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Totbox’s Throwback Thursday: S2 E13 Homer Vs Lisa and the 8th Commandment


Hello fellow sinners,

This episode is based heavily on a religious doctrine. I shall not give you a biblical lesson, if thou wants to know, thy shall ask thy mother and father or a search engine. The 8th commandment in this case, is “Thou Shall Not Steal” though depending on your faith it might fall on a different numbered placement.

I shall not steal anymore of your time, so here it is:

“Homer Vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment”
Lisa wants to coax Homer away from his illegal Coax-Cable hookup

Cable television came into the U.S.A. in 1948 and pay-per-veiw boxing came in 1972. This episode premiered on February 7th (not 8th) 1991. Season 2, Episode 13. The 26th episode of The Simpsons.

FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING: Drederick Tatum, Golden Calf Idol (decoration), Springfield Grocery Store, and though there is a Don King look-a-like it’s too soon for me to claim him to be Lucius Sweet.

There are also characters and items that appeared for the first time that Could come into TSTO in the future maybe. OH THE POSSIBILITIES:

Some previously requested Characters: Troy McClure (COME ON EA! I think it’s a Sin that he is unavailable, you are Stealing so much joy from us)!!!!!

Possible NPC/decoration:  Moses and Mt. Sinai

Possible Skins: Homer the (ancient) Thief, Zohar (ancient) Jacques? (if we ever get him in our game. come on EA! I think we need to command him to come into our game too). Casual Reverend Lovejoy, Sunday Best Martin and Milhouse, Top Hat Bart (though I’d rather have magician Bart from a future episode), four-fingered-discount Jacket Jimbo, and maybe a barred-windows Simpson Home facade.

Possible Events: Hebrew/Jewish event, Heck-of-a-Good event, Boxing mini-event, Tv personalities event, night time blackout event (different from THOH event).

Characters and Things I didn’t mention because I personally have no interest in them joining the game Don’t Mention It: Hezron the carver, other ancient times people, standup comedian, Hear Me Roar Channel women, Springfield Grocery Store customers and staff, Tina the infomercial woman and audience, other power plant workers, unknown TV watchers (including kids), Tatum fight people (Watson, announcers, fans, entourage).

some Highlights:

It’d be a sin not to show more highlights:

Some other things to think about:

Phil Hartman also voiced the Cable Guy and Moses in this episode. The Cable Guy actually first appeared in S1E10 “Homer’s Night Out” (I tossed him into the “background people” description in the Don’t Mention It section), the character was voiced by a different actor then. But though Phil Hartman put a little life into the character, the Cable Guy faded from the series after this episode aired. I have debated whether the character is worth representation in our game and I figure I would have a hard time accepting him if we can’t get Lionel Hutz, Troy McClure (and full character Lyle Lanely) in first.

The woman from “Hear Me Roar” network was seen in the grocery store, along with a skinner lookalike I mentioned in a previous post. Though that probably isn’t baby Gerald in the same picture, I like to pretend it is I:)    And finally it is a bit odd that Bart had questions about Hell considering he has already been there in S2 E10.

(New feature) My Pointless Opinion: Troy McClure’s first appearance along with Dr. Nick’s “Hi everybody” catchphrase, makes this a great milestone. The subject matter of Sins and how seriously we take the commandments is a great moral dilemma. The Simpson’s house being a gathering point of various characters was fun. Cable TV (free or not) isn’t the magical entertainment cure we hoped it would be. Guilt seems to be the best moral rudder, Yeah GUILT! Who needs commandments as long as you have someone to make you feel bad enough to stop whatever it is you were doing guilt-free?

*the following pointless opinions do not reflect those of the admin of the site, nor exactly reflect Totbox’s since it was done just to seem like I (Totbox) put some extra thought into the episode outside of some facts and some event ideas. Some opinions were used for humor and ridiculously rhetorical-esque purposes to excite you (the reader) to leave a scathing rebuttal/comment. If it wasn’t enough there are some other questions below that may also inspire you to leave a comment (and a few of them are carved in stone).

Do you like the new “My Pointless Opinion” feature? Do you remember this episode (S2 E13)? What was your favorite moment? Any of the Possibilities that you Really do/don’t like? Is there a commandment you break more than another (or worry about)? Can you name all Ten Commandments? Ever have a grocery store embarrassment (yourself or children)? Do you have cable TV? Can you imagine a world without the Ten Commandments? I command you to sound off in the comments and have a sinless journey back to your current space/time 🙂 (you aren’t mooching wifi are you?)

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