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Should I Spend Donuts on the Bart Balloon?


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s Thanksgiving in Springfield!  Time to stuff the turkey and stock up on donuts because there are new Thanksgiving themed premium items in our stores!  Now I know you may be trying to decide if these are worth YOUR donuts, but don’t sweat it!  We’re here to tell you what’s worth the donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add the Bart Ballon to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this floating prankster to your town! 

Decoration: Bart Balloon
Donut Price: 40 Donuts
Bonus %: 2% bonus on all cash and XP
Conform-O-Meter: Vanity +400
Size: 1×1
Unique: No, buy as many as you’d like

Leaves Stores on December 1st

-Nice bonus % awarded (although Jet Engine Bike is still better)
-Unique looking decoration for Springfield
-Fits in with past Thanksgiving themed balloons
-Comes with a very short bit of dialogue between Bart and Lisa

-It’s just a decoration, doesn’t do anything beyond “looking pretty”

Final Thought:
Premium or Freemium:
This is one of those, if you like it buy it items.  It’s not a bad buy, but it’s a personal choice.  If you like it and think it’ll fit nicely in your town pick it up.  If not, pass on it and save your donuts for something more/better down the road.

Of course in the end it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would/wouldn’t do…and I can tell I’ll most likely pass on this one.   However, this IS a limited-time item.  So if you’re thinking about getting it make sure you make your final decision before it leaves our games on December 1st.

Here’s a look at the dialogue that comes with it…

Bart: Finally, a giant balloon celebrating Springfield’s most awesome kid.  It looks just like me.
Lisa: Not quite.  The real you is more gas-filled.
Bart: Eat my helium shorts!

What are your thoughts on the Bart Balloon?  Will you be spending the donuts to bring it to your Springfield (or did you already)? Where have you placed it?  Thoughts on Thanksgiving? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you! 

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