No Bucks Given Premium Questline: Tabitha Vixx

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s nice to see a little normalcy in our lives right now…even if that normalcy comes in the form of a TSTO update!  An all-new mini-event has hit our games today! No Bucks Given is the perfect mini-event distraction!

With this mini-event one new premium character arrived in our stores to help navigate this event.  Tabitha Vixx is an all-new premium character for Springfield, who not only helps earn mini-helmets but she comes with her own questline as well.

So let’s take a look at the full dialogue for Tabitha Vixx Quest…

Tabitha Vixx Quest Pt. 1
Tabitha starts

Tabitha Vixx: Marge, I need a new dancer for my upcoming tour. A piece of clay that I can mold into the perfect Tabitha Vixx sexy backup dancer.
Marge: Hmm, I know this guy named Disco Stu.
Tabitha Vixx: No silly, you’re the dancer I need. That’s why I’m here.
Marge: I’m flattered, but I think people would ask for their money back if they saw me dancing.
Tabitha Vixx: Don’t worry, Marge. You’re the perfect addition to my Sexy Divorce Land Tour.
Make Tabitha Vixx Peer Pressure Marge- 4hrs, Earns $260, 70xp
Make Marge Reluctantly Become Backup Dancer- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp
Marge: Am I dancing it right?
Tabitha Vixx: Loosen those hips! You need more rhythm. More attitude! Where’s the fire, Marge?!
Marge: You’re being mean.
Tabitha Vixx: This is me being nice. Now dance!

Tabitha Vixx Quest Pt. 2
Tabitha starts

Marge: I don’t know if I can do this anymore. I think the moment you become a mom, you lose all your sexy dance moves.
Tabitha Vixx: Yeah, it’s biological.
Marge: I thought you’d give me pushback on that?
Tabitha Vixx: No, mom dancing is as real as dad dancing. But the effects can be reversed. You just need to tap into young, single Marge.
Make Tabitha Vixx Watch Her Past Performances- 8hrs, Earns $420, 105xp
Make Marge Watch Past Concerts- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp
Marge: You watch old videos of yourself every morning?
Tabitha Vixx: Your biggest inspiration should always be yourself — that’s a Gandhi quote. Look how young and sexy I look, Marge. Now here’s a video Homer gave me.
Marge: Oh my gosh. That’s me dancing on my wedding day! I get it. The path to becoming a sexy performer is being super-into yourself!

Tabitha Vixx Quest Pt. 3
Tabitha starts

Buck Mitchell: Wow, Marge. Your dancing is, well, I don’t know what to say…
Tabitha Vixx: Stop hitting on Marge!
Marge: Can we get back to rehearsal?
Tabitha Vixx: One, two, three… DANCE! Wow, you’re really keeping up with my moves. You’re good at this Marge.
Marge: I am. I am good at this!
Buck Mitchell: Honey, we’re late. You’re throwing out the Isotopes’ first pitch tonight.
Make Tabitha Vixx Throw the First Pitch- 4hrs, Earns $260, 70xp
Make Marge Mess Up the Routine- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp
Marge: *panting* I think I’m a better dancer than you now. I was BORN TO DANCE!
Tabitha Vixx: Ugh, I’ve created a dancing monster. Marge, don’t overdo it. I need you to just practice the routine. Focus on that and you should be good for tomorrow’s performance.
Marge: Don’t worry, I’ll be ready for my big debut.

Tabitha Vixx Quest Pt. 4
Tabitha starts

Tabitha Vixx: Are you ready, Springfield?! It’s me, pop superstar Tabitha Vixx!
Moe: Oh, I’m ready. *pulls out binoculars*
Kirk: Me too. *pulls out binoculars*
Frink: Likewise. *pulls out telescope*
Tabitha Vixx: I have a very special guest dancing backup tonight. Springfield’s own, Marge Simpson!
Homer: Boo!
Lisa: Don’t boo Mom!
Homer: That’s Marge? She looks so different — like the girl in one of those Carl’s Jr. commercials.
Bart: Oh no, what is she doing up there? It’s like she doesn’t know the routine or something…
Make Tabitha Vixx Perform “Sexy Marriage Land”- 12hrs, Earns $600, 150xp
Make Marge Try Her Best- 12hrs, Earns $420, 100xp
Moe: I’m so conflicted. I’m turned on by Tabitha’s performance, but also turned on by Marge’s awful performance.
Kirk: Now that I’m divorced, do you think I have a shot with either of them?
Frink: I’ve calculated the likelihood. Your chances with them are one in four-point-two-million.
Kirk: There’s a chance!

Tabitha Vixx Quest Pt. 5
Tabitha starts

Marge: That was so embarrassing. I feel like Mariah Carey whenever she’s caught lip syncing.
Tabitha Vixx: Don’t let the naysayers get you down. You faced your fear, and more than that, you made me look good.
Marge: Wait, was that your plan all along?
Tabitha Vixx: Sorry, Marge. If I hadn’t kept you in the dark, it would have never worked.
Marge: So you were just saying I was a great dancer? I feel awful.
Tabitha Vixx: Here’s your cut of the door.
Marge: Woo-hoo!
Make Tabitha Vixx Celebrate With Marge- 4hrs, Earns $260, 70xp
Make Marge Celebrate with Tabitha- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

And this concludes the premium dialogue for Tabitha Vixx.

Thoughts on the mini-event?  Did you buy Tabitha?   Thoughts on the dialogue? Sound off below, you know we love hearing from you!

3 responses to “No Bucks Given Premium Questline: Tabitha Vixx

  1. At first I thought, “ok cool a Premium Character to help earn extra Event Currency, but she comes with a Dumb Decor Stage” ….. until the Perform “Sexy Marriage Land” Visual Task (worth spending the sprinkles to lol at that hoochie dance!) 😂

    • If it were not for the stage, I probably would have passed.

      I am thinking of starting a stage-land, to go along with my praiseland.

  2. What,what, what, I thought I was reading a rerun, just been on, must have missed the start/update thought I was finished, ok calm proceed as normal, woohoo

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