Turbo Tappin’ Around the World/Valentine’s Day: Dia-Betty & Americatown

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

The planes are flying in the air over Springfield but so is love, as Valentine’s Day makes its way into our pocket-sized towns!  Between both the Around the World Event and the Valentine’s Day items there are a bunch of new characters and items in our stores to take us on different twists and turns.

Let’s take a look at the questlines for both Dia-Betty and Americatown and see which twists and turns these two will take us on….




Large and in Charge Pt. 1
Dia-Betty starts

Make Dia-Betty Work on Her Resume- 4hrs, Earns $260, 70xp
Make Cletus Tear Down a Wall- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

Large and in Charge Pt. 2
Apu starts

Make Dia-Betty Work at the Kwik-E-Mart- 4hrs, Earns $260, 70xp
Make Apu Play Video Games- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

Large and in Charge Pt. 3
Flanders starts

Make Dia-Betty Babysit for Flanders- 4hrs, Earns $260, 70xp
Make Flanders Wax His Mustache- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

Large and in Charge Pt. 4
Dia-Betty starts

Make Dia-Betty Seek Business Opportunities- 4hrs, Earns $260, 70xp
Make Cletus Seek a New Contractor- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

Large and in Charge Pt. 5
Dia-Betty starts

Build the Chocolate Shoppe
Make Dia-Betty Move into the Chocolate Shoppe- 4hrs, Earns $260, 70xp
Make Cletus Hire a Pig to Build a Stick House- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

Large and in Charge Pt. 6
Dia-Betty starts

Make Dia-Betty Sell Chocolate- 1hr, Earns $105, 26xp
Make Children Eat Holes in the Wall- x2. 1hr, Earns $70, 17xp Freemium and $105, 26xp Premium

Large and in Charge Pt. 7
Dia-Betty starts

Make Dia-Betty Figger Taxes- 1hr, Earns $105, 26xp
Make Cletus Hire a Pig to Build a Brick House- 1hr, Earns $70, 17xp

Large and in Charge Pt. 8
Cletus starts

Make Dia-Betty Sell Chocolate- 1hr, Earns $105, 26xp
Make Springfielders Buy Diabetic Chocolate- x5. 1hr, Earns $70, 17xp Freemium and $105, 26xp Premium
Make Cletus Serve Pork-Wolf Stew- 1hr, Earns $70, 17xp

Dia-Betty Moonbouce
Dia-Betty starts

Bouce Dia-Betty- 4hrs, Earns $310, 70xp


Big Trouble in Little America Pt. 1
Homer starts

Make Homer Manage Americatown- 1hr, Earns $70, 17xp

Big Trouble in Little America Pt. 2
Homer starts

Make Bart Grab Guitars From Wimpy Musicians- 1hr, Earns $70, 17xp

Big Trouble in Little America Pt. 3
Homer starts

Make Lisa Work on Menu Names- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp
Make Bart Put Up Guitars- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp
Make Homer Manage Americatown- 1hr, Earns $70, 17xp

Big Trouble in Little America Pt. 4
Homer starts

Make Springfielders Argue About Music- x3. 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp Freemium and $260, 70xp Premium

Big Trouble in Little America Pt. 5
Homer starts

Make Homer Hire Waitresses- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

Ralph starts

Make Ralph Learn About American Values- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp

What are your thoughts on the questlines for Dia-Betty and Americatown?  Have you purchased either for your town?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

8 responses to “Turbo Tappin’ Around the World/Valentine’s Day: Dia-Betty & Americatown

  1. Ugh, I regret buying Dia-betty. There’s nothing funny or fun about her questline, it’s just constant fat jokes.

  2. I bought her, but wow a little expensive! I’m dissapointed she has no jobs that we can physically see her doing in Springfield, just her factory job at recycling garbage into sugar lool. It’s always nice to have a new character and I really like the building too.

  3. I wasn’t going to get Dia-Betty (fat jokes really bother me), but I can’t seem to find her in the store now. Where is she hiding? (Yeah, I know that’s a setup for a fat joke.)

  4. Going to put Americatown next to Lincoln’s cabin and George’s Cherry Tree out by the Gorge…add a few western buildings and we have a theme park…

  5. EA really needs to stop with the “make Springfielders do X” tasks or have the job center override those tasks. It’s super annoying when you have over 150 characters that you can’t just send on jobs because almost all of them count as Springfielders.

    • I agree. Lately it seems like every quest line has one of these. Once you’ve started the required number of people on the task (usually only 5), you should be able to send everybody else to other tasks using the Unemployment Office.
      Instead, everyone is blocked from the Unemployment Office because they all have an active quest.

  6. Unfortunately i can’t get Betty. She was available for a few Seconds and since Then she has disappeard:(

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