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Should I Spend Donuts on the Notre Dame of Springfield & Groundskeeper Seamus?


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

So St. Easter hit our games recently…and really it’s just St. Patrick’s Day stuff, for now.  And with it arrived several new St. Patrick’s Day inspired premium items.

Now with the new content I know you may be trying to if any of it is worth YOUR donuts, but don’t sweat it!  We’re here to tell you what’s worth the donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add the Notre Dame of Springfield and Groundskeeper Seamus to your Springfield?  Well before you hit the confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this combo to your Springfield!

Character: Groundskeeper Seamus
Building: Notre Dame of Springfield
Donut Price: 150 donuts
Earns: $175,18xp/6hrs
No impact

Leaves Stores on March 20th

-Character and building combo, where the character earns 50% more cash and XP on all tasks (despite what some of you initially thought, this is not a skin for Willie)
-Amusing outdoor tasks
-Comes with a questline
-Uses O’Flanagan’s

-His best task is a joint task with Willie
-A bit pricey for what this combo is, it’s not like it’s a classic character like Luann
-The building has no impact on the Conform-O-Meter

Final Thought:
So premium players this one is a toss up in my mind.  It is an amusing character, and I do like that he uses O’Flanagan’s.  Plus the joint task with Willie cracks me up…but it is a bit pricey for who/what this is.  So this is one where I would recommend, if you like it get it.  But only because you really appreciate the combo.  Don’t buy it for practical purposes, as I can give you a bunch of better combos to buy.

Freemium players I would pass on this one.  The price is a huge negative with this, and I just don’t feel that Seamus is worth those hard earned donuts!  So I would avoid this one.

Of course in the end it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would/wouldn’t do…and I can tell you personally I’m on the fence with this one.  However, whatever you decide just make sure you do so before he leaves our games on March 20th.

Groundskeeper Seamus’ Permanent Tasks:

Task Length Earns Location
Drink a Can of Beer 1hr $105, 26xp O’ Flanagans
Fight Willie 2hrs $285, 67xp Outside Notre Dame, Requires Willie
Drink at O’Flanagan’s 4rs $260, 70xp O’Flanagans
Clean Up with a Leafblower 8hrs $420, 105xp Outside
Attend an IPA Meeting 12hrs $600, 150xp O’Flanagans
Go to Jail 24hrs $1,000, 225xp Springfield Penitentiary

What are your thoughts on Groundskeeper Seamus and Gil’s deal?  Will you be spending donuts to bring it to your Springfield?  Or did you already?  Where have you placed Notre Dame in your Springfield?  Thoughts on the questline?  How about his tasks?  Sound off in the comments below you know we love hearing from you!

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