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Turbo Tappin’ Rommelwood Academy: Main Questline and Prizes


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Ten-hut! Rise and shine you maggots tappers!  Time to put those tapping figures to work, no time to be a precious snowflake and go crying to mama here.  Skinner’s gonna put everyone through the ranks and make soldiers tappers outta you yet!

The military event, long teased in the app store descriptions, as finally hit our towns and the kids of Springfield are about to get schooled at the finest Military Academy virtual money can buy…in Springfield.  Yes, Rommelwood Academy is here with all the drills and in your face spitting yelling our pocket-sized Springfields can handle.

Of course, as with all events, a questline comes with it to help move us through the ins and outs of the event…and unlock all of the prizes.  As was mentioned on the rundown post this mini event is similar to the previous mini-events (like Homer the Heretic and the Most Dangerous Game before it), in that you’ve got to complete various tasks to unlock the prizes.

So let’s take a look at the questline to see just how to unlock all the fun Military inspired prizes and figure out what happens when Lisa goes against the Eliminator…

Before we get into the walkthrough there are a couple of things I want to point out…
1) You have to be at Level 20 to see this event in your game.  AND you must have Bart unlocked to start the prize track questline.
2) From what I’ve seen coins () will NOT carry over.

And now on with the walkthrough….

Event prelude…

School’s Out Forever Pt. 1

Make Kids Extort Skinner- x3. 6s, Earns $35, 1xp Freemium and $50, 2xp Premium
Make Skinner Debase Himself-6s, Earns $35, 1xp

School’s Out Forever Pt. 2

Make Parents Extort Skinner- x3. 6s, Earns $35, 1xp Freemium and $50, 2xp Premium
Make Skinner Further Debase Himself-6s, Earns $35, 1xp

School’s Out Forever Pt. 3

Make Kids Skip School- x3. 6s, Earns $35, 1xp Freemium and $50, 2xp Premium

Event start..

Left, Right, Left Pt. 1

Make Bad Kids Skip Class- 3hrs, Earns 10 , 35xp
Can send Dolph, Bart and Nelson
Collect Class Coins- x80 (Go to Class Task can by found by tapping Do It next to the collect class coins task.  3hr task)
Here’s who you can send:
Ralph- Earns 10 , 35xp
Nelson- Earns 10 , 35xp
Bart-Earns 10 , 35xp
Dolph- Earns 10 , 35xp
Database- Earns 10 , 35xp
Janey- Earns 10 , 35xp
Milhouse- Earns 10 , 35xp
Lisa- Earns 10 , 35xp
Martin- Earns 10 , 35xp
Greta- Earns 20 , 35xp
Leopold- Earns 20 , 35xp

Completed task awards Rommelwood Academy

Left, Right, Left Pt. 2

Make Lisa Enroll at Rommelwood Academy- 3hrs, Earns 10 , 35xp
Collect Class Coins- x180 (Task to earn  can by found by tapping Do It next to the collect class coins task.  3hr task)
Here’s who you can send:
Ralph- Earns 10 , 35xp
Nelson- Earns 10 , 35xp
Bart-Earns 10 , 35xp
Dolph- Earns 10 , 35xp
Database- Earns 10 , 35xp
Janey- Earns 10 , 35xp
Milhouse- Earns 10 , 35xp
Lisa- Earns 10 , 35xp
Martin- Earns 10 , 35xp
Greta- Earns 20 , 35xp
Leopold- Earns 20 , 35xp

Completed Task awards Rommelwood Statue

Left, Right, Left Pt. 3

Make Bart Write an Essay on Cruel and Unusual Pushishment- 3hrs, Earns 10 , 35xp
Collect Class Coins- x350 (Task to earn  can by found by tapping Do It next to the collect class coins task.  3hr task)
Here’s who you can send:
Ralph- Earns 10 , 35xp
Nelson- Earns 10 , 35xp
Bart-Earns 10 , 35xp
Dolph- Earns 10 , 35xp
Database- Earns 10 , 35xp
Janey- Earns 10 , 35xp
Milhouse- Earns 10 , 35xp
Lisa- Earns 10 , 35xp
Martin- Earns 10 , 35xp
Greta- Earns 20 , 35xp
Leopold- Earns 20 , 35xp

Completed Task awards Rommelwood Barracks

Left, Right, Left Pt. 4

Make Bart Plan the Escape- 3hrs, Earns 10 , 35xp
Collect Class Coins- x420 (Task to earn  can by found by tapping Do It next to the collect class coins task.  3hr task)
Here’s who you can send:
Ralph- Earns 10 , 35xp
Nelson- Earns 10 , 35xp
Bart-Earns 10 , 35xp
Dolph- Earns 10 , 35xp
Skinner- Earns 10 , 35xp
Database- Earns 10 , 35xp
Janey- Earns 10 , 35xp
Milhouse- Earns 10 , 35xp
Lisa- Earns 10 , 35xp
Martin- Earns 10 , 35xp
Greta- Earns 20 , 35xp
Leopold- Earns 20 , 35xp

Completed task awards Cadet Lisa

Left, Right, Left Pt. 5

Make Lisa Complete Rifle Training- 3hrs, Earns 20 , 35xp
Collect Class Coins- x450 (Task to earn  can by found by tapping Do It next to the collect class coins task.  3hr task)
Here’s who you can send:
Ralph- Earns 10 , 35xp
Nelson- Earns 10 , 35xp
Bart-Earns 10 , 35xp
Dolph- Earns 10 , 35xp
Database- Earns 10 , 35xp
Janey- Earns 10 , 35xp
Milhouse- Earns 10 , 35xp
Lisa- Earns 20 , 35xp
Martin- Earns 10 , 35xp
Greta- Earns 20 , 35xp
Leopold- Earns 20 , 35xp

Completed task awards the Eliminator

Left, Right, Left Pt. 6

Make Martin Serve Double Detention- 3hrs, Earns 10 , 35xp
Collect Class Coins- x480 (Task to earn  can by found by tapping Do It next to the collect class coins task.  3hr task)
Here’s who you can send:
Ralph- Earns 10 , 35xp
Nelson- Earns 10 , 35xp
Bart-Earns 10 , 35xp
Dolph- Earns 10 , 35xp
Database- Earns 10 , 35xp
Janey- Earns 10 , 35xp
Milhouse- Earns 10 , 35xp
Lisa- Earns 20 , 35xp
Martin- Earns 10 , 35xp
Greta- Earns 20 , 35xp
Leopold- Earns 20 , 35xp

Completed task awards the Conquer the Eliminator task for Cadet Lisa

One Girl Army
Autostart when the main prize track is over

Make Lisa Conquer the Eliminator- 12hrs, Earns $420, 100xp

Once you’ve finished the prize track and unlocked the Eliminator you’ll earn the ability to send Lisa on a 12hr task there, to Conquer the Eliminator.  Each time you send her you’ll earn a prize once the task is complete.  (Basic prizes…like Training Dummy, Barbed wire fence etc)

And that’s it!  All there is to the main prize track for the Rommelwood Academy mini event!

What are your thoughts on the HRommelwood Academy mini event?  Any prizes you’re excited about?  Any premium items have your interest?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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