Gil’s Latest Gimmick: Details & Should You Buy Praiseland (& Rachel Jordan)?

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Looks like Gil’s back in Springfield.  He returned to Springfield this morning, naturally with another offer for us.  What’s the latest gimmick he’s peddling?  Pearly gates of course!  Praiseland is here!

So let’s breakdown the details of this latest offer and determine if you should spend your donuts on this Churchy Combo….

So when you first get into Springfield you’ll see Gil waving his arms around..doing his best impression of Touchdown Jesus…just begging you to tap on him…

If you tap on him you’ll see…

Gil: Hey pal, I hear you like second-tier music festivals! Ol’ Gil is selling a Christian theme park called Praiseland, complete with Christian-Rock headliner Rachel Jordan.  Now, I couldn’t sell a single ticket to Praiseland, but I’m a known terrible salesman. Can I sell it to you?

At which point you’ll see the latest offer…

If you refuse…

Gil: That puts Ol’ Gil in a really tough spot.  My free first month at the storage lot is almost up. Looks like I’m gonna have to burn Joan of Arc at the stake again for warmth tonight?

Remember, if you refuse the deal you should be able to get it again via your Store menu…

This Offer Ends August 29th, 2017…

If you accept

Gil: Gee thanks!  I guess the big man upstairs was looking out for me after all.  And by that I mean the tattooed fella at the shelter in the bunk above mine. He said I’d be getting what’s coming to me today.  I can’t wait to head back and tell him!

If you accept you’ll instantly get Praiseland as one complete build, that size is 18×20.  BUT you can move each individual component around so you can make it as large as you’d like. (or configure as you like)

Once you place Praiseland you’ll see the character unlock message popup for Rachel:

And she is part of the Churchy Joes Character Collection…

So now what I assume most of you are here for…Should You Buy this Churchy Combo?  Let’s break down the details…

Building/Decoration: Praiseland
Includes: Rockin’ Ark, Solomon’s Temple, Forbidden Tree, Praiseland Gate, Praiseland Walls (15), Other Trees (4), Bushes (3), Shrubs (4) & Flowers (2)
  Rachel Jordan
Donut Cost: 185 Donuts…(ouch!)
Earns: Solomon’s Temple: 16 /8hrs (should switch to $200, 22xp/8hrs when event is over (Premium building payout)
Ark:  8 /4hrs (Should switch to $135, 15xp/4hrs when event is over (Premium building payout)
Forbidden Tree & Praiseland Gate each have a 1% bonus on cash and XP (so 2% total)
All of Praiseland as it originally comes 18×20 complete size, but each piece is movable to create your own
Walls are 1×3
Forbidden Tree 3×3
Gate 1×6
Other Trees 2×2 (4)
Bushes 1×2 (3)
Shrubs 1×1 (4)
Flowers 2×2 (2)
Soloman’s Temple 7×7
Ark 10×7
Temple & Ark Consumerism+10, Gate Consumerism +5, Forbidden Tree and Walls Vanity +100
Other Info: Can be placed grass|pavement|boardwalk|pier|dirt|beach

Offer Ends August 29th

-Full character for Springfield
-A popularly requested item for Spingfield (Especially since the Maude statue hit our games recently)
-Rachel will use the Ark for one of her tasks (animated when in use, swings back and forth)
-Forbidden tree is animated when tapped (snake hisses)
-Can build more walls (3hrs, $2000 each)

-Rachel cannot Jam
-No one uses the Temple.

Final Thought:
As usual premium players, if you like it you’re going to buy it.  That’s kind of the definition of being a premium player, right? I do think this one WAY overpriced for what it is/does.  But I do like the overall deal.  You get a character, 2 buildings and a 2% bonus for 185 donuts.  Not the greatest, but not the worst either.  I say if you’re thinking about it pick it up, but if it hasn’t crossed your radar, pass.

Unless you REALLY love Praiseland and you’ve been saving up for Rachel Jordan, I’d pass.  This is over priced & I do think you’re better off getting Leon.  However, if you’ve been longing for Praiseland in Springfield & saving your sprinkles specifically for this, now’s your chance to get it.

Of course in the end it’s completely your decision, we can only tell you what we would or wouldn’t do.  And I can tell you, as a premium player, I’m still on the fence. Just remember, they are limited-time.  So whatever you decide be sure to make your final decision before it leaves our games on the 29th.

Here’s a look at her tasks..

Rachel Jordan’s Permanent Tasks:

Task Length  Earns Location
Do her Hair 1hr $105, 26xp Outside/Visual
Volunteer at Praiseland 4hrs $260, 70xp Praiseland Gate
Ride the Rockin’ Arc 8hrs $420, 105xp Ark
Spread the Word 12hrs $600, 150xp Outside/Visual
Work on Music 24hrs $1000, 22xp Brown House

And here’s a look at the dialogue that pops up when you place and build Praiseland:

Building Walls for God
Ned starts

Ned: With Praiseland back in town, I can finally work on some expansions I’ve been thinking about.  The Parted Sea Wave Pool, the Hall of Animatronic Judases, the Twelve Plagues Tiki Room…But first I need to build some walls to keep the faith in and the Episcopalians out. Even Joshua won’t be able to blown these walls down. Oops, that’ the sin of pride.  After I build the wall, I’m going to spend two hours in the Temple of Scourging.
Build a Wall at Praiseland Gate- Costs $2,000 takes 3hrs. 

And here’s a look at her questline…

Praisin’ Liaison Pt. 1
Ned starts

Make Rachel Jordan Read the Bible at Flanders House- 8hrs, Earns $420, 105xp

Praisin’ Liaison Pt. 2
Rachel Jordan starts

Make Rachel Jordan Do Her Hair- 1hr, Earns $105, 26xp

Praisin’ Liaison Pt. 3
Rachel Jordan starts

Make Rachel Jordan Sing Gospel to Moe and Ned- 4hrs, Earns $610, 160xp

Praisin’ Liaison Pt. 4
Rachel Jordan starts

Make Rachel Jordan Write a Song- 3hrs, Earns $200, 55xp

Praisin’ Liaison Pt. 5
Rachel Jordan starts

Make Rachel Jordan Sing Her Song- 3hrs, Earns $200, 55xp


And that’s it my friends…everything you need to know about Gil’s latest offer for Praiseland and Rachel Jordan!

What are your thoughts on Gil’s latest Gimmick?  Will you be picking up the Pearly Gate?  Have you already? Thoughts on her tasks? Where have you placed Praiseland in your Springfield?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

And finally, because I know a lot of you like to know these things…

150 responses to “Gil’s Latest Gimmick: Details & Should You Buy Praiseland (& Rachel Jordan)?

  1. I hope I get it in the mystery box so I can have giant theme park.

  2. Got this for 80 donuts from the mystery box and still feel ripped off. It was one of only three things and the only one I did not want. What a waste! First time I have ever gotten something and dropped it right into storage. 🤮

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