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Christmas 2016 is Live! (Updated and Complete)


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Well that was fast….it’s Live!

And yes there’s snow in Springfield!

Currently Live on Android (looks like Android users got their wish) AND iOS AND Kindle.  You may have to do a Tapped Out Search in the Store (and then tap on it for more info), to see the update.  I did.

It’s also a MASSIVE update…remember every item in the game has to be reloaded to show it covered in show.  So make sure you’re on WiFi and have some time…it goes up to 1227.2MB on my Android.  It’s HUGE.

Starts off with some auto dialogue from Bart and Lisa.  Followed by a 6s task for Lisa and 6s task for 5 Springfielders.  This is followed by a task to place a free sign and a 6s task for Homer.  And that’s followed by a 6s task for Cletus.  Which is followed still by more 6s tasks.  This time for Willie.  Followed by a task to build Springfield Henge (Free), and a task to hand in an offering.  Once you build (6s) Springfield Henge you’ll launch the Event Hub…

Back with more as I go through it. Ok guys more details below the fold (Note: I’m still updating this post as I go, so continue to check back and refresh this post until the titles says updated and complete It’s complete now).  My apologies for it taking as long as it did.  These late hitting updates kill me when it comes to pulling the info, then picking up the Tiny Addict and getting her ready for bed.  Thanks for patiently understanding 🙂

And now for the info…and a disclaimer to those wanting to sit this one out…

First the disclaimer…I know this isn’t the Christmas Update many of us anticipated this year.  It’s a little “off” for what we typically get this time of the year. And I know some of you have commented that this update would have been better suited for a THOH Update.  I get it.  Believe me I get it.

However, I would ask those of you already saying you’re not playing this one to give it a chance.  The Simpsons are known for attacking anyone and a humorous way that we all enjoy.  This is just one of those moments.  Heck in the first couple of lines of the dialogue Bart indicates to Lisa that he’s supposed to “Stone her to death” because she’s Buddhist.  Not exactly PC culture…

So I would say to those of you upset about this update.  Give it a chance.  From what I can see in the files there are some funny twists and turns..and a few battles for Christianity to win out in this one.  So give it a chance, it’s only day one. You never know you might really want a prize coming later one.

And the bright side?  This is probably one of the shortest Winter Events (let’s face it this isn’t Christmas, although they call it XMAS 2016 in the files) we’ve ever seen.  With only 2 Acts and it’s set to end before New Years (Spoiler there’s potentially some New Year items waiting as well…).  So give it a chance, laugh at the dialogue (including Homer’s Bacon Fest…I know most of us can get on-board with that..mmm bacon) and remember this is a game.  It’s a game about a show that picks on everyone and everything.  So let’s see what the next 4 weeks bring…and then it’s onto the next thing!

Also it’s important to note that A LOT of this update is based on Sunday’s episode of The Simpsons.  That’s where a lot of the premise for this update came it’s not just EA.  It does tie in with what the Simpsons will be doing on Sunday.

Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way…onto the finer details.

As always lets start with the stuff you get for free….in the first few parts of the event.  As mentioned above the event kicks off, as per usual, with a series of 6s tasks for various characters.  During that time you’ll earn two free items:

Pagan Winter Carnival Sign- Free, 1×7 in size

Springfield Henge- Free, 11×11 in size.  Building this is what will get the event to trigger in your game.

A little later in the questline you’ll unlock the Lumber Mill, another free Building..

Lumber Mill- Free, 8×8 in size. 4hr Build This controls crafting.

Now let’s jump to what’s in the store…

So far it’s slim pickins for long time players that have pretty much everything.  Only two new premium items are offered…and loads of returning stuff.  Here’s what’s available:

New stuff..

Flander’s Frozen Car- 50 Donuts, Adds 2.25% bonus on all cash and XP

Old Tree Spirit- 100 Donuts. Adds 3% Bonus on all cash and XP. Earns 160 /4hrs

Returning stuff…

In addition to all of then items that returning last week during the Early Christmas…you have

Ling Bouvier- 110 Donuts, Full Character.  Will help with the event. (she earns Currency). Should I Buy

Patches and Poor Violet- 100 Donuts.  Like Sherri and Terri, two characters but act as one.  Also help with the winter event (earn currency).

As some of you have noted this event is only two Acts.  That’s it!  Act 1 ends December 18th and Act 2 ends December 30th.  So for those of you hoping they’d finish the event out BEFORE the New Year, you’ve got your wish.  This is a short one!

Here’s a look at the currency for Act 1:

Antlers- Prize Currency.  Collect Antlers to unlock the Act 1 prizes

Runestones- Crafting Currency.  Collect Runestones to Craft the available prizes.

Catnip- Currency you earn by sending characters on tasks.  Turn in Catnip at Springhenge to earn more Antlers/Runestones and other prizes.

Figurines- Just like Catnip, Figurines are a currency you earn by sending characters on tasks.  Turn in Figurines at Springhenge to earn more Antlers/Runestones and other prizes.

