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THOH XXXIII Act 3 Wrap Up: Everything Contained in Act 3


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

In an effort to save time and energy for myself, I think these wrap-up posts might be here for a bit.  I’ll try to get them up earlier, like this one, but I do think they’ll be here for the foreseeable future.  So, here’s the full round-up of everything you’ll need for Act 3.

This post will cover everything from the questlines, to character tasks, to prize breakdowns, and everything in-between.  So here. we. go…

Let’s kick off with a quick premium breakdown…

The Act 3 combo is H.P. Lovecraft and Fogbury Port

Building/Decoration: Fogbury Port (and Sign)
Character: H.P. Lovecraft
Donut Cost: 150 Donuts
Port: 6×16 Sign 2×4
$500, 45xp/24hrs
Port Consumerism +20, Sign Socialism +10
Can Be Placed:
Port: Water Only Sign: Grass| Pavement| Boardwalk| Pier| Dirt

The Rundown:
-Standard price for a character/building combo
-Helps earn event currency at a premium rate
-Not Voiced
-Comes with questline
-Visual Tasks are 8 and 12hrs
-Sea Captain has a 6hr task at the Port (Get Lost in the Fog)

H.P. Lovecraft’s Permanent Tasks:

Task Length Earns Location
Read About Himself Online 1hr $105, 26xp Springfield Library
Try to get Woke 4hrs $260, 70xp Springfield Library
Pitch Already Done Ideas 8hrs $420, 105 Outside/Visual
Try to Get New Ideas 12hrs $600, 150xp Outside/Visual
Collect Cthulhu Plushies 24hrs $1,000, 225xp Stores in Springfield

Full dialogue questline…

The Greed-Quest of Well-Known Kadath Pt. 1

Polystar Executive: H.P.! Thanks for coming in, babe.
H P Lovecraft: I only came because I’ve heard the movie business is insane and full of lunatics.
Polystar Executive: I love it! Or should I say, I Lovecraft it!
H P Lovecraft: No, don’t say that.
Polystar Executive: H.P., you’re one of the great, twisted minds in entertainment. The movie business needs you!
H P Lovecraft: I detest moving pictures. Print is my preferred medium. Besides, my works are all in the public domain. There’s nothing stopping you from making “Call of Cthulhu 2: Redial”.
Polystar Executive: Wait, wait! Let me write that down. What was that again?Make Polystar Executive Pitch Lovecraft on Pitching- 4hrs
Make Lovecraft Get Pitched on Pitching-4hrs

The Greed-Quest of Well-Known Kadath Pt. 2

H P Lovecraft: You’re right. I AM a creative genius, and I need to share my gift with the world!
Polystar Executive: Remember, it takes an executive’s meddling for creativity to truly become genius.
H P Lovecraft: Get this: an amateur astronomer observes the night sky when he sees…strangely colored lights!
Polystar Executive: Uh-huh. And?
H P Lovecraft: And he goes insane!
Polystar Executive: That’s not a story! There’s no hero’s journey, no romance, no villain…
H P Lovecraft: Uh…the astronomer turns from the stars, travels to Polystar Pictures, makes love to the film executive’s fiancée, and then runs over the executive using the Polystar tram.
Polystar Executive: Now we’ve got a story!
Make Lovecraft Pitch Already-Done Ideas- 4hrs
Make Polystar Executive Shoot Down Already-Done Ideas-4hrs
H P Lovecraft: A small, New England town is terrorized by…a shark!
Polystar Executive: That’s Steven Spielberg’s “Jaws”.
H P Lovecraft: What if it was a Mid-Atlantic town?
Polystar Executive: I’m listening…
H P Lovecraft:And the shark—
Polystar Executive: Has a flame thrower! And the flame-throwing shark battles a giant ape who has a really hot girlfriend!
H P Lovecraft:Um, okay. I guess so?
Polystar Executive: Money!
H P Lovecraft: Ugh, what have I become?

The Greed-Quest of Well-Known Kadath Pt. 3

H P Lovecraft: I have to get away from that studio fool. Being around him has made me a shell of my creative self! “Shell”…hmm. Maybe a giant crab…fights crime…and has a hot girlfriend! Argh, that’s terrible! That exec has given me horror writer’s block!
Make Lovecraft Try to Get New Ideas- 4hrs
H P Lovecraft My walk around Springfield gave me a great new idea: a hapless dolt is irradiated in an accident, and turned into—
Polystar Executive: Put a pin in it, H.P. I’m watching this breaking news story.
Kent Brockman: We take you live to the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, where Homer Simpson has been irradiated into a glowing monstrosity.
Radioactive Homer: RAAAARH!
Polystar Executive: Wow, that’s crazy! Anyway, you were saying?
H P Lovecraft: Never mind. A real hapless dolt just stole my idea.

