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Should I Spend Donuts On Russ Cargill?


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

The spies are invading Springfield!  Yes, the Secret Agent update has hit our games.  We’ve got hacking, drones, dossiers and a shrinking donut bank account because there are LOADS of spy items in our stores just tempting us with those sprinkles!

Of course with that limited-time label it can be tempting to buy everything that looks awesome because it’ll be gone soon.  But don’t sweat it!  That’s where we come in to tell you what’s worth those donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add Russ Cargill?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this E.P.A. power tripping head to your Springfield…

Costume: Russ Cargill
Donut Price: 80 Donuts

Leaves Stores April 25th

-Premium character for Springfield (earns 50% more cash/xp)
-Comes with a full 5 part questline
-Hilarious outdoor tasks
-Earns a super premum rate at the HQ (80 intel/4hrs)

-Not voiced

Final Thought
Premium and Freemium:
There’s a reason why there are few cons for Russ Cargill.  He’s a fun character, but his cons stand for themselves.  He’s over priced for a stand alone character & he’s not a voiced character.  That being said, if you have fond memories of Cargill from The Simpsons Movie now is you’re chance to pick him up.  It does help that he earns Super Premium at the HQ…
This purchase is solely based on your affection for the character, as there are no practical reasons to pick him up.  As Mastermind Hank and/or the Nerds are a much better deal.

Of course in the end it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would or wouldn’t do.  And I can tell you as a premium player, I’ll likely be picking Russ Cargill up.  I’m one of the ones who was hoping he’d join the game in one capacity or another.  Just remember this is limited time, and will be leaving our stores soon.  Whatever you decide, So be sure to make your final decision before it’s gone from our games for good. (or for now..)

Here’s a look at his tasks..

Russ Cargill’s Permanent Tasks:

Task Length Earns Location
Reject Defeat, Use a Shotgun 1hr $105, 26xp Outside/Visual
Go Mad Without Power 4hrs $260, 70xp Outside/Visual
Look up the Treasure of Ima Weiner 8hrs $420, 105xp Springfield Library
Ignore Harvard Alumni Mailouts 12hrs $600, 150xp Brown House
Promote E.P.A Actively 24hrs $1,000, 225xp Brown House

What are your thoughts on Russ Cargill?  Will you be picking him up or have you already?  Why or why not?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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