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Cecil Terwilliger Event Daily Tasks


Hey there Hoppereenos!

SIDESHOW EVENT IS IN THE GAME!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! This makes me SOOOOOOOOOooooo happy. You have no idea how happy. To phrase Alissa, “Bunny is gonna pee her pants!” Lol

Now… for the fun stuff. Very similar to the Daily Task Elf Tunnels from Christmas as well as a mix of the Daily Tasks for Number One in Stonecutters, looks like EA found something they like. CECIL’S DAILY TASKS.

Just as in past Events. Each day you will have a limited amount of time to complete FOUR tasks to collect items you will need for the Event along with special surprises.

We of course will be here to help you out. So let’s get started.


This will vary each day. To start out today (4-14-15), the task times were as follows….


FYI, these are NOT the kind of tasks you have to finish each day for some extra prize on the last day of Event. These are only “Bonus” tasks to earn extra needed Materials for Event. You do NOT have to finish them everyday. So if you get them all… awesome. If not, see how your luck is the next day.



You can find them two different ways…

Cecil Terwilliger, by tapping on the Hard Hat Icon Bubble above his head. 

Sideshow Bob Knife Trophy in the lower right of your game screen. This will take you to the Main Event Menu. Tap on the Cecil Terwilliger in a Hard Hat Icon and the Daily Tasks will show up for you.



Each day 4 Daily Tasks will be there for you to complete. Each task will ask you to send One Character from a specific Character Group to complete the Daily Task. You will NOT know what the next of the 4 tasks is until you complete the one before it. So you will have to go in order. What YOU see will vary from you neighbors. The main trick is to keep at least ONE of the Characters from each Character Group free to complete the task.

To find out WHO you have available for the task, just tap on “Do It”. 


You will then be taken to a pop up screen (similar to Town Hall) but this will show only the Characters in your game in the Specific Character Group for the task. This one is Seniors. Just find one available and tap on “Go To” to start them on their task. (You may have to switch their skin if they are in the wrong one.)


UPDATE: As many of you are asking, here is my picks of Characters to keep free to cover the Daily Tasks. Yours selection may vary, but this will give you an idea of how to have ONE Character cover multiple options. Choose YOURS depending on who you have unlocked in the game.  😉

Comic Book Guy WolfCastle Rod OR Todd Quimby Grandpa Abe
Brainiac X
Entreprenuer X
Celebrity X
Civil Servant X
Criminal X
Glutton X
High Roller X X
Dimwit X X
Youngster X
Kook X
Pessimist X X
Saint X
Senior X



The timer is set to YOUR time zone. It will end on YOUR time. For instance, I am writing this right now at 1:27PM and it is telling me I have 10hrs 33 mins left. So, I have til Midnight MY TIME to complete the tasks. So watch YOUR countdown to know how long YOU have to get them done.



These are the daily tasks. Some may NOT be available just yet, but you will see 4 Random ones selected for your game out of all of these options. Same with the Groups. WHO is chosen to send will also be Random.

Task Time Location Possible Group
Take Guided Volcano Lair Tour 1hr Volcano Lair Brainiac/ Entrepreneur/ Celebrity/ Civil Servant/ Criminal/ Glutton/ High Roller/ Dimwit/ Youngster/ Kook/ Pessimist/ Saint/ Senior
Herd Plants 1hr Monsarno Entrepreneur/ Celebrity/ Civil Servant/ Criminal/ High Roller/ Dimwit/ Youngster/ Kook/ Pessimist/ Saint/ Senior
Collect Crop Samples 1hr Cletus’ Farm Brainiac/ Criminal/ Dimwit/ Kook/ Pessimist/ Senior
Donate to the Arts 1hr Springfield Opera House Entrepreneur/Celebrity/ Civil Servant/ High Roller/ Saint/ Senior


Task Time Location Possible Group
Pick Up Mysterious Parcel 2hrs Springfield Post Office Brainiac/ Entrepreneur/ Celebrity/ Civil Servant/ Criminal/ Glutton/ High Roller/ Dimwit/ Youngster/ Kook/ Pessimist/ Saint/ Senior
Attempt Atomic Fission 2hrs Super Collider Brainiac
Watch an Action Flick 2hrs Aztec Theater Brainiac/ Entrepreneur/ Celebrity/ Civil Servant/ Criminal/ Glutton/ High Roller/ Dimwit/ Youngster/ Kook/ Pessimist/ Saint/ Senior
Promote the Benefits of GMO 2hrs Channel 6 Brainiac/ Entrepreneur/ Celebrity/ Civil Servant/ Criminal/ High Roller
Taste Test GMO Foods 2hrs Krusty Burger Entrepreneur/ Criminal/ Glutton/ Youngster/ Pessimist/ Senior
Feed the Plants 2hrs Monsarno Brainiac/ Entrepreneur/ Celebrity/ Civil Servant/ Criminal/ High Roller/ Dimwit/ Youngster/ Kook/ Pessimist/ Saint/ Senior


