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Turbo Tappin’ Level 41: Bernice Hibbert & Her Vulgari Aspirations


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Well a new Level is upon us!  That’s right my friends Level 41 has arrived in Springfield and what an interesting Level it is!  Another Freemium female character has arrived, Bernice Hibbert!  Finally, Dr. Hibbert has someone to spend all his money again!  As an added bonus for the good Doctor…not only does he get his wife back, but his annoying Brother in-law also returns to Springfield!

So now that there’s a new Level in our tapping devices, you know what that means right?  Time for another Turbo Tappin!  So with that let’s jump right in and Turbo Tap the Main Questline (Freemium) of Level 41!

As we mentioned in the Level 41 rundown post Moe gets things rolling for Level 41 and that kicks off the need to build the Vulgari Jewelry Store, which takes 24hrs.  So now….let’s get to Tappin’ shall we?!

Vulgari Aspirations Pt. 1
Moe starts

Build the Vulgari Jewelry Store– $800,000 (3×6) 24hr build
Character Unlock- Bernice Hibbert 

Vulgari Aspirations Pt. 2
Bernice Hibbert starts

Make Bernice Pick on Marge– 4hrs, Earns $350, 90xp (requires Marge)

Vulgari Aspirations Pt. 3
Bernice Hibbert starts

Make Bernice Shop the Day Away– 24hrs, Earns $600, 150xp

Vulgari Aspirations Pt. 4
Bernice Hibbert starts

Make Bernice Argue with her Husband- 8hrs, Earns $550, 140xp  (Requires Dr. Hibbert)

Vulgari Aspirations Pt. 5
Bernice Hibbert starts

Make Bernice Drink at Moe’s– 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp
Make Drunks Drink at Moe’s– 8hrs x5.  Send 5 characters to Drink at Moe’s.  Earns $275, 70xp non-premium and $420, 105xp Premium
Can send: Homer, Skinner, Barney, Lenny, Carl, Sanjay, Mindy, Eddie

Vulgari Aspirations Pt. 6
Homer starts

Make Bernice Fall Off the Wagon- 12hrs, Earns $420, 100xp

Vulgari Aspirations Pt. 7
Bernice starts

Make Dr. Hibbert Organize an Intervention for Bernice– 3hrs, Earns $270, 70xp (requires Bernice)
Make Springfielders Attend an Intervention for Bernice– 3hrs, x10.  Send 10 Springfields to an Intervention for Bernice.  Earns $135, 35xp for non-premium characters and $200, 55xp for premium characters
Here’s a list of who you can send: Homer, Abe Lincoln, Agnes, Apu, Arnie Pye, Barney, BHL, Booberella, Brandine (if she’s not pregnant of course), Brockman, Bumblebee Man, Carl, Chalmers, Wiggum, Cletus, CBG, Mr. Burns, Flanders, Disco Stu, Dr. Nick, Tatum, Duffman, Fat Tony, Grampa, Hank Scorpio, Herman, Jasper, Judge Snyder, Kang, Kodos, Kirk, Kearney, Kumiko, Legs, Louie, Lou, Lenny, Lugash, Luigi, Marge, Mindy, Miss. Springfield, Moe, Moleman, Mr. Costington, Mrs. K, Otto, Patty, Frink, Quimby, Rev. Lovejoy, Sea Captain, Selma, Skinner, Smithers, Snake, Suzanne the Witch, Grumple, Rich Texan, Tribal Chief, Willy, Wolfcastle, Krusty, Sideshow Mel, Eddie, Luann, Tom O’Flanagan, The Yes Guy, Chester Dupree, Sanjay, Manjula, Miss Hoover, Cocoa Beanie, Fr. Sean, Mr. Largo, Shary, Hugs, CCL & Rex Banner….whew! 

Vulgari Aspirations Pt. 8
Bernice starts

Make Bernice Attend an AA Meeting– 1hr, Earns $70, 17xp
Make Drunks Attend an AA Meeting– 1hr, x5.  Send 5 Drunks to AA Meeting.  Earns $70, 17xp non-premium and $105, 26xp premium.
Here’s a list of who you can send: Homer, Skinner, Barney, Lenny, Carl, Sanjay, Mindy, Eddie


Vulgari Aspirations Pt. 9
Bernice starts

Make Bernice Make-Up with her Husband– 1hr, Earns $140, 34xp (requires Dr. Hibbert)

And with that you’ve completed Level 41!  Congratulations!  Now that Bernice has finally arrived in Springfield it looks like Dr. Hibbert will finally have someone to have dinner with, without having to make a trip to the Red Light District with Moe!

If you work from start to finish on Level 41, with out using donuts to rush it, it will take you just over 3 1/2 days (approx) to complete!  So basically a long weekend’s worth of content.  So DON’T RUSH IT…you never know what might happen in the coming days (especially with this one being so short)…so save those precious donuts for the premium content and don’t rush your games!  (That’s what we’re here for!  To senselessly spend donuts to rush the game so you don’t have to!)

What do YOU think of Level 41 so far?  Are you enjoying the questline?  What are your thoughts on Bernice joining the game?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

Enjoy Level 41 Tappers!

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