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A-P-P-L-A-U-S-E…. the applause,applause applause….

Man… sitting at home and the teenager wanted to watch the Lady Gaga & the Muppets Holiday Special and this frakkin song is stuck in my head. Arrrrgggggh… Muppets so good and Gaga so strange. If she wasn’t a cameo performer in The Simpsons, I might be angry. Gotta… do… something…. to make…brain demons… go silent… must… find… people as weird as me…. ok, over to  Besides all you awesome tapaholics here, this is my other tapped out community where I go to be the addict that I am. It is basically like the Facebook for TSTO. I have met sooooo many interesting and cool folks over there.

Anywho, this post isn’t a complete plug for those folks but it’s more of a segway into the really cool “TSTO Tip” for all my Android peeps. (I really hate putting two of those words together but couldn’t think of a better way to describe it.) As an ioS player, I take it for granted that neighboreeno management  is so easy on my device. Over and over I have heard that it sucks that Droid users can’t easily delete neighbors unless they use the Origin program.

Well, breaking news my friends! One of my good buds over at tapped-out (you rock Chris J.) discovered a way for Android users to be able to delete folks within their devices and passed the info to me to break here for all you Addicts! Of all the places to find this… it’s in Scrabble. Weird, right? Here’s the info on removing friends for Android:

Download the EA game ‘Scrabble’ from the App store. It is free, but is about 38MB, so do it over Wi-Fi. Once installed, open up the app.

The first time you use it, it will want to take you through a tutorial, however I noticed a handy ‘Skip’ button. Kinda wish I had one of these in real life too.

This takes you to the home screen where you will see an option to join your friends via Facebook or Origin. Tap on the ‘Origin’ button which will take you to a log in screen where you enter the same e-mail address and password that you use for your TSTO game. If you have more than one account, use the one you want to remove friends from.

Once you are logged in, you will get a notification about how to return to the game. Just tap the ‘x’ in the top right corner. You are now presented with a page that has two tabs at the top. If you tap on the ‘Friends’ tab, you will see a list of all your TSTO neighboreeno’s. Clever huh?

Tap on the orange arrow to the right of the neigbor-eeno you want to remove (names have been blocked out to protect the innocent). Two options pop up. Tap on ‘Profile’.

Once the profile opens, tap on the ‘+’ and then tap ‘Remove Friend’  It will ask you if you are sure, tap ‘Remove’. It will return you to the list of friends where you can repeat the process.

So there you have it. Neighbor-eeno removal on Android devices. This is so genius and Chris J. is my hero for sharing the info. I applaude you! (didn’t think I’d tie in that Gaga intro, did ya?) As a bonus, scrabble is a fun game and I think this outside the box fix is brilliant.  It might work on other android games that connect to origin as well.

Well, y’all stay classy and keep on tapa-tapa-tapping.

Wookiee out and cheers Chris!

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