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From the Mouths of Addicts: 2D Tuesday with a Twist


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Welcome to another edition of From the Mouths of Addicts, where YOU get to sound off on anything and everything in the world of Tapped Out!  This week we’ve got a bonus From the Mouths of Addicts for you because it IS 2D Tuesday and we couldn’t wait to show you this awesome 2D artwork by Addicts Reader SaraMary3.  She’s one seriously talented Tapper and we love her designs she’s been posted all over our Flickr account that we had to share them with the Addicts Community!  So with out further ado here’s Sara’s artwork and a little explanation about what inspired each from her…enjoy!  

Sackboy from Little Big Planet was my first attempt at 2D design. I’m a huge LBP fan and have both PS3 games as well as the vita game. As a matter of fact I recently created a Simpsons costume and decoration level. Lol!

I got the outline done with the snapdragons. That was pretty easy. I used a digital pic I found online. Coloring in her face was tough. The closest I had was the washers but I would have liked to have made something more yellow. The ice sculptures and blue stripped chairs worked out pretty good. I wanna make more Simpsons Characters. So this will be something I’ll come back to.

Mario and Luigi
From Super Mario Bros. I work at the local VFW Thrift Store and usually listen to a soundtrack of the first three games. (I call it classical music) I liked Mario all bouncy over the brick “pipe”. Not sure what Luigis doin’. He’s kinda spacing out. This was a costly build, but worth it! 

The logo was easier than the characters. The color pallet I have to choose from is limited. Makes me wish I hadn’t cleaned up all my garbage! But, I was inspired to make this after seeing Wookies post where he was making Vader. Hans is a tad pink. Lol. Without the logo and a vaguely familiar wookie outline, you’d never guess that was supposed to be Mr Solo. (Or a dude for that matter) but never the less I still like it. Make me chuckle.
Origin ID: Saramary3
P.S.  Sara has one more really awesome 2D design that she sent us, but she’s also submitted it for Shout Out so we’ve decided to save that one for one of our Monthly Shout Outs!  So stay tuned for more fantastic designs from Sara!

Well that’s it for this week’s edition of From the Mouths of Addicts.  What did YOU think of sara’s 2D?  Anything you would have done differently?  Have you been inspired to create any art in your town?  What’s a 2D design that you’d love to see Wookiee or Bunny tackle next?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

And keep sending us those emails, posting to Flick & posting in the comments!  You never know when you might end up on the next From the Mouths of Addicts!

Once a week (at least) we plan on showcasing your words (art or video) for the world, and TSTO Community, to read!  Here’s your chance to sound off on anything and everything in the world of Tapped Out.  Simply send in your posts to our Addicts email account: (many of you already do) and we’ll do the rest!  We’ll pick (at least) one post to be showcased here on Addicts every week.  So send us your posts…we can’t wait to see what you have to say!

All original art and content © Up All Night, LLC and
All Screen Shots of Game Graphics & Dialogue and Game Graphics from files ™ and © EA, Gracie Films and FOX.  The Simpsons ™ and ©  FOX and its related entities. All rights reserved.

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