Act 1 Prizes

Here are the prizes for Act 1…

Goat God Statute- 4,850  (This is a prize from the upcoming episode…)

Pile of Runestones- 11,350 . 100 stones, used for crafting

$5 Antler Rental- 22,750 

New God Mr. Burns- 35,800  (Skin for Burns)

Goblet of Runestones- 42, 300. 250 Runestones, used for Crafting.

Cult Flying Saucer- 52, 050 

The Parson- 68,350  Full character, leader of the Presbylutheran faith in Springfield

And yes for those wondering there IS a Bonus way to earn donuts after you’ve unlocked all of the prizes.  For every 5,100 you collect after The Parson you’ll have your chance at 1, 2 or 3 donuts.


Crafting takes place at the Lumber Mill.  You’ll unlock the Mill for FREE once you’ve completed Logging In. 

Once again you’ll have to level up to unlock more crafting prizes.  And the items will be around for the entire event (all 23+ days of it).  This time there’s only 10 Levels.

As always I’ll have a full breakdown in the crafting post…BUT here’s a quick look at the prizes:

Level 1
Carnival Banner 1- 120  . Awards 100  on placement

Small Pagan Tent- 210 . Awards 229 on placement.

Level 2
Large Mushrooms- 60.

Chicken Coop- 105

Level 3
Goat Head Statue- 180 

Hay Cart- 225

Level 4
Large Pagan Tent- 450

Pagan Cauldron- 120

Level 5
Carnival Banner 2- 120 

Phone-Henge Kiosk- 750 

Level 6
Giant Mushrooms- 200 

Brazier- 75 

Level 7
Two-Story Outhouse- 125 

Pagan Hall- 950 

Level 8
Carnival Banner 3- 120

Windmill- 400

Level 9
Fur is Murder Christmas Tree- 250

Medieval Tent- 200

Level 10
Dunk the Monk- 1,250

Earning Currency…


For Act 1 you’ll see Pagans pop up in Springfield.  Tap them to earn Antlers AND Runestones.

For every Pagan you tap in YOUR Springfield you’ll earn 10  and 2 

Currency Tasks

You’ll be able to complete 4hr tasks for Act 1 at Cletus’ Farm and Willie’s Shack.  Each will earn you one of the currencies that you hand in at Spinghenge to earn more Antlers and Runestones. (Think Monorail Event/Weekly Tasks with Blueprints)

Here’s the task list for Cletus’ Farm, which earns Catnip ():
4hr Task.  Earns 15 Freemium and 25 Premium. Can send:
Crazy Cat Lady
Ling Bouvier

Here’s the task list for Willie’s Shack, which earns Figurines  ():
4hr Task. Earns 15  Freemium and 25  Premium.  Can send:
Patches and Poor Violet


You’re collecting all that Catnip  and Figurines  to hand in at Springhenge.  Handing in these items will earn you more Antlers, to unlock more prizes.  Also, each day there will be a set number to hand in for that day, handing in that number will unlock a bonus prize for you.

So for Day 1 (day) complete 4 hand ins to unlock the Day 1 Bonus..more Runestones, for crafting.

As you can see when you have enough to hand in you’ll see a checkmark next to that list.

This is very much like the Monorail Event and Blueprint, etc, hand ins.

Once you’ve completed your hand ins for that days bonus, you’ll still be able to hand in items to collect more Antlers to unlock prizes….

BUT…just like the Monorail Event, there is a cap on the number of Antlers you can earn per day from Springhenge.

Gnome in Your Home

Like we’ve predicted that pesky little Gnome has come to life and it’s your job to tap on him to send him back to his box…

Tapping on the Gnome during the mini game (which I’ll breakdown in it’s own post), will earn you more currency.  And upgrading the box will earn even more currency.

Every 4hr the Gnome will break out of his box and it’ll be up to you to find him.  But don’t worry you’ll have a compass to guide you…

Just follow the direction of the Gnome Compass in the top right corner and it will lead you to the Gnome.

Once you find him tap on him until he disappears…

You’ll have 20 seconds (i think that’s what it said) to clear him from Springfield and earn bonus currency!

Neighbor Actions

Once you’ve unlocked the Gnome in Your Home in your Springfield you’ll be able to find him in a neighbors town.  This will allow you to earn bonus currency!

However, you can only find him ONCE PER DAY via a neighbor’s town.

In addition to the Gnome in one neighbor’s town, you’ll be able to tap three Pagans in a neighbor’s town. 90 actions/day.

Each Pagan you tap in a neighbor’s town will earn you 5 and 2 . Neighbor actions, to tap Pagans, unlock during Pagan Paradise Pt. 2.


And that’s it my friends!  The quick rundown…or not so quick, this post too a while to complete…of the 2016 Winter Event!

We’ll be back in the next few days with full breakdowns of everything you see above.  And yes before you ask, we’ll have the following posts up soon…
-Act 1 Calendar
-Turbo Tappin’ Act 1 (Walkthrough)
-Should I Buy Posts
-Crafting Breakdown
-Gnome Breakdown
-Springhenge Breakdown
-And more!

It’ll all be coming to you over the next few days…

This is a fairly simple one.  Something short and easy.  Keeps us entertained, but allows us all to spend time with our families and friends over the holiday season.

Share your thoughts in the comments below…


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