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Beach Hideaway and XP Changes…


The Beach Hideaway Bonus % has been FIXED.  It’s now back to 20% for each one.  Patched 10/5/16

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

In the column of NOT COOL EA…REALLY NOT COOL (!!!) EA has made changes to the Beach Hideaway.  Initially the hideaway paid out 2% bonus on cash and XP..and each accessory piece added additional bonus % so you would receive 20% total bonus on all cash and XP for fully upgrading & having all of the components out.

Now with the Halloween update they’ve adjusted the multiplier from 20%…to 5%!  Yes…15% less…again NOT COOL EA!

My guess is someone made a mistake in initial programming and the hideaway was only supposed to offer a 2% bonus (the normal bonus % for 40 donuts..)…but instead that bonus extended to the accessory pieces by mistake. So EA has now corrected this, but upped the % to 5% to make up for their mistake (since a 5% bonus for 40 donuts is still better than the typical payout…).

However, this is still not cool!

EA, you need to step up and compensate players back something for your error…many players spent 200 donuts to get all 5 hideaways because they thought it would payoff in the end.  So to make that change is just not cool.

And…not to defend them..but in fairness to EA, they did not advertise in the store that the hideaway paid out a 20% bonus.  At least not from what I remember.  The bonus was discovered by many of you, and myself, from placing and upgrading one…so I do think it was a legit coding error.

So what can you do about this?  Well you can calmly contact EA and request to have the donuts refunded to your account.  You can also add your “me too” to this thread on the EA forum.  However I will caution you…it’s not a bug or a glitch.  It is intentional.

The bright side? (i know it all sucks right now, but I do try to always find a bright side to things..) Well if you decide to keep them they still pay out 5%, which is a nice bonus for 40 donuts….but also you no longer need all of the accessories out.  You can just place the hideaways and store the accessories.

And on the subject of changes from this update….

I kind of thought this one would be coming…EA upped the requirements to hit the bonus level up once you’ve maxed out your levels.  It’s gone from 1 million to 10 million XP required to earn donuts.  If you’re below level 939 (and above level 100) it’s still 500,000 xp to level up.  This only impacts players who’ve maxed out levels already.

This is a direct response to excessive donut farming…and I thought it was coming for awhile now.

For those that think it’s a response to the KEM farming’s not.  EA’s aware of XP farming (as evident by the Bloodmobile Easter Egg in the game).  I just think they underestimated some Tappers….

And finally, since we’re talking about changes, another change.  But this one is a nice one.  The donut cost for an item how shows up before you place it (and it shows you how many donuts you have as well, top right corner)

Also, when you place something from inventory it’ll also tell you how many you have in inventory..

Nice little change 🙂

And that’s it…one thing to tick you off, one thing to frustrate you and one nice little change.  That’s Tapped Out for you…

What are your thoughts on the changes (remember we’re not EA…so don’t scream and yell at me.  I’m impacted and frustrated too)?  Liking the donut/storage view when placing? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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