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Superheroes Event Glitches & Issues Updated


Hey there Hoppereenos!

Bouncing by to just give you a lil info on things we are seeing pop up in the comments. Items that you may be wondering on or concerned for. As usual, here to help all we can. 😉

There are a few key questions/concerns we are seeing over and over in the game that we wanted to bring attention to. Let’s dive in…

(I had created this post BEFORE the Update hit, so I made changes to reflect what the Update had impacted as well.)


As in previous Events with the Sideshow You Balloon Pop, it seems that EA has disabled another item in Krustyland during this Event. You are no longer able to exchange your Krustyland Tickets for in game cash. I spoke with EA on this and they did confirm it being worked on. 

An update from EA on 2/26 helped to restore the ability to use this feature, so make sure you are fully up to date in your game to have the ability back.



While tossing his pies to take away hearts from a Felon, Pie Man seems to not want to go on anymore. In my game, he follows one for a bit but then seems to find a nice lil spot to stop and just toss pies there. The Felon continues on around town and I still get credit for the fight, but it is just funny how he falls behind. I have seen this with a few other Heroes too.

My suggestion is this, do not worry if they separate. As long as you still get credit for the fight and that Heart dropped off the Felon… then just keep on going. If you are NOT getting credit for the fight (I just tap on the Felon icon when its done and it completes it for me) then please notify EA right away of the issue.

FYI… I spoke to EA about this issue and they are well aware of it and working on it. Those NOT getting credit are extremely rare, the rest… just an image thing so no game impact.



We are getting some reports the sound has changed. Mine is still going off. What are YOUR results?

A silly thought of a feature added to alert us is becoming a bit too much for many players. That blasted Siren going off.

The main things I did to prevent it is I disabled ALL Notifications and turned SFX Volume all the way down from the game. This can be found in any menu by tapping on the Cogwheel Icon in the upper right corner. (This is where you also can turn the Confirm Donut Spend to ON.)

Depending on your device, mine has an Applications Manager that I can go to the TSTO App and disable Notifications for the App from my device too. 

Finally, on my device…. I have separate options for Volume Settings. I turned them ALL to OFF on anything other than the phone ringing. 

Now we COULD take this a step further and light up the forums to ask EA to disable it further, just let me know and I will start a link to do so. 😉



The new update on 2/26 that brought the Radstation Air Fortress also made a few other changes. Some just simple wording swap outs, but this is something that may help YOU out when visiting Neighbors

In the lower Left hand corner of your Main Neighbor Screen, you will see a running total of your current Event Currency amount (Pie Bombs for Issue 2). Right at the end of that count will be an italic lil i. Tap on it. 

If you have the Super Squad Membership that doubles your payout for Neighbor Acrtions, you will see your Neighbor Actions at 6 Event Currency Each (Double Pie Bombs in Issue 2). You will also see how many of the 90 Actions you have left. 

If you did not opt for the Super Squad Membership, you will see the regular payout of 3 Event Currency (Pie Bombs in Issue 2). You will also see the amount you have left out of the 90 Actions too. 

This should really help you in monitoring just how many visits you have left before those Criminal taps turn into just cash & XP instead of Event Currency.


There you go, hopefully some answers to those frequent questions we keep seeing. Did this answer your questions? Help you out? Do you like the Actions countdown? Let us know.


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