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Should I Spend Donuts On Spooky Gorge?


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Halloween is back in Springfield!  Yes, the water is murky, the screen is slightly darker, monsters and minions are roaming our towns…is there anything better than Halloween in our pocket-sized towns?  Of course, by now, we all know that a new event means a new excuse for EA to fill our stores with limited-time premium items to tempt us.

As we all know, that limited-time label can tempt us to grab everything in sight because it’ll be gone soon.  But don’t sweat it!  That’s where we come in to tell you what’s worth those donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add the Spooky Gorge to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this currency earning Gorge to your town…

Building/Decoration: Spooky Gorge
Donut Cost: 100 Donuts
3% bonus on all cash and XP.  Also earns 180and 70xp/4hrs.  (should convert to Act 2 and 3 currency when they hit)
Vanity +100
Can Be Placed: 

Leaves stores November 14th

-Comes with a short questline
-Will help earn more prize track event currency
-Ok Bonus % for donuts spent
-Always animated (spooky fog flies around it) and animated when tapped.  Wagon falls over the edge (pretty good animation)
-Wiggum has a task there (Fall into Gorge) that earns event currency, however continue to send him to the Holy Forge as he’ll earn Pickaxes there.

-Massive footprint for Springfield.

Final Thought
Premium or Freemium:
While you certainly don’t need this to successfully complete the event, it is a nice addition to Springfield.  I like that it earns both event currency and a bonus % and the animation is pretty amusing.  However, it is pretty large for Springfield.  So if you have the space it’s not a bad pickup, but if you don’t it’s not a bad item to pass on either.

Of course, in the end, it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would or wouldn’t do…and as a premium player, I’ll likely pick this one up.  But whatever you decide, just make sure you make your final decision before it leaves our games for good (or for now). Also, since this is an item that helps with the event, it’s better to pick this up sooner rather than later if you plan to grab it.  This way you maximize the event currency earning throughout the entire event.

Here’s a look at the questline it comes with…

Spooky Gorge Pt. 1

Wiggum: All right you teenagers, move along.  None of your (Alissa edit: should probably say, none of you are) making out overlooking the spooky gorge.
Jimbo: It’s weird.  We know the gorge is messy and dangerous, but there’s something about it that keeps attracting us.
Shauna: It’s like the gulch version of teenage sex.  I’m Shauna.
Wiggum: Well, just stay clear of the edge, okay?  You kids don’t have my cat-like balance.
Reach Level 17 and Build Police Station
Make Wiggum Fall Into Spooky Gorge- 4hrs, Earns 180 Event Currency and 70xp
Wiggum: My cat-like balance has deserted me!  Aaaahh.
Shauna: He fell into the Spooky Gorge.  Should we tell the police.
Jimbo: He *is* the police.  So technically they already know.
Shauna: Then let’s make out.

Spooky Gorge Pt. 2
Auto starts

Wiggum: Chief Wiggum’s journal.  I have been trapped in this Spooky Gorge for days. The only thing I’ve had to eat are these bright red berries, which I’ve been washing down with my own urine. I found a creek of fresh water yesterday, but I’d gotten used to the pee flavor. If anyone finds this, tell Sarah I love her, and tell Ralphie that noses are for breathing, not picking.
Make Wiggum Continue to Lose His Mind- 4hrs, Earns 180 Event Currency and 70xp
Lou:  Oh my God!  Chief, we finally found you.
Wiggum: Look, Lou, I can fly.  I’m a golden eagle.
Lou: Ok, Chief.  Let’s get you home and off these wild insanity-berries.
Wiggum: No one’s taking my berries!  I’m hiding in the gorge forever!

What are your thoughts on the Spooky Gorge?  Will you be spending the donuts to bring it to your Springfield? Did you already?  Why or why not?  Where have you placed it in your town?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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