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TSTO Anonymous: Can you spare a Spot of Time?


What’s up Addicts?

So I’m driving along on just one of the many California freeways, top down on the LeBaron, wind in my fur and rather than concentrating on the veritable deathtrap that is the CA highway system, I’m thinking of you guys and gals and William Wordsworth.  How’s that for random?

This actually does make a little sense, I promise.  So, the first thought I think to myself is, “Self.  It’s been far too long since you wrote a TSTO Anon post but what should you write about?”  The second is, “Dang there’s a lot of cars (I was passing where two freeways meet in Los Angeles), makes me feel kinda small in the world.”  If you really want to know, the following thought was, “Hmmmm… I’m hungry, the next Inn N Out is 3 exits away… woo hoo!”

So, I keep driving, get some delicious animal style heart clogging morsels and keep thinking about TSTO Anonymous.  What I came up with is combining something I learned about in my British Literature class with us tapping Addicts.

Wordsworth was big on this concept called “spots of time”.  Here’s an excerpt from his poem The Prelude

There are in our existence spots of time,
          That with distinct pre-eminence retain
          A renovating virtue, whence--depressed                 
          By false opinion and contentious thought,
          Or aught of heavier or more deadly weight,
          In trivial occupations, and the round
          Of ordinary intercourse--our minds
          Are nourished and invisibly repaired;
          A virtue, by which pleasure is enhanced,
          That penetrates, enables us to mount,
          When high, more high, and lifts us up when fallen.
          This efficacious spirit chiefly lurks
          Among those passages of life that give                 
          Profoundest knowledge to what point, and how,
          The mind is lord and master--outward sense
          The obedient servant of her will. Such moments
          Are scattered everywhere, taking their date
          From our first childhood.

Feel my current collegiate pain?  Basically, “spots of time” are key moments in the history of your imagination.  Small moments in your life can make a difference.  If you’ve ever had a moment when you keenly felt how large the world was and considered your position in it, that’s a spot.  They are usually small moments that are memorable and often occur when you’re immersed in nature.  “Spots of time” allow you to go to a place where you see the world differently.  They are “trivial” events that become important and are renewable over and over.  Basically a moment to think, reflect and to understand your purpose and place in the world.  Imaginings from the past that invoke your feelings which open up your imagination.

Woah… TSTO Anon just got deep up in here lol.  I have moments like this.

–       350,000 feet in the air flying over Azerbaijan’s beautiful and untouched snowy mountains.

–       Precariously standing on shale about 5 feet from the edge of the Grand Canyon.

–       Realizing one day while tapping on Wookieetown that there are over a million people just like me that like this game, people that could quite possibly be tapping at the same moment as me.

Holy smokes!  Here at Addicts, we’re not the biggest blog community in the world but there are so many great and entertaining folks here.  Alissa, Bunny and I are just the entertainment while you dine with your friends and fellow Addicts.  No worries, no more Italian Restaurant analogies ever.

Thousands of people visit here daily and our readers hail from 187 different countries in the world!  When one person you don’t know reads your stuff, that’s flattering.  When there’s the possibility that thousands will, that’s astonishing.  The best thing to me is this tiny little blog about a silly game is what it is because of awesome readers like you that all have a shared passion for a mobile game!  If that’s not something to wow you for future thought, I’m afraid to say I can’t think of anything else to do it.  Just think that every word on this blog, including your comments, can be read by people halfway across the Earth from YOU.  Soooooooooo coooooooooooolll.

Sure we’re addicts

Sure we sometimes are blissful and not negative

Sure we realize that sometimes EA could do better

Sure we fear the day our games won’t be around

Sure we can’t afford everything

Sure there’s something we want that we don’t have

Sure the geek flag flies prominently

Sure we love this game

But you know what I’m SURE of?  You are the Best. Readers. Ever.

I know it was a random way to get from a freeway to William Wordsworth to just letting y’all know how amazing you all are but it needs to be said.  Don’t let anyone put you down and know that on this site, you always have at least 3 fans who want all the best for you and yours.  It’s good to have something in common with other people and I’m definitely blessed to have met so many awesome folks through TSTO.

So, in summation, YOU ALL ROCK.  It’s a fact.  Also, my Brit Lit teacher is driving me carayzee but it appears I’m actually learning something that applies to my real life.  Also, I may need to get a real life lol.  Also a fact that California freeways are dangerous and I should probably concentrate more on the road than on post ideas.  I also brainstorm while walking the dog and washing dishes.  I have another thinking spot but that’s a secret between me and Winnie the Pooh.

Sound off below with anything you like.  The point of these little “meetings” is just all of us being together and realizing it’s OK to be a TSTO Addict.  In the big picture, there are much worse things to be “addicted” to.  Have any of you read Wordsworth?  Braved a freeway lately?  Proud to be a TSTO Addict?  Surprised by how diverse this site’s visitors are?  Got an essay I can borrow? (totally kidding with that last one).

As always we end with the TSTOA Serenity Prayer

“EA, grant me the serenity to accept the updates I cannot change, the courage to recommend the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Together we can… one tap at a time.  TTFN… Wookiee out!

For anyone new to these meetings, you can check out more meetings here and our 12 Steps here.  Please know these “meetings” are meant lightheartedly and not meant in any way to make light of or poke fun at amazing organizations battling addiction.

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