Game of Games The Sequel Act 2 in Live! The Rundown and What You Need To Know

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Who’s ready to tap?  Game of Games The Sequel Act 2 is upon us, so let’s get to it!

Remember, this Act will still be playable until the event ends on July 16th.  However, Act 3 will start on June 28th. 

Things kick off for Act 2 with some dialogue between The Game Master, CBG, and Strawberry…

The Game Master: *grumbling* Just gimme a minute, Strawberry. I’m working on world domination here…
CBG: Strawberry? Wait a second…I know who you are!
Strawberry: Yeah, you literally just said my name. I’m Strawberry.
CBG: No, not you. The Game Master!

This triggers the Act 2  questline, Zero-G Whiz, and is followed by 30m tasks for CBG and the Evergreen Terrors, as well as a task to collect Act 2 Currency (150).  Zero-G Whiz is the questline that will take you through unlocking all of this Act’s prizes.

Let’s take a look at what else is in store during Act 2…

We still don’t have an update package from EA, and it doesn’t appear that we’re going to get one. So, I do not have a synopsis to share with you on this Act.  However, as per usual, I will be posting the full dialogue as this Act progresses.

As I stated above, you’ll go right into the Zero-G Whiz questline, which is what the Act 2 story will follow. This questline is how you’ll unlock the Act 2 prizes.

The currency we’re working on collecting for Act 2…

Energy Drinks

I’ll lay out specifically what you need to do for each part in the turbo tappin’ post, but I don’t want any of you to get messed up with this.  So don’t forget to SCROLL!

Here are the prizes for Part 2:

The Game Master 150
Lee Carvallo Putting Challenge Standee 125
Space Simulator 125
Mystery Box Token 125
Bart’s Moon Mansion 175

Questline, which I’ll post later, will show how each is unlocked. 

Characters who can complete tasks for Act 2:
Strawberry (New Premium)
Wall-E-Weasel (New Premium)

Characters earn:

5/4hrs for Freemium
8/4hrs for New Premium

Act 1 Prizes

These are STILL unlockable if you haven’t completed that prize track.  You have until the event ends to unlock ALL the prizes.  So keep going with the earlier Acts if you haven’t yet finished it. You have until July 16th to finish those…


Here’s what’s included today:

New stuff…

Wall-E-Weasel and Broken Dreams Storage Lockers – 150 Donuts.  Leaves stores when the event ends…

All other returning content, that arrived during Act 1 remains until the event ends.

And that’s it my friends.  The details of Act 2 of the Game of Games Sequel Event.

Thoughts on this act?  Share em below!

27 responses to “Game of Games The Sequel Act 2 in Live! The Rundown and What You Need To Know

  1. So one of our prizes is a costume for a premium character they want us to buy with this event (coolsville / Milo)

    way to go EA 👏 👏 👏!

  2. I did not receive a Gamer character, it says it is just a costume. If so, who is it a costume for?

  3. toxicshark965

    And a very happy birthday to Alissa, thanks for all your efforts..enjoy your day

  4. Hello all, hope everyone is being safe….i lost my in game sound wkth new update anyone else?

    • Yeah, I lost sound too with this update! I thought it was my device. Having a hard time hearing Baby Maggie and her pacifier. Also, since update, my game freezes every time my gameplay is interrupted or window is minimized. If I get closed out of game, I am unable to get back in, so I have to ‘restart’ and wait for everything to load and connections to connect.

  5. I didn’t get the game master. It said he went into storage (giant give me the option) then when I went looking for him he wasn’t there and wasn’t in my character collections.

    • Neither did I. Can find him anywhere

    • Nor me, and then when I looked back it just said outfit rather than character?

      • Found him, it is just a costume and it was buried in my general inventory. Turns out you have to have Coolsville unlocked (which you can currently buy for 150 donuts during the event). Coolsville is a building/character that was released for a limited period back in 2016. This gives you Milo.

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! to Alissa, who, coincidentally, just happens to have a birthday that falls on the same day as the birthday of the world famous Garfield The Cat.

  7. I rushed thru Act 2 …. because I need to concentrate on the TMobile 5G installation / and maintaining the Network vs my Springfield (that, and coming home Covid-19 free!) you know, “real world” …. but there was enough to appreciate in Act 2 (and minimal that is dumb!) 😉👉🏻

    The Game Master – new Character (he’s not voiced, but neither is Strawberry, his Girlfriend) and his Task is fun (so play thru it). 👍🏻

    Lee Carvallo Putting Challenge Standee – if you’ve already got Lee Carvallo with Mini Golf Castle? then you’ve put this Dumb Decor right into Storage. 👎🏻

    Space Simulator – normally I’d say “more Dumb Decor?”, but this is a keeper (goes swell in your Krustyland, or NASA but it isn’t NASA area). 👍🏻

    Mystery Box Token – ok, I got Mr. Dirt finally (will I get 12 🍩’s in Act 3 & Act 4 ’cause that’s the last of the Sequel Mystery Box?) and he was free. 👍🏻

    Bart’s Moon Mansion – another Building (cool shape, goes swell in your Future area) I didn’t check to see if Bart has a Character Task here (I’ll check Monday). 👍🏻

    Act 2 Premium Character Combo (Wall E. Weasel with Broken Dreams Storage Unit) – yes, I spent sprinkles on this (might as well have extra help earning Event Currency) and his Task is fun (play thru it, especially if you’ve got the Wall E. Weasel’s Building), but I don’t see a Character Task for the Broken Dreams Storage Unit Building (and that’s Sideshow Bob related). 👍🏻

    So, a better selection of Event Prizes (for me), but I still need to check on Character Tasks for the new Buildings (don’t be L-EA-Z-Y, EA, new Content is cool … but it’s not cool when delivered half arse!) 🙃

    Stay Safe 🌞

  8. This event would be ok if not a bit shorter, long wait between acts

  9. The items in act 2 look more better than act 1 since its 2 buildings, 2 decorations, 1 character and 1 outfit plus the token. I’m looking forward to unlocking The Game Master and Bart’s Moon Mansion. Wall-E-Weasel and the Broken Dreams Storage Lockers look good and I hope Wall-E-Weasel has a permanent task at Wall-E-Weasel’s.

    • Me too – Wall E Weasel at Wall E Weasel’s (and Sideshow Bob at Storage Unit for Broken Dreams would be nice) … yeah Bart at Bart Simpson Moon Mansion (I rushed thru, will check on new permanent Character Tasks later)😉👍🏻

  10. Weasel/Building combo worth the donuts?

    • depends on what you think is worth donuts? It’s a character/building combo, offered at standard price.

    • If you have the Wall E Weasel’s Building, then you’ll enjoy Wall E Weasel (and the extra Event Currency obtained).🙃

  11. I got Wall E Weasel (not that I need him of the event currency, because I don’t) I wanted the storage facility,

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