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From the Mouths of Addicts: Character Visual Task List


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

As we all know TSTO is full of some great animations!  Everything from Homer shoving donuts in his face at a rapid pace to Comic Book Guy helping Agnes Cross the street!  We all love those visual tasks, but sometimes it’s hard to remember which characters tasks are visual.  Well not anymore!

A few weeks ago Addicts reader Z and reached out and let me know she was currently compiling a list of visual tasks for TSTO.  And she wanted to know if we would be interested in the list when she had it complete.  Of course knowing that many of you have been asking for such a list, I jumped at the opportunity!  Plus you know we love when you guys get involved in the process! 🙂

So without further ado, here’s the list….

Character Visual Tasks

This will take you to a Google Doc.  There are over 350 tasks on this list and more will be added in the future.  Presenting it as a Google Doc is the best solution to get it posted 🙂

Z does warn that the list is not complete, she’s missing Fireman Homer and Fireman Apu’s tasks and a few others.  But she’ll be updating it every so often as more tasks are added.

So a BIG thanks to Z for providing this fantastic list!  And an even bigger thanks for offering to update it as we move along!

What are your thoughts on the outdoor task list?  Any regular ones you send characters on?  Some you forgot about?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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