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TSTO Emblem Prizes: The Third Prize Chest of Sacred Artifacts


Hey Howdy Hey Stonecutters!

If you’re following along with Bunny’s Emblem Calendar, by now you’re all in the thick of emblem collecting and you should have (at least) unlocked the first two Emblem Prizes, the Sacred Parchment and #36, and be nearing collecting enough Emblems to unlock the 3rd Emblem Prize…the Chest of Sacred Artifacts!

Once you reach 6,500 Emblems collected you’ll unlock the 3rd free personal prize in the Stonecutters Event…The Chest of Sacred Artifacts!  The Chest of Sacred Artifacts is an all new decoration for your Springfield that will earn you MORE EMBLEMS!

Let’s take a closer look at this chest full of artifacts and just what happens when it enters YOUR Springfield…

WARNING…Dialogue spoilers below

At 6,500 Emblems The Chest of Sacred Artifacts will automatically be awarded to you.  Once you’ve hit the unlock number you’ll see this message popup:

Once you’ve collected enough emblems the chest will unlock and number 1 will auto-start a prompt for you to place it in your Springfield…

Game of Stones Pt. 6
Number 1 Auto-starts after you’ve won the Chest of Sacred Artifacts 

Number 1: There is no better opiate of the masses than shiny, new trinkets.  This chest of artifacts will distract attention from our darkest machinations.  Like jingling car keys when giving a baby a shot.
Place the Chest of Sacred Artifacts
Number 908:  Ooo, let see what’s in our treasure chest!  Holy hand grenade…ring with writing on it that makes me want to punch people….used shroud with some bearded dudes face burned in…*moans* There’s nothing good in here!  This jeweled cup is too wide for drinking.  Still, I guess I an use it.
Lisa: Oh my God!  I think that’s the Holy Grail!
Number 908: Now it’s Daddy’s ice cream bowl.
Completed Task Earns 100 Emblems 10xp

As mentioned above this new prize will continue to earn you more emblems as the day/event goes on.  The Chest of Sacred Artifacts pays out 20 Emblems every 8 hours!  You should easily be able to get 40 Emblems (if not more) from the chest each day!

So there you have it my Stonecutting friends, the third prize of the Stonecutter Event!

Have YOU unlocked the Chest of Sacred Artifacts yet?  What do you think of it?  Are you happy they are giving you a premium prize, that pays more Emblems, for free?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

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