Task Time Location Possible Group
Clean Up the Brown House 4hrs Brown House Brainiac/ Entrepreneur/ Celebrity/ Civil Servant/ Criminal/ Glutton/ High Roller/ Dimwit/ Youngster/ Kook/ Pessimist/ Saint/ Senior
Campaign for Deregulation 4hrs Town Hall Brainiac/ Entrepreneur/ Celebrity/ Civil Servant/ Criminal/ High Roller
Protect Intellectual Property 4hrs Monsarno Brainiac/ Entrepreneur/ Civil Servant/ Kook/ Pessimist
Reserve Seats 4hrs Springfield Opera House Celebrity/ High Roller/ Dimwit/ Youngster/ Pessimist/ Saint/ Senior


Task Time Location Possible Group
Hide in Simpson Basement 6hrs Simpson House Celebrity/ Criminal/ Kook/ Pessimist
Milk A Cow 6hrs Cletus’ Farm Entrepreneur/ Celebrity/ Civil Servant/ Criminal/ High Roller/ Dimwit/ Youngster/ Kook/ Pessimist/ Saint/ Senior
Appear on a Chat Show 6hrs Channel 6 Brainiac/ Entrepreneur/ Celebrity/ Civil Servant/ Criminal/ High Roller
Complain to a Doctor 6hrs Springfield General Hospital Brainiac/ Glutton/ Kook/ Pessimist/ Senior
Plant Sterilized Seeds 6hrs Cletus’ Farm Entrepreneur/ Criminal/ Dimwit/ Kook/ Pessimist
Learn About the Benefits of GMO 6hrs Springfield Elementary Brainiac/ Dimwit/ Youngster/ Pessimist/ Senior



These are the Current Character Groups for the tasks. The Terwilligers will be added as they become available.





Comic Book Guy Akira Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Fat Tony
Crazy Cat Lady Apu Arnie Pye Eddie Gino
Database Artie Ziff Booberella George Washington Herman
Dr Hibbert Comic Book Guy Brockman Judge Snyder Legs
Hank Scorpio Fat Tony Bumblebee Man Lou Louie
Lisa Guiseppe Dr. Nick Patty Quimby
Martin Herman Drederick Tatum Princess Penelope Snake
Professor Frink Lugash Duffman Quimby
Sideshow Mel Luigi George Washington Rex Banner
Skinner Moe Krusty Selma
Mr. Burns Lampwick Wiggum
Roger Myers Jr Lurleen
The Rich Texan Miss Springfield
Tribal Chief Roger Myers Jr
Sideshow Mel






Barney Bernice Barbarian Bart Apu
Comic Book Guy Brockman Barney Database Brandine
Homer Fat Tony Chester Dupree Dolph Bumblebee Man
Quimby Hank Scorpio Cletus Gino Cletus
Space Mutant Krusty Dr. Nick Greta Wolfcastle Crazy Cat Lady
Wiggum Mr Burns Duffman Hugo Disco Stu
Mr Costington Grampa Abe Janey Gino
Quimby Homer Jessica Lovejoy Hans Moleman
Roger Myers Jr Lenny Jimbo Herman
The Rich Texan Otto Kearney Hugs Bunny
WolfCastle Ralph Lisa Kang
Sea Captain Martin Kodos
Wiggum Michael D’Amico Krusty
WolfCastle Milhouse Lampwick
Nelson Lurleen
Ralph Otto
Rod Professor Frink
Shauna Ralph
Sherri & Terri Rod
Squeaky Voice Teen Sea Captain
Todd Shary Bobbins
 Uter The Yes Guy





Agnes Father Sean Abraham Lincoln
Arnie Pye Helen Lovejoy Agnes
Comic Book Guy Maude Brockman
Dolph Ned Chalmers
Grampa Abe Reverend Lovejoy Grampa Abe
Hugs Bunny Rod Guiseppe
Jasper Todd Hans Moleman
Lampwick Jasper
Moe Judge Snyder
Mrs. Krabappel Lampwick
Patty Mr Burns
Reverend Lovejoy Ned
Roger Myers Jr Suzanne the Witch
Selma Tom O’Flanagan




Fertilizer Spades Corn XP
1st Daily Task 25 40
2nd Daily Task 50 80
3rd Daily Task 160 40
4th Daily Task 320 90
Complete All Tasks 100 10


There you have it. All the basics of the Daily Tasks. Each day will vary. What do you think of them so far? Complete any yet? Does this help to have this breakdown? Let us know.


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