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Turbo Tappin’ Christmas 2015: Sophie Krustofski


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

The Christmas Event hit our devices recently and a fun event rolled out with it.  Like all events, it’s not without it’s share of premium content and characters.  Of course those premium characters wouldn’t be complete without a questline!

Sophie Krustofski is a premium character that you could pick up during Act 2 of Christmas.  She comes with a fun 5 part questline, that I honestly would hold off on doing until the Event is over (since her tasks will earn you event currency, but the questline will not)…

Let’s take a look at the Turbo Tappin’ version of Sophie Krustofski’s questline….

In Her Father’s Googly Eyes Pt. 1
Sophie starts

Make Sophie Krustofski Go to School- 6hrs, Earns $350, 90xp

In Her Father’s Googly Eyes Pt. 2
Krusty starts

Make Krusty Threaten Boys at School- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

In Her Father’s Googly Eyes Pt. 3
Krusty starts

Make Krusty Follow his Daughter- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp (requires Sophie)

In Her Father’s Googly Eyes Pt. 4
Krusty starts

Make Krusty Set Up an Ambush- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

In Her Father’s Googly Eyes Pt. 5
Krusty starts

Make Sophie Krustofski Hang Out with Dad- 4hrs, Earns 12  115xp (requires Krusty) (in my game for this task there was no “Do It” option.  I had to find Sophie (used Town Hall) and select the task through her task list.  Couldn’t do the “Do It” shortcut.  

And that completes Sophie Krustofski’s questline!

What are your thoughts on Sophie?  Enjoying the questline?  Or are you waiting on it until Christmas is over?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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