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Springfield Showoff: Simpsons Babies


As we sit here frakkin files, pulling pics, and typing a million words a minute to get our readers the latest updates and information…we sometimes find ourselves forgetting to stop and enjoy our own games. More so our neighboreenos. So we try to make it a point to hop in n out of the towns now and then to see what cool things YOU are up to. So we have decided we want to continue to focus more attention (as if we don’t already 😛 ) on YOU…our readers. Time to time we will be peaking into your towns, checking our Flickr, and also the posts in the comments below to see what cool ideas and designs YOU have come up with to make your towns unique and…well…YOU.

So here is YOUR chance to show off all your hard work, time, donuts & in-game cash spent. Send us your work, no matter how big or small and brag about it to the world. We want you to! Then keep your eyes posted to Addicts to see if YOU end up on our “SPRINGFIELD SHOWOFF”.

This time around, since the event is now over, I wanted to see what you’ve done with the Simpsons Babies Stuff!  We’re featuring the buildings and decorations from the Simpsons Babies multi-event, from the areas of your town that you wanted to show us.

It can always be a little intimidating and frustrating trying to figure out just where to put anything in Springfield…so who better to turn to than our fellow Addicts? And as always you guys came through big time!

You guys have some great designs and ideas so let’s take a look:

Once again we’ve used a Gallery to display your images. This allows us to get all of your images displayed, and show off your hard work!  Simply tap the images below to be taken to the slideshow.  The name of the creator will be listed at bottom of each pic. (and as always they’re in alphabetical order)

What did you all think of your fellow Addict’s designs?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

Stay tuned for the next Showoff announcement!  In the meantime keep designing those Springfields!

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