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Random Changes Level 42


Well now, for all those of you that said there was just not enough going on. That you were just bored already…HERE YAH GO! Lol.

New Level 42 means changes to the game. Some you may have not even caught the changes. So here we go.

Realty Guide Price Points: Remained at 8 tiers, so this means the previous lower levels dropped down a Price Point Tier. How does this impact the games? Here are the new price points. (Base cost of building times multiplier for that level. Top 8 tier Levels decrease in price until they hit their base cost. Multipliers are 4X, 4X, 3X, 2X, 1.6X, 1.4X, 1.3X, and 1.3X.) Some prices remained the same as the multipliers at top two and the bottom two are same.

Level 34 
Springfield High School – $126,500

Springfield Knowledgeum – $77,500 (36hr build)

Level 35 (x1.3) 
Spinster City Apartments ($130,500) – $169,650 (36hr build)

DMV ($80,000) – $104,000




Level 36 (x1.3) 
NoiseLand Video Arcade ($82,500) – $107,250

Level 37 (x1.4)
Bachelor Arms Building ($84,500) – $118,300

Office of Unemployment ($103,500) – $144,900 (36hr build)

Level 38 (x1.6)
Courthouse ($106,500) – $170,400 (36hr build)

Springfield Grocery Store ($87,000) – $139,200

Level 39 (x2)
Sanjay’s House ($146,000) – $292,000

Level 40 (x3)
Ah Fudge! Factory ($150,000) – $450,000

Level 41 (x4)
Vulgari Jewelry Store ($200,000) – $800,000

Level 42 (x4)
Itchy & Scratchy Studios ($200,000) – $800,000


Bernice had her task at the Banana Dictatorship at the top of her list instead of in order by the hours. That is now corrected. Her 6hr task should be back to where it belongs.





For some odd reason a while back, the campfire was set to be limited to the grass areas and no longer on the beach (I had several on the beach). So if I moved them, I could not place them back. Now it looks as though EA is allowing them to be placed once again along the beach, pavement, and grassy areas.


Changes to Number 1’s Daily Tasks. (Click to see larger image.)


For those of you that got several of those Beach Towels & Umbrellas during Easter, those are no longer limited to the Boardwalk or Beach. You can now put them on the grass too. So a lil more options for decorating there.


Still no sign of the Nuclear option returning or the items that are locked out of storage being unlocked. This is frustrating to me as it has put all my 2D and 3D to a hault.

Last lil bit (you know I am always gonna mention this), with so many people having technical issues with their games. Uninstall/Reinstall, Clear Cache & Data, etc…do NOT forget to check the Confirm Donut Spend. It will reset. For the rest, just make sure all your settings are still where you want them to be. (Items Menu, lil Italic “i” in top left corner of menu next to vid camera) Those pink sprinklies are precious and it sucks when you lose them.



Got the typical “ROLLBACK” glitch that occurs with some updates. Try the usual Basic Troubleshooting, and if need more help…contact EA.

So there are a few random changes. I am still looking to see if anything more pops ups. I will update this post if I do. Do you like the new items with the Update? Any changes you see that we have not listed? Smithers Error gone? Let us know.

Til Next Time



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