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Shiver Me Barnacles: Nathaniel Walkthrough


Ahoy there Addicts, let’s have a look at the cash offering for this mini event, Nathaniel and the Candy Shoppe.

As ever this isn’t exactly a Should I Buy, more like it’s a look at what you get if you decide to spend some real money, so you can make your own minds up.

Here’s what’s in this post:
• Basic info
• Questline with Dialog
• Permanent tasks

Lets get started then, shall we . . .

Basic info:

• Cost: In- app purchase, 300 Donuts bundle
• Name: Nathaniel
• Type: Character
• Premium: Yes
• Voiced: Yes
• Questline: Yes
• Animated Job(s): Yes, 8 and 12 hour tasks

Bundled with:
• Name: Candy Shoppe
• Type: Building
• Built: 6 seconds
• Earns: 135 $$s and 15 XP every 4 hours
• Job(s): Yes, Nathaniel and “Youngsters”
Assorted kids have a premium 30 minute task, Overload On Sugar

That also comes with:

• Name: Boarded Up Candy Shoppe
• Type: Skin
• For: Facade for the Candy Shoppe
You’ll need to find this in your inventory

Questline with Dialog:

Nothing So Sweet, part 1:

Nathaniel: The Candy Shoppe is back and better than ever, and I have the citizens of Springfield to thank.
Dr Hibbert: I’m your biggest fan! The more sugar you provide, the more patients I get!
Nathaniel: Anyway, why not repay their kindness by offering one free bag of candy to every customer?
Moe: *holding garbage bag* He never said how big a bag!

• Make Nathaniel Sell Sweets – 4 hours

Homer: This candy tastes so much better knowing that it’s free.
Marge: Homer, go easy on the sugar…
Nathaniel: Don’t worry, Marge, as long as he’s chowing down on sweets, he won’t be drinking himself into oblivion.
Homer: I’m drunk off candy!
Marge: It’s always the same with you.

Reward: 100 $$s, 10 XP

Nothing So Sweet, part 2:

Nathaniel: Well, the Candy Shoppe is doing great business, but there’s a lot of Springfield I have to thank for giving us a second chance.
Nathaniel: And how better to show that than by helping out?

• Make Nathaniel Offer Repair Services – 4 hours

Willy: Ach, what’s with that gear in your hand, laddie?
Nathaniel: Pardon me sir, I was just lending a hand, giving back to the town we’ve been so graciously raised in.
Willy: I’m the handyman in these parts! Mending’s my middle name, and I won’t be usurped like some John Balliol!
Nathaniel: Who is John Balliol?
Willy: Did you never take Scottish History, you daft dunlin?!

Reward: 100 $$s, 10 XP

Nothing So Sweet, part 3:

Willy: Oh look, it’s the guy trying to steal my gig as the angry handyman.
Nathaniel: Is there anything I can help you with?
Willy: Stop being so nice, it’s weird and annoying!
Nathaniel: It’s just in my nature to help out… but if it makes you feel better, you can Venmo me.
Willy: Ok, fine, I do have a wee problem. Do you know a way to get ink stains out of carpet?
Nathaniel: Hmm, ink stains? How much ink are you talking?
Willy: Well, the budget got cut at the school, so now all the kids are using ink and the feathers I pluck from my goose, Goosius!
Goosius: Honk!
Willy: Anyway, the kids are spilling ink all over the new carpets.
Willy: It’s like a Jackson Pollock painting in there!
Nathaniel: Hmm… have you tried baking soda?
Willy: Do ye think I’m some gowkish Grampian?! Of course I’ve tried baking soda!

• Make Nathaniel Try to Clean Carpets – 4 hours
• Make Willie Pour Himself a Glass of Scotch – 4 hours

Nathaniel: Well, I tried every stain removal process, but I guess this ink is permanent.
Goosius: Honk!
Willy: What a great idea, Goosius!
Nathaniel: You speak goose?
Willy: Goosius thinks we should just stain the entire carpet with ink!
Nathaniel: Actually, that’s a pretty good idea, Goosius.
Goosius: Honk!

Reward: 200 $$s, 20 XP

Permanent tasks:

• Task: Refill The Caramel Vat
• Time: 1 hour
• Earns: 105 $$s, 26 XP
• Animated: No
• Location: The Candy Shoppe

• Task: Buy Sugar
• Time: 4 hours
• Earns: 260 $$s, 70 XP
• Animated: No
• Location: Kwik-E-Mart

• Task: Sell Sweets
• Time: 8 hours
• Earns: 420 $$s, 105 XP
• Animated: Yes
• Location: Outside – visual

• Task: Offer Repair Services
• Time: 12 hours
• Earns: 600 $$s, 150 XP
• Animated: Yes
• Location: Outside – visual

• Task: Craft New And Terrible Sweets
• Time: 24 hours
• Earns: 1,000 $$s, 225 XP
• Animated: No
• Location: The Candy Shoppe

There you have it, over to you. Is this a must-buy, a maybe or a hard-pass?
Your opinions might help any Addict who’s not made up their minds yet so please share your thoughts in the comments.

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