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Oh Those Origin Servers Are Down Again….Open Thread


“They’re up
They’re down,
They’re down and up and down
down, down, down
up, up, up,
The EA Distraction Show!”
(Thanks CGuy for the awesome modification to my server’s down jingle!)

Update: 8:15pm EST…I’m finally able to get back into TSTO on my A game on my GS4 phone, but i’m still locked out on my B game on my Galaxy Tablet.  So some of you may be seeing service restored and others might still be experiencing downed servers.  Just keep being patient…they’ll be coming back up soon 🙂

Oh and about the heart sight of it in the game at this point.  Someone at EA might have jumped the gun on Facebook, since the post has since been removed.

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Are you seeing this message when you try to login to TSTO:

Or this one?

Yea?  Me too.  But...DO NOT PANIC!  While it sucks, yes (especially with talk of the heart grinder returning again), this is something that we’re seeing many many MANY Tappers experiencing right now.

So be patient…relax…and keep trying.  Eventually they’ll come back up and we

can all get to Tap Tap Tappin again!

In the mean time…do you need some ideas of what to do?  Check out this post for the do’s and don’t’s of the Servers being down.

You can also add your Caption to our latest Caption This! OR talk amogst yourselves as we make this post a special Tuesday Open Thread!  So chat it up with each other about anything and everything TSTO related or not as we ALL wait for the servers to come back up 🙂

Can’t wait to chat with my favorite Addicts!

Note about the Heart Grinder Rumors….while we can’t verify this in the game (because we’re locked out too with the servers)…I’m currently checking through the files to see if I see anything that would indicated the heart grinder appearing in the game.  However, we can’t be certain until the servers let us back in, but I’ll let you know what I find 🙂

All original art and content © Up All Night, LLC and
All Screen Shots of Game Graphics & Dialogue and Game Graphics from files ™ and © EA, Gracie Films and FOX

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