Ok let’s talk prizes…

Here’s the Act 2 prize track…

Father Ben (Character)- The Conjurationing Pt. 1 and 115
Crate and Burial (Building)-
The Conjurationing Pt. 2 and 115
Springfield Forever Cemetery (Decoration)-
The Conjurationing Pt. 3 and 145
Ghost Cemetery (Decoration)-
The Conjurationing Pt. 4 and 145
Luxury Crypt (Building)-
The Conjurationing Pt. 5 and 185

Let’s break them down…

Father Ben is an un-voiced Character for Springfield. Comes with a full set of tasks and questline.

Father Ben’s Permanent Tasks

Task Length Earns Location
Pack His Exorcising Bag 1hr $70, 17xp St. Pauls/St. Basils/Westminster Abbey/Homes in Springfield
Polish his Fancy Cross Collection 4hrs $175, 45xp St. Pauls/St. Basils/Westminster Abbey/Homes in Springfield
Grab a Confessional Booth Nap 8hrs $275, 70xp St. Pauls/St. Basils/Westminster Abbey/Homes in Springfield
Try to Exorcise a Demon 12hrs $420, 100xp Outside/Visual
Get Some Exorcise 24hrs $600, 150xp Outside/Visual

And here’s the questline…

Is There an Exorcist in the House? Pt. 1

Father Ben: Halloween is over and yet there are still vampires and werewolves wandering the streets. What a fun town!
Helen Lovejoy: Fun?! Every Halloween more devils and demons arrive, and then they stay!
Father Ben: Why hasn’t anyone done anything about these demons?
Helen Lovejoy: We’re Protestants. Our job is to blame everything on video games and Hollywood. You’re the Catholic. Do something!
Father Ben: Sweet Jebus, this sounds like a lot of work. I better make sure I’m in shape!
Make Father Ben Get Some Exorcise4hrs

Is There an Exorcist in the House? Pt. 2

Father Ben: Pardon me, ma’am, but have you seen any demons lately?
Beatrice: No, sir.
Father Ben: How about you? Have you seen any demons?
Old Scratch: Nope! Not a one.
Father Ben: I remember a day when asking around town would turn up a River Styx boatload of Satan’s minions.
The Devil: I’m with ya! They musta unionized and now hide from work. Hey, wait, look! There’s one now. Get him!
Grampa: Dee-deedle-dum-dee-dum-deedle— Huh?!
Make Father Ben Try to Exorcise Abe Simpson- 4hrs
Make Lisa Try to Save Grampa from Father Ben – 4hrs
Make Grampa Try to Enjoy a Toaster Tart- 4hrs
Make The Devil Try to Get Friends to Work for Pizza- 4hrs
Lisa: Grampa’s not possessed, that’s just his Halloween sugar rush!
Father Ben: Gosh, I’m sorry! Sugar and possession run in very similar families.
Lisa: The toaster tarts at the Retirement Castle are loaded with sugar.
Grampa: Round there we pass ’em around like prison money.

Is There an Exorcist in the House? Pt. 3

Helen Lovejoy: Father Ben! There are still demons roaming the streets of Springfield.
Father Ben: I’ve seen a mummy or two, but you know, as I search for evil, Springfield actually seems like a pretty nice place! Maybe we could focus on the good in this town instead of looking for evil around every corner?
Helen Lovejoy: That’s crazy talk! Now are you going to do something about these demons, or not?
Father Ben: *sigh* Fine! I’ll exorcise the first demon I see.
Make Father Ben Try to Exorcise a Demon4hrs

Is There an Exorcist in the House? Pt. 4

Demon Technician: Whoa, dude, you didn’t scare the devil out of that kid, you scared the heaven!
Father Ben: Yeah. Turns out I’m not a very good exorcism priest.
Demon Technician: Tell ya what. How ’bout I help you get a win?
Father Ben: You’d do that for me?
Demon Technician: Of course! Good and Evil have a Yin and Yang relationship, right?
Make Father Ben Pretend to Exorcise a Demon4hrs
Make Demon Technician Pretend to Be Exorcised- 4hrs
Father Ben: Begone, foul spawn of Lucifer! The power of Christ compels thee!
Demon Technician: *idle whistling*
Father Ben: What are you doing?
Demon Technician: I was waiting to hear what I’m compelled to do.
Father Ben: You’re compelled to begone!
Demon Technician: Ohhhh. Then begone it is…to the wine bar where the first glass is on me!
Father Ben: Sounds good! I declare this place demon free!
Helen Lovejoy: Wonderful! Now how ’bout exorcizing questionable books out of the public library?
Father Ben: It never ends with these people. *sigh*


