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Superhero Prize Guide: Issue 3, Prize 3 …The Collider


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

The Superhero Event is upon us and Springfield has been invaded with Superheros, creeping Criminals & a whole new Comic Book look!  In the third Issue of the Superhero Event, action will slow down a bit as Dr. Colossus takes over.  You’ll see the questline require more prizes in order to progress…but don’t be discouraged.  For the lull in the questline doesn’t mean a lull in the action.  There’s plenty of Criminals to tap, Felons to clobber & freeze rays to get!

The Event is broken up into 4 Issues, with each Issue containing part of the Story.   To help you along with the story line you’ll get at least 3 prizes per Issue.  Each prize will help further move you through the story and uncover what comes next! For Issue 3 you’re tasked with collecting Freeze Rays to unlock each prize!  The third Issue 3 prize awarded at 61,500 Freeze Rays is The Collider. Because every evil operation needs a double agent.

So let’s take a closer look at this Double Agent and just what happens when you unlock him in your Springfield…

WARNING Mild Dialogue Spoilers Below…

Once you’ve collected 61,500 Freeze Rays you’ll automatically be awarded The Collider and you’ll see this message popup:

Once you’ve unlocked The Collider, a questline will start up between him and Dr. Colossus and then you’ll see the character unlock messages popup. The Collider, unlike the other 3rd prize characters for the event (Dr. Colossus and Clownface) will actually have a full questline once you unlock him.  So you won’t have to wait for Issue 4 to start in order to use him!  Let’s take a look at the questline that unfolds once you’ve won The Collider…

The Collider Pt. 1
Auto start

The Collider: I can’t let Dr. Colossus know I’m really a double-agent working for the Superior Squad.
Dr. Colossus: Did you just say something devious out loud?
The Collider: Um…I…um…no.
Dr. Colossus: Just get back to work!  We have a town to enslave


Make the Collider Work as a Double Agent- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

The Collider Pt. 2
Dr. Colossus starts

Dr. Colossus: It seems that no matter how hard I try my evil plans backfire.
Collider: Have you ever thought there might be a double agent in the facility?
Dr. Colossus: No, I’ve never thought that.
Collider: That’s a relief
Dr. Colossus: But now that you bring it up, it makes perfect sense.  Find this traitor and eliminate him!!
Make The Collider Pet Mr. Boson- 24hrs, Earns $600, 150xp
Dr. Colossus: Did the mole surface yet?
Collider: The mole has been eliminated.  Now feel free to let down your guard and tell me all your secret plans.
Dr. Colossus: Good job, Collider.  You make evil easy.

The Collider Pt. 3
Dr. Colossus starts

Dr. Colossus: I’ve done it!  I’ve created the ultimate doomsday weapon!
Collider: Congratulations.  What does it do?
Dr. Colossus: It makes everything taste like dry chicken.  I call it the “Poult-Ray”
Collider: He’s removing the plump juiciness from life, like a bad backyard BBQ?!  I must stop him!
Make The Collider Sabotage the Poult-ray- 1hr, Earns $70, 17xp

The Collider Pt. 4
Collider starts

Collider: Ugh, I was too close to the “Poult-Ray” when it blew.  *cough* My juices are running clear…I’m cooked to a crisp. *wheeze*
Make the Collider Die and Come Back in the Credits- 8hrs, Earns 20 Freeze Rays, 70xp
Collider: I’m alive!  Protected by a layer of exploded chicken fat.  And my skin…so soft and supple.
Dr. Colossus: This is terrible!  The Poult-ray was destroyed!  Collider?  Is that you?  You look 20 years younger.
Collider: Good living, I guess.
Dr. Colossus: It’s true.  Evil living does add years to a villain’s life.  Let’s head back to the lab and we’ll start again.
Collider: Sure thing, boss.

And that completes The Collider’s questline!

The Collider is a full playable character, with a FULL set of tasks.  Let’s take a look at his tasks..

Task Length Earns
Report In 1hr $70, 17xp
Work as a Double Agent 4hrs $175, 45xp
Die and Come Back in the Credits 8hrs 20 Event Currency, 70xp
Sabotage Colossus’s Plans 12hrs $420, 100xp
Yo Dawg* 16hrs $750, 200xp
Pet Mr. Boson 24hrs $600, 150xp

*Requires the Super Collider Building (From Halloween 2012)

What’s next?
Free donuts!  Just like the previous issues you’ll have the chance to earn FREE donuts for continuing to collect Freeze Rays.  For this round, every 6000 Freeze Rays collected will award you the chance at 1, 2 or 3 donuts!

So that my friends is the full breakdown of The Collider!

What do you think of The Collider?  Thoughts on the questline up to this point?  Have you earned him yet?  If not how close are you?  Thoughts on his tasks? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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