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From the Mouth of Addicts: NerdAid


Welcome to another edition of From the Mouths of Addicts, where YOU get to sound off on anything and everything in the world of Tapped Out!  This week’s post sort of comes to us from reader alunited1961.  Besides reading this great site, Al is one of our friends over at the TSTO social community All three addicts on this site are members and often, we enjoy witty conversations, etc. over there when we find extra time away from this site.

Al and I started a short convo here about Nerd rights which found it’s way over to TOuk and I enjoyed it so much, I wanted to share.  It also highlights the unfortunate plight of our spectacled warriors during this period some of us have come to think of as TSTOwar.

Here’s what Al had to say:

I was reading the post about the lack of nerds appearing on Saturday as promised.  This got me thinking.  It’s week 2 or is it 3 of this madness we call TSTOwar so what happens to the nerds? Where do they go? If they are expendable, mere bits in the webiverse, why doesn’t EA have any extra to give us? 

We need answers, not to be fobbed off with Doughnuts (even ones covered with icing andshiny sprinkles). 

Let’s do something about it… let’s start… NerdAid. 

I knew I’d get at least one other to sign up and I did… Lord Wookie Riot so that makes 2 of us heading on this escapade to nerddom……..maybe we should rethink this……Freenerddom……well how long can we allow the senseless deleting of nerds?  They shouldn’t be tap-fodder.  Join us and hold your head high. (Sound of Jerusalem in the back ground……no not the city, the WilliamBlake Hymn.)

Mr. Wookiee Riot of California said. 

Put Joe Wookiee Riot right below your name. Nerds are people too!

This is the kind of thing we do over at TOuk.  Ramble about all sorts of subjects especially The Simpsons and TSTO.  It must be said that this post was almost immediately liked by 5 individuals on TOuk.  Just for fun, I thought I’d share the comments.

E. T.: Sign me up. I would personally adopt that third nerd above. He looks like a young Professor Farnsworth. I could see the nerds as NPC’s as EA has made them so generic.

alunited1961: Incredible.  After only 8 hours our membership has trebled.  Although I’m not sure we are an adopt-a-nerd society, I feel we are a broad church tolerant of many and accepting of all… except those FGnoobs of course…….OK we’ll exact them as well.

I fear the above 4 nerds are casualties of TSTOwar, severely mutilated, nothing left but a few arms and heads, but like the MP blacknight, we will soldier on.

alunited1961: Maybe we should include their status as NPC as part of our campaign.  I don’t want to be accused of single issueism.

E. T.: I disagree. I feel we must ignore the FGnoobs, lest we incur the wrath of a certain Swedish admin who shall remain nameless.

alunited1961: Our first schism…….well I say we don’t tell Thor’s daughter and we may get away with it?

Joe Wookiee Riot: The senseless slaughter of nerds must be stopped lest we drown in a sea of taped spectacles, pocket protectors and protractors. While I’ll gladly teleport a Spock nerd to whatever hell they go to, our TSTO nerds need not be thoughtlessly devastated. Remember, in school you bullied them only to have your jobs outsourced in the future. Nerds are certainly people. Just watch the Last Temptation of Homer to see what happened when Bart suddenly found himself stricken into the nerd kingdom. If for no other reason, think of the children.

alunited1961: Wookiee is right.  There is fall out we had never imagined.  What will happen to all those short sleeved shirts and think of the pen mountain if they aren’t kept in their top pockets……who will write the instruction manuals for self assembly furniture which is really annoying because I always have to do it?

So we want to protect all nerds or just ones in this game? Well, we don’t want FGnoobs or Trekkie’s right? Does this include CBG?

I fear the wings of this movement are moving apart.  We need a rallying cry.

E. T.: I think any rallying cry would be hushed by too many tappers desire for elixir, towers, balloons, catapults, banners, etc. The needless destruction of so many nerds goes on, with little pity. Until we can secure financing and begin an advert campaign, the slaughter will continue.

alunited1961: Your ideas are right and the campaign is faltering…we need to gird our loins and prepare for the struggle ahead.  We three against the multitude of unenlightened tappers. You are right E, heartfelt intellectual debate is wasted… we need a snapper slogan…..or even better a jingle and celebrity endorsement.  Wookiee step up to the plate. That’s a sporting metaphor not an excuse for more pie…..though I am a bit peckish.

Joe Wookiee Riot: The only battle cry appropriate is EXCELSIOR! CBG is of course invited but me thinks we’ll misappropriate his blue uniform. I much prefer him searching for his wallet as Wolverine. I’ll have to think on how to frame this all into an ad to think of the nerds.

alunited1961: Yes CBG as Wolverine does for, I take 2 things from this.  One… you will be our communication officer (a Hairy Lieutenant Uhuru if you will and forgive the Star Trek reference) AND two… you don’t accept the concept of freewill for nerds.  Neither of these debar you from our movement.

Joe Wookiee Riot: Free will for nerds… humbug… lol. As long as the proportions of Trek, Wars and Rings nerds is comparable, it’ll be ok. There really is nothing quite as refreshing as a nerd debate. Well, maybe Code Red Mountain Dew but that’s a whole different sub-genre of nerddom. I submit for the movement the definition of NERD according to Professor Frink. Not Even Remotely Dorky.

NerdAid ideas:

– Bring us the nerds as Non-playable Characters (NPCs) as memories of this event and in tribute of all the slain LARPers.

– If you must wage TSTOwar, one nerd attacks are more humane.

– TSTO nerds are way cooler than other game’s nerds.

And that’s all there is so far for NerdAid although I’m sure the discussion will continue.  Any thoughts?  Got any ideas to add to the list.  Are E.T., Al and me alone in wondering what happens to all the nerd pixels at the end of all this TSTOwar? Are the nerds actually the clones EA speaks of and are we actually engaged in our very own version of the Clone Wars?  Must we fight the Separatists next to ensure the might of the TSTO Republic?  Got a jingle or better name for the group?  I know for a fact that nerds are people and some of the “coolest” folks I’ve ever met.  Are you a nerd/geek? Will you join us in our endeavor?

Well… that wraps up this edition of From the Mouths of Addicts.  What did YOU think of it all?   Sound off in the comments below.  You know we LOVE hearing from you! 🙂

Once a week (at least) we plan on showcasing your words (art or video) for the world, and TSTO Community, to read!  Here’s your chance to sound off on anything and everything in the world of Tapped Out.  Simply send in your posts to our Addicts email account: (many of you already do) and we’ll do the rest!  We’ll pick (at least) one post to be showcased here on Addicts every week.  So send us your posts…we can’t wait to see what you have to say!

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