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Let Cooler Heads Prevail…My Thoughts So Far On the Event


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

So normally we just plug away with updates here at Addicts HQ.  Listening to what you guys have to say, but trying not to say too much about our opinions.  (well…before Pat anyway lol) We write our posts, give you guys the details and address issues we feel need to be addressed.  But we try not to say too much about the theme of the events.  Because let’s face it, we’re all Addicts and we’re going to plug away no matter what.  But this 2016 Winter Event has seem to hit a nerve with many of you…

There are A LOT of angry Addicts in the comments.  (although there are still a ton of you who are happy with it, or indifferent)  Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many outraged Addicts in the comments on day 1.  Sure Christmas 2013 brought a lot of ticked off people (Wheel) as did Easter 2014…BUT not usually on day 1.  Or from the second you downloaded the update and saw the splash screen.  (kind of makes sense why there wasn’t a teaser from EA…)

I get it.  I really do.  Many of you are upset with the theme because it’s offensive to you, and your beliefs.  Or you’re upset because you feel like it’s Christmas morning and Santa either didn’t show up or left you coal.  Or worse yet, your stocking was full of underwear.  *Shudder*

It’s like you had all of this anticipation build up about what the event could be, maybe a Hanukkah inspired event, maybe Kwanzaa would get some love this year,  perhaps more Festivus, would EA release more lights? And instead of any of that EA just kicked you square in your holiday spirit gut.

I get it. It’s not what I expected either.  It’s different. While the Pagan Festival is the root of our modern day Christmas celebrations (in quick simple terms Christians felt they didn’t want to participate in the Pagan Festival so instead they created their own celebration, and choose the Festival date to be the day they celebrated Christ’s birthday.  Don’t believe me…Google it.), it just seems like a strange event to be celebrating this time of the year to many of us.

As many of you know Christmas is my FAVORITE time of year.  I may not like Halloween or Thanksgiving (or even Easter for that matter), but Christmas, Christmas is special to me.  As I know it is to many of you.  For me it’s way more than the gifts, cookies, decorations and even the religious aspect.

See for me Christmas, and the entire holiday season, is about a special feeling deep inside (almost) all of our hearts this time of the year.  It’s families and friends coming together.  It’s the joy and excitement in children…joy you don’t usually see unless you’re in Disney.  It’s about the wonder and magic of a jolly guy in a red suit and his eight reindeer.  It’s a sense of kindness from strangers.

Christmas is just a magical time.  So to see something different, like a Pagan alter, in an event this time of the year is strange.  And it feels a bit like that gut punch we talked about earlier.  BUT it’s important no matter how you feel about this event to be respectful of each other. Be respectful of other’s ideas and traditions.  Remember the time of the year and the magic of the season that takes place outside of the game, in places you talk about the game.

It’s ok to not like an update.  It’s ok to be upset with the prizes or the lack of holiday inspired decorations.  It’s NOT ok to insult others, or demonize others because of your beliefs over theirs.

So as is the policy of this site, any comments made to provoke others, be malicious, or distract from the purpose of this site will be removed.  Remember, respectful, constructive disagreement is welcome.  But the insulting religious arguments take away from the purpose of this site.  We’re a welcoming community for all, not some.  We’re all from different countries, backgrounds and we all have different beliefs.  It’s important that we respect that. 

I’ve let many of you say your peace about the update yesterday and this morning, but from this point on any comments that demonize one belief over another will be deleted.  Politics and Religion are two hot button topics that aren’t meant to be debated here.  There’s no winning for either side, you won’t change anyone’s mind…instead you’ll just alienate people.  That’s not what we’re about here.

That doesn’t say that you can’t disagree with each other, or disagree with the update.  Or have serious issues with the update.  It just means you have to be respectful about it.  It also means that if someone is upset with the update because of it’s lack of holiday feeling don’t jump down their throat. Don’t add the comments like “well we had to deal with a manger previously”.  (and a lot of you complained about that manger)  Respect each other and this site. That’s all we ask.

Now to those of you who refuse to play this update because you feel like it lacks holiday spirit.  Or the prizes suck.  I would encourage you to at least try. Yes, some of the prizes are pretty crappy..I’m not going to lie…but there are some really great prizes.  And the dialogue is HILARIOUS.  (who doesn’t love the idea of a Bacon Fest?  And I don’t know about you, I agree with Homer. You don’t talk about Bacon Fest, because then you have to share the bacon.)

Worried there’s no holiday decor?  It lacks the color of the holidays?  Take a look at the FREE trees in Springfield that now have lights.  The fences with bows.  Benches with ribbons.  The bushes with berries. Take a look at the bushes and trees that have festive ribbon…

I dunno about you, but it sure looks a whole heck of a lot like Christmas in my Springfield, whether I want it to or not. There are loads of simple design elements, for FREE, that have been added to the game to make it look more like the festive time of the year.

The Parson, the final Act 1 Character, is a fun addition to Springfield.  He’s got some hilarious tasks and great dialogue to add to the conversation…and cause some trouble for Rev. Lovejoy…

And a few (light) SPOILERS for those that want to know if it will get more like the traditional holidays we know and love…I’ll give those of you who don’t want to know what’s coming a chance to scroll away…incoming spoilers in









There are LOADS of returning Christmas items yet to come and they’ll be released as bundles like THOH.

Looking for a Santa?  Well you’ll be able to grab Santa Homer as a bundle deal (scheduled for Dec 8th)

Looking for more Santa decor?  Santa’s Workshop, Little Helper Ralph and more are coming back in another bundle later in the month.

How about some religion?  The Manger will make it’s return closer to Christmas.  As will the First Ever Christmas Tree..

How about a chance to pick up some items from last Winter?  The Babysitter Bandit will be coming back, along with the Giant Snowman and loads of other items from Christmas 2015.

And those are just a few of the returning items…

As far as new stuff…according to the files it looks like both Jebediah Springfield AND Shelbyville Manhattan will be joining our games as full, playable characters.

And lets not forget little Maggie…

At the end of it all (ie Act 2 prize) baby Maggie will get a very iconic costume…



End of Spoilers

So even if you’re not into the Pagan theme, there are some bright spots to look forward to.

Oh and for those questioning this year’s theme, as I said in the rundown post…the Pagan Theme is DIRECTLY related to the upcoming episode of The Simpsons.  “The Nightmare Before Krust-Mas”, which is an interesting episode where Krusty will explore his own religion.  EA literally just took a page from the show with this one. It’s not out of the blue..

And if you need another bright side….the event is going to end before the New Year…

So let’s all take a deep breath and remember that we’re a community.  Despite our locations and backgrounds, we all share a common love of this game.  We survived the Wheel and Easter Boxes…the Pagans have nothing on us!

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