Tag Archives: friendship level 7

Where did THAT come from – Capital City Goofball

“There’s a swingin’ town I know called… Capital City.
People stop and scream “Hello” in… Capital City!
It’s the kind of place that makes a bum feel like a king,
And it makes a king feel like some nutty cuckoo super king.
It’s against the law to frown in Capital City!
You’ll giggle like a stupid clown when you chance to see the 4th Street and D!
Once you get a whiff of it, you’ll never want to roam,
From Capital City, my home singin’ home!”

Who doesn’t love a song sung by Tony Bennett for a fictitious city in the universe of the Simpsons?  Oh capital city, where you can see real street crime, a restaurant called Penny Loafers which is shaped like the shoe, neon lights and Mascots actually have an entrance at the baseball stadium.

Of course, most fans of the Simpsons are well aware of the mascot for Capital City’s pro baseball team, the Capital City Goofball.  The episode tie-in for “Days of Future Future” brought us this funny fellow in our Friend Points.  Once you reach Level 7 (a total of 19,500 friend points, CCG costs 3,000)… he’s all yours.

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