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Where Did THAT Come From – Clownface


Hey there Superfriends!

I gotta say that I am loving the heck out of this Super Event. Vigilantes, Superheroes, Supervillains, bad guys to tap Batman-style, Spiderpig… so much fun. Of course, with lots of new items comes my task to let you know just WHERE all the stuff comes from. For this super where did THAT come from, we’ll take a look at Clownface.

This new skin for Krusty came our way as the third prize in Issue 1 of the Superhero Event. At first it might seem out of place, but that’s where you can count on this fuzzball. Items often are quick blips in episodes and this one is no exception. To find the origin for this costume, we find ourselves watching “Large Marge” (S14:E4). While most people familiar with this episode don’t think of Krusty as a supervillain and instead have two things on their mind… this episode includes much more. Domeciles for the Destitute, George H. W. Bush, Carter and Clinton as the Three Stooges, Homer painting El Homo and…. Krusty on Batman!

Bat Mensch and the Goy Wonder find themselves trapped by Clownface. That’s right, Krusty played a Batman villain. It seems like the caped crusader and his sidekick may have met there match as Clownface tries to spin them to death on a carousel.


Of course, Batman packed his carousel reversal spray on his utility belt and escapes. The only thing he doesn’t carry is “patience for harlequined hoodlums.”

So there you go. Amid Krusty’s varied career, he starred in Batman as a Joker rip-off. Now he’s carrying his one-off role into true super villainry in our towns. I think it’s uber cool that we got something Batman-related in town and love this skin. I also think it’s super sweet that Adam West and Burt Ward voiced their characters in the episode. That’s it for this one Superfriends. Hope everyone is getting all the goods they need for the event. Stay classy and remember… with great power comes something something.

TTFN… Wookiee out!

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