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Diary (Podcast) of a Wookiee: Laugh It Up Fuzzball


Well hello there friends!

So… if you hadn’t noticed, I’ve made a couple mentions in the past of trying out a new format for all my random ramblings. That’s right, somewhere along the lines of life, the universe, and everything, I got the bug to start my own podcast to add to the Wild West that is that world of internet radio schtuff. It took some doing and figuring out, but I finally got it all done.

That’s right… the resident walking carpet now has a weekly podcast where I can ramble about Star Wars, The Simpsons, TSTO, comics, sci-fi, movies, TV, and whatever geeky things normally got kids like me teased by other blockhead kids. Well who’s laughing now? Me… and now it’s on a podcast. It’s such a great time in the world to be a Geek and I figured it couldn’t hurt to add my voice to the cacophony of people talking about the world of geekdom. While not an amalgamation of geek news or headlines, my goal is just to offer a bit of topical free funny for like-minded people. As I know there are lots of geeks here I figured I’d share this for anyone interested.

The whole shebang is located over at The recordings will be posted there with recaps of the content and then through the magic of the interwebs, migrate over to players. It can be listened to on the site but can also be found through iTunes for all Apple users.

That screen cap is from my phone so you can see I’m a big fan of podcasts. As for Android, I know it  is available through Podcast Addict (no it is not lost on me how great a name that is for readers here). Any Android app that pulls it’s content from iTunes should be able to pull the podcast. I’ve also submitted to Google Play so once that goes through, it’ll be just one more way to catch Laugh It Up Fuzzball.

The first episode is about 35 minutes. My goal is to keep them weekly and under an hour in length. The first covers all sorts of geek stuff and even though Alissa is not hip to all the topics, she said she enjoyed it immensely. I’ve listened to it way too many times but I’m a perfectionist and wanted to make sure that a quality product was offered. So far I am stoked with the response from my loved ones. Definitely a work in progress but I say that only because I want it to be amazing. I might also mention that this site gets lots of love; I think I mentioned it at least three times lol.

Sooooo… check it out, subscribe if you like, comment, do the awesome things y’all do. If you have ideas or suggestions, my ears are always open because my maker made them that way. Who knows… maybe some day I can add “World Famous Podcaster” to the list of credits I say to the teenagers I teach history to? Thanks so much for being you and hopefully you enjoy me being me. I am super excited for this endeavor and look forward to what this next adventure will entail.

For social media, you can find me on Twitter (@wookieeriot), Instagram (@wookieeriot), on the web site, here, or on Facebook
( Here’s hoping y’all like this!

TTFN… Wookiee out!

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