjoyed the holiday and mini event. It is pure Simpson’s – insulting everyone, highlighting contradictions, and not taking anything seriously. I am a pagan, my wife christian, and we have loved this holiday season and Homer’s adventures with, as my wife puts it, being a cafeteria Catholic (or protestant). I think everyone just needs to laugh at themselves and have fun with the game.

  18. There may be a correct religion, but even the largest is followed by less than 1/3 of the population. And the people who follow the main religions disagree about certain aspects of them. So what that mean? That most of us are wrong, either in large or small matters. My humble suggestion, be humble and allow others to make their own choices as long as they don’t hurt someone else or you.

    • Well said. Cant all be correct. So by that deduction, all are wrong.

      “The Gods are man’s creation, to give answers that they are too afraid to give themselves.”
      Ragnar Lothbrok

      • Actually, that logic doesn’t work at all: Assuming that all can’t be correct in no way implies that NONE are. Apply reasoning like this to any other topic, and it just doesn’t fly.

        • 1 apple plus another apple equals 2 apples.
          Not an orange, not a pear, not 2 watermelons, nor 3 grapes.
          Only one is correct.
          With religion, seeing as they all can’t be correct, perhaps the one that is correct is that’s it’s all made up.

          • “Perhaps,” yes, but only that. Your wording was “…by that deduction, all are wrong,” and that simply does not follow.

          • I am reminded of a South Park episode that depicted heaven. All of the souls at the Gate were debating which religion got it right. The Gatekeeper issued the edict “For those of you who were wondering, the correct answer was Mormonism.” Cracked me up! All of the righteous souls were dumbfounded, which foretells the actual conversations at the Gate. Only then will you find out if you were right, or wrong, or if there were multiple correct answers. Until then, do good, be good, and hope for the best.

            Thank you Patric for another insightful and thought provoking post.

    • Or all are shades of the same truth…with different texts.

      • Love you Patric, and now I am thinking of the story of Babel.

        Assume devinity chooses to pass knowledge on to humanity. The content of all the wisdom and understanding of the universe is communicated to humanity in a perfect form. Sometime later, mortal human technical writers are hired to document the perfect content, but with the requirement that they must use an ordinary, imprecise human language. Perhaps their work is reviewed by devinity, and finally deemed perfect enough (similar to “fair enough”) to reach the state of being holy and perfect for eternity – but it is only available in a single format. Enter ‘project creep’. So after passing initial review, or possibly before if the review relies on humans and/or the project is behind schedule, portions of the text leak out before the official release. For a successful worldwide release, multi-lingual human subject-matter experts are hired to interpret the writings, some of whom get annoyed and leave to create start-ups, translators and more writers come on board to record the content into many other diverse ambiguous human languages. Each version is reviewed and released to the masses of humans, some of these masses can’t read so they hire their own storytellers…

        We are fortunate to have thought provoking creations like the Simpsons, to keep us on our toes and to allow us to accept the fact that the world is full of ambiguities, unknowns, and many souls. Maybe each soul will learn all the facts someday, but I’d bet donuts it won’t be while living as a human on this very cool planet Earth.

        • I love this concept…reducing supreme relaxation down to a “Data program release.”

          Your last sentence is correct…first step is acknowledging external consciousness…
          Then the source of the alternate location/existence.

          Good luck with that. Been trying to explain it to friends and family for more than 20 years.

  19. The only thing that makes Homer evolve is BEER!

    Beer Make Homer Jesus, Homer walk on water like God to taste that sweet sweet nectar


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