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Totbox’s Throwback Thursday: S1 E1 “Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire”


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!  Most of you know Totbox from the comments and several fun posts Tot’s written here on the site.  Over the last couple of weeks Tot and I have been kicking around some post ideas that started with Tot’s reminiscing about Season 1 of the Simpsons.  After  a few ideas we settled on letting Tot’s creativity run wild…and a fun Throwback Thursday feature here on the site.
Each week Tot’s going to take us on a trip down memory lane as we throw it back to Season 1 of the best. show. ever.
So enjoy the newest feature on Addicts…and Tot’s musings about Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire… (and given the stress of the last day or so, I think we all could use a fun little trip down Simpsons memory lane…)

Merry Christmas Time Travelers!!

On November 22nd 1989 (when BTtF2 premiered) I borrowed Doc Brown’s Delorean, to the Old West? No! To the FUTURE!!! All the way to December 17th 1989… (In hindsight I could have just waited for time to pass naturally) when The Simpsons’ Season 1 Episode 1 aired.

“Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire”
     Bart wants/gets a tattoo and it leaves a permanent stain on the family’s Christmas budget, so,Homer moonlights as a Mall Santa for some extra Ho-Ho-Dough 🙂

Yes December 17th 1989, four days after the birth of a Pop-singer/artist (1989…. If you can’t figure it out you might not be very Swift :p ). Again, December 17th 1989, it happened on that magical night, what was presented as a strange Christmas Special was truly a landmark of television history. The first episode of The Simpsons (no longer just shorts on the Tracey Ullman Show).

Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, Maggie, Grandpa, Patty and Selma, Mr. Burns, the voice of Smithers on intercom, Ned and Todd Flanders (but not Rod), Barney and Moe, Skinner and Mr. Largo, Milhouse, Sherri and Terri, Ralph, Snowball 2 and Santa’s Little Helper. Along with buildings such as Simpson’s and Flanders’ house, Moe’s Tavern, Springfield Elementary, Springfield Mall, Springfield Downs, the Nuclear Power Plant and (since it’s also in our game) X-mas Trees Slightly Irregular.

There are also character’s and items that appeared for the first time that Could come into TSTO in the future maybe. OH THE POSSIBILITIES:

Some previously requested Characters:  Wendell Burton (Come On EA!! I’m getting Sick not seeing him in the game), Lewis Clark, Happy Little Elves (Brainy, Bubbles, Moldy), Mervin Monroe the Tattoo artist (not sure if he’s related to Dr. Marvin Monroe), the Hypnotist (as the Santa trainer), Jaffee (school kid), Daria (Barney’s lady friend).

Possible Skins: Star-snow-suit Maggie, Tiki pageant Lisa, pageant Ralph, Santa-trained Barney, Pink Apron Moe.

Possible NPCs: Pageant Santa Girl (since EA likes to give us NPCs during Christmas/Winter events).

Possible Events: Tattoo mini-event? Winter-School Pageant (“Santa of many Lands”) event with more school kids and foreign customs (hopefully without Krampus), Santa training or Santa’s in training invasion where we need to find the real Santa Claus like a Where’s-Waldo situation (which sounds kind of horrible now that I think of it). Mini-game within an event where you match one end to the other (tangled Christmas lights and extension cords).

Characters and Things I didn’t mention because I personally have no interest in them joining the game. Don’t Mention It: cheque/check giver, other racing dogs, various other kids, Springfield Down’s worker, background people “Alfie”, “Fred” and “Norman”, Irving Zitsofsky (tattoo remover guy), other characters. Buildings: Circus of Values, the Mart, All trees $75, Trees $60 and up (which is actually just a billboard).

Some Highlights:

Some other things to think about:
You may have noticed that the interior to Burn’s office and Moe’s Tavern were a bit different from what we are used to.  Homer falls off the roof and also hits his head on the Santa’s Workshop doorway… Maybe he’s accident prone :p , Marge keeps the Christmas money jar under her hair (it’s both fashionable and functional) but a little impractical (Cartoon Logic) :p , Mr. Burns cancels the Christmas Bonus which makes me think of Clark Griswold in “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” which hit theaters 16 days prior to this episode (December 1st 1989). Lisa wanted a Pony (and now we have it in our game) 🙂 . At the end of the episode the family sings “Rudolph the red nosed reindeer” and Bart’s wisecracks get’s Homer so mad that he says “You Little!” and you hear a choking noise from Bart. And lastly Bart’s “Miracle” pep-talk Speech, foreshadowing the success for TSTO.

Do you remember this episode? What was your favorite moment? Where were you on December 1989? Any of the Possibilities that you Really do/don’t like? Do you have any Tattoos? Do you have any Rescued pets? Can you imagine a world without the Simpsons? Sound off in the comments and have a safe journey back to your current space/time 🙂

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