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Addicts Question Corner: Christmas 2017 Act 1


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

By now everyone should be in the thick of Funzo smashing, town decorating, Alien encounter Christmas fun! If you’re not, well then stop what you’re doing, go to the app store and download the new update, what are you waiting for?  Go ahead and do it now, I’ll wait….

Deck the halls w Buddy Holly…fa la la la la, la la la
Tis’ the season something jolly…fa la la la la, la la la
Don your heavy winter jacket…fa la la la, la la la
Sing like crazy make a racket…fa la la la, la la la la 

Everyone good?  Great.  Let’s move on.

It’s a new event in Springfield, and we all know new events come with LOADS of questions!  So it’s time for an all-new Addicts Question Corner.  Let’s get to it…

The Funzos are really hard to tap in Neighbor’s towns, is there an easier way?

By now you should all know about the Robot icon in the top right corner of your Springfield screen (looks like this)

That allows you to quickly locate the Robot Funzos in your own Springfield.  But finding those little guys in a neighbor’s town can be a real chore.  Unfortunately, there is no quick way to find them when visiting a neighbor…you just have to search.

The good news?  They’re only worth 30 batteries/day (1/tap, 30 actions available per day)…so really not worth going through the effort anyway.

How Does the Re-Gifting Work?

So, Safi is working on one of his famously detailed posts all about the re-gifter so I won’t go into too much detail here. (should be up tomorrow)  However, a quick explanation is….

It works just like the PolyVac did during the SciFi event. You start it up, wait for the countdown from 3 and then tap the screen like mad to clear the flying Funzo Robots before they get to your Simpson House.

It doesn’t matter how many you clear, all that matters is you prevent them from destroying your Simpson house.  So tap like mad.

To start it up, when you have 15 wrapping paper open the event hub and click the Re-Gifting icon, looks like this…

From there you’ll see if you can play the game.  If you see the Blue icon there, tap on it and it’ll launch the game

If you can’t play, ie don’t have enough paper, it’ll be pink indicating you can buy more paper for donuts. (Don’t do that) 

And from there it’ll launch the game….so just tap away!

How do Elf Lisa & Bart Earn Currency?  What do they earn? 

So, at the moment the store is a little misleading.  It says Bart and Lisa Elf costumes earn event currency.  They currently do not for Act 1. (even after the questline & no the questline doesn’t earn anything either)

They will earn event currency during Act 2.  Think boss battles against the Aliens like Halloween…

So for Act 1, no event currency.  For Act 2, yes event currency. They’re available in the store for the whole event, so if you wait until Act 2 you won’t be missing anything. (unless EA makes a change, which I will alert you to)

Holiday Bazaar

It looks like there will be 3 rounds for the Holiday Bazaar, returning premium items.  As of right now the dates are:

December 5th
December 16th
December 22nd

It does not indicate if the first wave leaves when the next one arrives, instead it just says Bazaar end date January 2nd (end of the event).  Also, the in-game timer indicates the current prizes leave on the 2nd. So that’s the assumption i’m operating under.

Are There Any Character Tasks for event currency?  You know, those 4hr ones. 

For Act 1, no.  There are no additional tasks to earn event currency.  Just tap Funzos and use the Re-Gifter.  Pat’s working on a Math Post for those fuzzy on the numbers.

As a reminder, this is only Act 1.  There’s WAY more to come in Act 2.

I Won the Ice Tiles in the Re-Gifter Mystery Box, How Do I Access Them?

Same way you get Road, Pavement, Dirt, Water etc tiles.  Once you’ve won them they’ll be included in that list…

I Won the Land Token, But Don’t See Any New Land Available.

That is correct.  For right now EA did not release any new land for this event.

The good news?  Land Tiles don’t expire.  And you don’t have to spend them immediately.  So save them, if you have no land to buy, for the next land release.  Don’t curse EA for giving you the free land, because next event you’ll be thanking them for the savings.

