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Should I Spend Donuts On the Easter Island God?


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Well…superheroes have come and gone and it’s Easter in Springfield!  And nothing says Easter quite like Ol’ Gil in a giant bunny suit….anyone else think he’s channeling Ralphie?

Anywho…so Ol’ Gil’s in town and just what is he offering this time?  Well…for a limited-time (ie until, Tuesday 4/7) you can purchase one of the items Gil picked up on his Polynesian travels..the Easter island God.  The Easter Island God is an all new decoration for your Springfield.

Now I’m sure you’re wondering…”is this something I should take Gil up on?  Or am I better off saving my donuts for something better?”  Well…before you hit that confirm button, let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this stone head to YOUR Springfield!

Decoration: Easter Island God
100 donuts
Bonus %:
3% on all cash and XP
Vanity +1000
Yes, only 1 per Springfield.

-Animated when tapped (pretty funny animation, as the head comes to life)
-Offers a nice bonus%
-Comes with a small questline (see details of it below, there’s a quest for Homer, Rev. Lovejoy and Kirk)

-Overpriced, IMO, for what it is/does.
-Only improves Vanity, one of the easiest Conform-O-Meter requirements to max out

Final Thought:
Honestly, I’m still on the fence with this one.  However, I do think I’m leaning towards no.  It’s ok looking & the questline (and bonus %) help, but I’m just not thinking it’s something I have to have in my town.  So if you’re a premium player this is one I’d advise you to buy strictly because you like the look of it.  Don’t do it for the bonus % (or the vanity points) because there are far better premium items you can pick up that will give you greater of each.

Pass on this one.  While the bonus % offered is nice, it really adds no significant impact to your town.  Plus I really think he’s overpriced, for less donuts you can buy 2 Jet Engine Bikes (40 donuts each) and get a 4% bonus multiplier total (2% each).  So I do think this is a pass if you’re a freemium player.

Of course in the end it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would/wouldn’t do…and I can tell you this is one I’m still on the fence about.  Just remember…whatever you decide this IS Limited-Time so be sure to make your decision before Gil leaves Springfield on at on Tuesday 4/7!


Here’s a look at the questline/dialogue that will appear if you purchase this Rock God…

Easter Island
Lisa starts

Lisa: It’s nice to have different cultures represented here in Springfield.  This place is usually so yellow washed…
Easter Island God: And now you can spend the Easter holiday worshipping me!  The god of Easter!… island.
Lisa: I supposed adding another take on Easter isn’t going to hurt anything.  The candy companies will be happy to have something else they can commercialize .
Easter Island God: I can even fit into the current Easter culture.  See I even dropped a few eggs!
Homer: Woohoo!  Chocolate I hope!
Easter Island God: Uhhh, I highly doubt they’re chocolate.
Make Homer Search for Easter Eggs– 12hrs, Earns $600, 150xp
Homer: There’s something funny about these eggs. Shut up, Brain.  Never question stomach.  *chomp*

The Godhead
Rev Lovejoy starts

Rev Lovejoy: Um, excuse me Mr…Island?
Easter Island God: Please, just call me God.  Or your Lord and Savior Godhead, for short.
Rev Lovejoy: About that, we sort of feel like Easter already has one God story and we’re pretty sure the one is enough.  So…
Easter Island God: But my story is so much better.  I forced my people to make stone idols in my honor and worship them until they depleted all of their resources and died.  The end.
Rev. Lovejoy: Perhaps if you offered some sort of unified dogma or moral code to live by.
Easter Island God: I do.  “BUILD STONE HEADS!” Next question.
Make Reverend Lovejoy Suffer a Headache– 12hrs, Earns $420, 100xp
Lisa: For an island deweller, this bossy stone god is definitely not Jimmy Buffet material.  And I can’t ignore that Easter Island was a humanitarian and ecological disaster.
Easter Island God: Oh sure, blame me for that when the entire world is doing the same thing.  If anything we were ahead of the curve.
Lisa: Ugh, convincing you is like trying to squeeze blood from a stone.
Statue: Is that a threat?


Kirk Van Gogh
Kirk starts

Kirk: It’s not every day that I get a job offer from a real god!  Or a job offer.  What’s my job title gonna be?  High Priest?  Bishop?  I’ll even take a simple, non-sarcastic Father.
Easter Island God: Ha!  You? A Father?!  Don’t make me laugh.
Kirk:…I do have a son.
Easter Island God: This being Lord thing hasn’t been as lucrative as I hoped.  So I’m going with my fallback career – Slum Lord.  I need you to be my rental agent.
Kirk: Convincing desperate people to make bad decisions is something I do everyday!  Well, not so much people as person.  And that person is me.
Make Kirk Advertise Slums– 12hrs, Earns $420, 100xp


What do you think of the Easter Island Statue?  Your thoughts on Gil bringing it to town?  Did you purchase it?  Where have you placed it?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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