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THOH XXX Prize Guide: Act 4, Prize 5 Lucy Fer Sa’tan


Note: I’m reposting this so the Permalink is correct.  Sorry guys, battling a head cold these last 24hrs and apparently you shouldn’t mix Nyquil and blogging… 😳

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Finally…the last day of the 2019 Treehouse of Horrors event!  Man it’s been a long four weeks…

Anyway…back to the prizes at hand…

THOH XXX follows the same event structure of the Multi-Events before it.  This event consists of 4 parts (or Acts), with each part lasting a week and taking us through a new part of the event!

For…the final week (!!!), we’re following the exciting conclusion of THOH XXX.  Will Bart and Lisa get their souls back, will Zia conquer Kodos and Kang, will Marge save humanity with Mayonaise?  We’ll have to read along to fund out.  But, all of the prizes unlocked during week 4 play a role in that storyline.

So let’s take a look at the final 2019 Treehouse of Horror Event prize…the Alien Devil himself…Lucy Fer Sa’tan…

Lucy Fer Sa’tan is a brand new character for Springfield, and completes of the Aliens Character Collection:

How You Unlock it:
A Mother Scorn Pt. 5
Make J. Rigellian Christ Explain Manifest Destiny- 8hrs
Make Marge Reject J. Rigellian Christ- 8hrs
Collect Game Pieces- x100.

Once achieved you’ll unlock the Alien Devil…

More Info:

Voiced:  No

He does come with a full questline, here’s a look at that questline:

The Devil’s Day Off Pt. 1
Lucy Fer Sa’tan starts

Lucy Fer Sa’tan: Hello, honey. How’re you doing?
Lisa: Am I dreaming?
Lucy Fer Sa’tan: If you’re dreaming that I’m here to take your soul, then you’re not dreaming. Your Earth Devil took a sick day so I’m covering for him.
Lisa: Before you steal my soul, how about a wager?
Make Lisa Make a Deal with the Devil- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp
Make Lucy Fer Sa’tan Entertain the Idea of a Deal- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp

The Devil’s Day Off Pt. 2
Lucy Fer Sa’tan starts

Lucy Fer Sa’tan: Devil work is a drag so a wager sounds like a lot of fun.
Lisa: Let’s bet saving my soul with a saxophone battle.
Lucy Fer Sa’tan: Ugh, what ever happened to fiddle battles? Sax is my worst instrument.
Make Lucy Fer Sa’tan Take Lisa’s Soul- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp

The Devil’s Day Off Pt. 3
Lucy Fer Sa’tan starts

Lucy Fer Sa’tan: Pick up the phone already!
Devil Flanders: Yel-lo, this is the diddly-devil speaking.
Lucy Fer Sa’tan: It’s me. The deed is done. I got the soul of that Simpson girl.
Devil Flanders: Simpson girl?! I said Simpson goon. You need to take Homer’s soul.
Lucy Fer Sa’tan: And you need to enunciate when giving orders!
Make Lucy Fer Sa’tan Give Lisa Her Soul Back- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp

The Devil’s Day Off Pt. 4
Lucy Fer Sa’tan starts

Lucy Fer Sa’tan: Good news, little girl. I was supposed to take your father’s soul so you get to keep yours.
Lisa: You made the mistake, so why not give me a chance to save my dad’s soul?
Lucy Fer Sa’tan: *sigh* Hell’s bells! Saxophone battle again.
Make Lucy Fer Sa’tan Have a Saxophone Showdown- 12hrs, Earns $420, 100xp
Make Lisa Have a Saxophone Showdown- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp

The Devil’s Day Off Pt. 5
Lucy Fer Sa’tan starts

Lucy Fer Sa’tan: You cheated, you little cheater!
Lisa: Face the music, I’m better than you!
Lucy Fer Sa’tan: How can I explain this to Earth Devil when I see him?
Lisa: Don’t know, don’t care. You lost, now leave my family alone.
Make Lucy Fer Sa’tan Be a Sore Loser- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp
Devil Flanders: Ah, nothing like a day torturing lost souls to knock the brimstone out of the old hooves.
Lucy Fer Sa’tan: I’m glad that you’re in a good mood.
Devil Flanders: Why shouldn’t I be? I’ll be torturing that annoying Homer in two shakes of my devil’s tail.
Lucy Fer Sa’tan: Yeah, about that. You may want to sit down.

And finally, here’s a look at the tasks…

Lucy Fer Sa’tan’s Permanent Tasks:

Task Length Earns Location
Terrorize Rigellians 1hr $70, 17xp Rigel VII
Egg Rivals House 4hrs $175, 45xp Manger or Heavenly Swing Set or Brown House
Collect Souls 8hrs $275, 70xp Springfield Elementary
Have a Saxophone Showdown 12hrs $420, 100xp Outside/Visual
Raise Hell 24hrs $600, 150xp Outside/Visual

And that’s it my friends, the details on Lucy Fer Sa’tan, the final THOH XXX prize!

Up next? Nothing.  You’ve completed the 2019 Treehouse of Horrors Event.  Congratulations! Nothing to do now but sit back, relax, and wait for the next update to hit TSTO.  Oh and send in your Showoff designs if you haven’t already.

Thoughts Lucy? Thoughts on his tasks? Animation? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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