And now to address a few complaints we’ve been seeing in the comments.

WARNING below may contain a few minor spoilers for those worried about them

EA has given us nearly EVERYTHING we’ve been asking for with this event.  Sure, there are a few things/elements missing. But this event proves they’ve been listening to what we’ve been complaining about.

-For years people have been complaining about the 4hr grind….it’s gone.  At least for Act 1.  Yet, some people still aren’t happy.

This is how it’s been going… Last Event “Ugh!  I HATE these 4hr grinds! It’s so boring! EA is so ridiculous, they really need to fix this!”  This event “Ugh, there’s nothing to do!  It’s so boring, bring back the 4hr tasks!”

Look familiar? I’ve been seeing comments like this in the comments for the last 24 (ish)hrs….take the win guys.  You can log into TSTO at ANY point and do something in the game right now.  You aren’t stuck to a 4hr timer.  Take the win.

-Retreading content.  This is going to be a norm for any game that’s been around for awhile.  There will always been content coming back into the game that was previously there.  It’s a chance for new players to get old content.  That being said, in past events (*cough cough* Halloween) 90% of the content has been returning content.  And that’s been a major bummer for MANY players.  That has been corrected with this one.

Sure, some of the craftables are retreads.  But out of 17 Craftables, 10 of them are brand new content.  That makes 7 retreads, for a change that’s a majority of NEW items in the craftable section.

Plus the premium content in the stores.  There is going to be a TON of BRAND NEW premium content hitting stores over the next 4 weeks.  Sure there are some returning items, but as long as they balance out new with old it keeps things fresh.  That’s EXACTLY what they’re doing.

-And while we’re on the subject of content….you guys haven’t see ANYTHING yet!  Looking at what’s upcoming (you can see characters in the character collection boxes), SO many things we’ve been asking for will be coming.  Including a SPOILER Chinese Restaurant, for those who have been asking for one.

So much great content incoming….characters, buildings & decorations…it’s hard NOT to be excited by this event.

Just look at the characters coming…including one that makes me VERY happy.  Who doesn’t love a Fat Guy in red?

And for those laughing…B.S (among other things), stands for Belief Systems (with regards to this update)

-Finally, the dialogue.  For a while now we’ve been complaining the dialogue has been stale.  The best thing about TSTO used to be that each update was a mini-episode of The Simpsons.  The dialogue used to be great.  Well, I’ve read ahead my friends.  Not only is the Act 1 dialogue amusing, Act 2 is even better!

They don’t attack religion, or lack thereof, for those worried about it.  It’s a true all-inclusive event.  (aside from calling their league the B.S. league…but this is The Simpsons, not down on the Farm with Jesus/Buddha/Shiva/Rabbi K etc…so what do you expect?) Where everyone is equally important…

This event, so far, is great and the coming act looks even more promising.  For those who have been playing TSTO for years now (4-5) this even brings back memories of the original events.  Witty dialogue, great prizes, FUN content & no 4 hr grind cycle!  Even the impossible to see Funzos remind me of “the old days” (Whacking Day Snakes).

And, as you’ve seen with recent events…we’re the first ones to call EA out when they screw up.  But this isn’t a screw-up, by any measure.  Heck, even Patric is REALLY excited about this event! Cranky Old Guy isn’t very cranky…imagine that!

So, RELAX.  Enjoy the event, and for crying out loud have some fun!  If you can’t find fun with this event, maybe it’s time for you to stop playing TSTO.  Because this is about as good as TSTO gets.  Sure, there are things that could be better & maybe we’ll see them next time…but this is a really promising start to making TSTO Great Again!

What are your thoughts on the event?  Excited about the prizes?  Premium content?  Any questions you have that weren’t answered here?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

P.S. For those asking…J.C. will be premium.  And I suggest saving 200 donuts for him…and don’t forget his Birthday.  He really hates that.

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