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THOH XXX Prize Guide: Act 2, Prizes 5 Gelatinous Homer


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Despite the calendar showing November, it’s still Halloween in Springfield! And it’ll be that way for a few more weeks…and we shouldn’t be surprised after all EA warned us!

“Isn’t it sad when Halloween ends and all you have to show for it is a bucket of candy? Well, fear not!  The new Treehouse of Horrors update for Tapped Out starts this Wednesday and will scare you deep into November!”

Anyway…back to the prizes at hand…

THOH XXX follows the same event structure of the Multi-Events before it.  This event consists of 4 parts (or Acts), with each part lasting a week and taking us through a new part of the event!

For Week 2, Act 2, we’re following what happens when Zia strikes a deal with the Devil Dracula!  All of the prizes unlocked during week 2 play a role in that storyline.

So let’s take a look at prize 5 on the THOH XXX Act 2 Prize track…Gelatinous Homer…

Gelatinous Homer is a brand new character for Springfield (not a costume for Homer), and part of the Treehouse of Horror XXX Character Collection:

How You Unlock it:
Prelude to a Powermove Pt. 5
Make Zia Simpson Use Ultranet- 8hrs
Make Count Dracula Cut Deals with his Stable of Monsters- 8hrs
Collect Beating Hearts- x100.

Once achieved you’ll unlock Gelatinous Homer…

More Info:

WDTCF: “Treehouse of Horror XVII” (Married to the Blob Segment)
Voiced:  Yes

He does come with a full questline, here’s a look at that questline:

Hunger Rampage Pt. 1
Gelatinous Homer starts

Gelatinous Homer: Sooo hungry! Must feed!
King-Size Homer: I’m the hungriest Homer in Springfield. So get off my surf and turf!
Gelatinous Homer: This is my town now. Find somewhere else to forage.
King-Size Homer: That’s it. You and me. Eating contest. Shut your mouth then open it and let’s go.
Make Gelatinous Homer Inhale Food- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp
Make King-Size Homer Enter Eating Contest- 8hrs, Earns $420, 105xp
King-Size Homer: *struggling* Ooo my stomach feels– *passes out*
Gelatinous Homer: I win, you lose! The more I eat, the dumber I get. I feel like getting dumber. *eats more donuts*

Hunger Rampage Pt. 2
Gelatinous Homer starts

Gelatinous Homer: Food! Now!
Squeaky Voice Attendant: We have a large menu. Just point to the item you’d like.
Gelatinous Homer: *ominous glare*
Squeaky Voice Attendant: Why are you pointing at me?
Gelatinous Homer: Eat! Food! Now!
Make Gelatinous Homer Consume Krusty Burger- 1hr, Earns $70, 17xp
Make Squeaky Voice Attendant Barely Escape- 8hrs, Earns $420, 105xp
Krusty: What happened to my cruddy restaurant?
Gelatinous Homer: Me eat.
Krusty: You’re gonna be parked in the bathroom tomorrow.

Hunger Rampage Pt. 3
Gelatinous Homer starts

Gelatinous Homer: *stomach rumbles* Still hungry.
Marge: Homie, is that you?
Homer: *stomach rumbles* Not me but it sounds like my stomach.
Gelatinous Homer: Eat.
Homer: He’s better spoken.
Make Gelatinous Homer Feed- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp
Make Homer Satisfy Hunger- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp
Gelatinous Homer: *panting* Hungry.
Homer: Are you going to eat that? *takes food from pile*

Hunger Rampage Pt. 4
Gelatinous Homer starts

Marge: You’re doing it, Homie. Chew like a madman!
Frink: It does appear as if the monstrous Homer is slowing down.
Bart: Which one’s the monstrous one again?
Frink: At this rate it should eat itself into a coma.
Lisa: Come on, Dad! Save the city!
Make Gelatinous Homer Start Slowing Down- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp
Make Homer Eat Even More- 8hrs, Earns $420, 105xp

Hunger Rampage Pt. 5
Gelatinous Homer starts

Gelatinous Homer: Too much food– *passes out*
Marge: Homie, you beat that blob!
Lisa: You already won, Dad. You can stop eating.
Homer: What, no dessert?
Make Gelatinous Homer Go Into Food Coma- 12hrs, Earns $420, 100xp
Make Homer Continue Eating- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp
Frink: We’ve contained the monster. It won’t hurt anyone ever again.
Marge: I think we might have a bigger problem.
Homer: Homer hungry. I’ll say it again just in case no one heard. Homer hungry.

And finally, here’s a look at the tasks…

Gelatinous Homer’s Permanent Tasks:

Task Length Earns Location
Consume Krusty Burger 1hr $70, 17xp Krusty Burger
Consume Innocent People 4hrs $175, 45xp Town Hall/Brown House
Inhale Food 8hrs $275, 70xp Outside/Visual
Go Into Food Coma 12hrs $420, 100xp Simpson House
Go on Hunger Rampage 24hrs $600, 150xp Outside/Visual

And that’s it my friends, the details on Gelatinous Homer, the final THOH XXX Act 2 prize!

Up next? Nothing.  You’ve completed Act 2.  Nothing to do now but wait until Act 3 starts on Wednesday morning.

Thoughts Gelatinous Homer? Thoughts on his tasks? Animation? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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