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Where Did THAT Come From: Spiffany’s


So I said what about Breakfast at Spiffany’s, she said I think I remember the episode and as I recall I said we both rather liked it and I said well that’s the one thing we got.

Hey hey friendereenos! In our silly lil game, we sometimes see things pop in that we have no clue as to their Origin. They seem familiar, but we just can’t pinpoint from where. So that is why we decided to make a fun lil reminder out of it. To let you know just Where did THAT Come From?

So with Level 53, all sorts of new stuff popped up.  One of the new freemium offerings including Martha Quimby was Spiffany’s. So this new store is an obvious parody of the ever popular Tiffany & Co. Commonly known as Tiffany’s and losing men and women alike mucho dinero on diamonds, etc., we now have a version in our towns but why is it here? When and where did it actually appear in the Best. Show. Ever.?  Let’s dive into the Simpsons TV Series to find out more.

Our first episode to look at is “Poppa’s Got a Brand New Badge” (S13:E22).  Springfield is sucking down electrical juice like Mayor Quimby’s wife at a bar.  Just one more appliance could overload the circuits.  Leave it to Homer to plug in a dancing Santa to cool things down and cause a blackout.  The citizens of Springfield begin to loot everything from Costington’s to Cinder Block Village and according to Arnie Pye, “the city has exploded in a fireball of pent up rage.”

The result of the citywide damage is strangely Homer taking the law into his own hands and actually being good at it.  Stopping criminals is fun!  Homie starts his own security company called SpringShield and becomes not only a hero in town, but replaces Wiggum as Chief of Police.  After Homer takes down Fat Tony though, the mob swears to gun him down.  Tony calls in his Jersey muscle and in a neat tribute to The Sopranos, lots of Springfield buildings are shown.  Right next to the Android’s Dungeon in a blink and miss it moment is what looks like Spiffany’s.

I got the best image I could but you can see the letters SPI (and the color is right) before it flashes to the next bit. Maybe Spiffany’s, maybe not. Of course, that’s not the only appearance.  In “Waverly Hills, 9-0-2-1-D’oh” (S20:E19), Marge realizes the educational offerings of Springfield Elementary are horrible and decides to move the kids to Waverly Hills.  It’s one of those place so fancy, it has a Spiffany’s that looks nothing like our new building.  It also resembles Beverly Hills a lot and Weezer even wrote it a special song lol.

We next see Spiffany’s in “Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson” (S23:E10).  After an incident on Springfield Air (seriously, the lampooning of air travel in this episode so funny), his rant makes him MyTube famous.  As a result, Homer becomes a blowhard on TV ranting to the average citizens of the world.  He’s so popular, he actually starts his own movement of gravy boaters.  People all over put gravy boats on their heads and follow Homer’s ranting ideas.  One of the places to get a gravy boat… Spiffany’s.

Our first full frontal of Spiffany’s is in this next episode, “The D’oh-cial Network” (S23:E11).  At the Towne Centre at Springfielde Glenne, there are tons of shops including Spiffany’s.  It’s right next to the condos Lenny lives in and looks a lot like our new TSTO building.

Apparently it’s also a store in such demand that the outdoor mall has two of them.  Just a few minutes later, a completely different shop is seen.

The next appearance should serve as no surprise in “Dangers on a Train” (S24:E22) since the family is back at the Towne Centre.  What is silly is that in the previous episode the Centre was mentioned as a new mall and in this one, it’s been around since Bart was a toddler.  Maybe that means “new” means something different in Springfield?  Almost nine years ago in Simpsons time, Spiffany’s was right next to Vulgari.

Also funny that in just 33 episodes, the Towne Centre has fallen into disrepair.  Gotta love Springfield!

Of course I could point out that the Centre looks completely fine later in “White Christmas Blues” (S25:E8) and “I Won’t Be Home For Christmas” (S26:E9) but that’s just me nerding out.  Anywho… there you go friends… a building that keeps popping up all over in the Simpsons has now popped up into our silly lil games along with the Mayor’s Wife. Did you remember these episodes? What do you think of Spiffany’s? Have you got to this point in your game yet? Sound off in the comments and stay classy as usual.

TTFN… Wookiee out!

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