Crate and BurialNew Building for Springfield

Size: 4×6
Build Time: 4hrs
Earns: $75, 7xp/3hrs
Conform: Consumerism +10
Task: Willie has a 6hr task there, Comparison Shop Caskets

Springfield Forever Cemetery, decoration for Springfield

Size: 12×12
Conform: Righteousness+10
Other: Animated when tapped, movie plays on screen

Ghost Cemetery. Decoration for Springfield

Size: 3×3
Conform: Righteousness+10
Other: Animated when tapped


Luxury Crypt. New building for Springfield

Size: 5×4
Build Time: 4hrs
Earns: $90,10xp/4hrs
Conform: Obedience +10
Task: Burns has a 6hr task there, Visit Old Friends

And finally here’s the full dialogue version of the Act 3 main questline…

The Conjurationing Pt. 1

Lisa: So it’s Mopey Mary…fine. I’m just glad you’re teaching Springfield what macabre really is, Mr. Poe.
Edgar Allan Poe: Mopey Mary, if you would be so kind as to terrorize the oafish denizens of this forlorn municipality…
Mopey Mary: I’m on it! Springfield, prepare to have your souls plunged into darkness, despair, and— Wait, is that a pumpkin bouncy house?
Bart: You betcha.
1Make Lisa Try to Convince Mary to Be Scary- 4hrs
Make Poe Be Disappointed in His Summoning-
Make Mopey Mary Play in the Bouncy House-
Collect Tombstones- x115
Edgar Allan Poe: But…I don’t understand. I was sure Mopey Mary would terrify your entire city!
Lisa: Things not working out…you’ll get used to it with this town.

The Conjurationing Pt. 2

Helen Lovejoy: Father Ben, come quick! We need an exorcism on this monstrous child!
Mopey Mary: Jeez, lady. Take a chill pill.
Lewis Clark: Mopey Mary is our friend.
Father Ben: Well then which one is the possessed child?
Helen Lovejoy: The demonic-looking one!
Father Ben: You’ll have to be more specific. All children have a little devil in them.
Make Helen Lovejoy Demand a Child Exorcism- 4hrs
Make Father Ben Try to Figure Out Who to Exorcise-
Make Mopey Mary Run Off-
Make Lisa Avoid Being Exorcised- 4hrs
Collect Tombstones- x115
Father Ben: All right, spikey-headed demon! Prepare to vacate this innocent child’s body!
Lisa: I’m not possessed! And FYI, the spikes are my chosen hairstyle!
Father Ben:Then where is the child I’m to be exorcising?

Lisa: Mopey Mary ran off.
Father Ben: I suppose I should get after her then. A little exercise before exorcising never hurt anyone, right?
Lisa: Less hilarity, more holy water, Father.

The Conjurationing Pt. 3

Bart: Lisa, your dusty old dude is so lame!
Lisa: And what have YOU done to make Halloween scarier?
Bart: Allow me to summon the TRUE fossil of fear!
Edgar Allan Poe: Who are you summoning, young man?
Bart: Gimme some room and you’ll see…MAGIC! *waves hands magically*
Lisa: Was that supposed to do something? Because it didn’t.
Bart: Those were “spirit fingers”. And again — KABOOM! *waves hands magically*
Edgar Allan Poe: I’m not seeing the kaboom, boy.
Make Bart Wave His “Magic Hands” Harder- 4hrs
Make Lisa Wonder Who Bart Is Trying to Summon-
Make Poe Wonder Who This “Real Master of Horror” Is-
Collect Tombstones- x145
Bart: I don’t get it, my hands used to be jammed full of magic!
Lisa: Bart, you don’t need magic to summon someone to Springfield. Just ask Sky Finger.
Edgar Allan Poe: Pray tell, who is this “Sky Finger”?
Bart: A very smart and attractive person who loves donuts…trays of donuts…truckloads…I’m talking Montana-size!
Lisa: We really have no shame.

The Conjurationing Pt. 4

Bart: Thanks to the mighty Sky Finger, I now present you with…the TRUE Master of Horror…
Lisa: H.P. Lovecraft!
Edgar Allan Poe: Who in blazes is H.P. Lovecraft?
H P Lovecraft: A REAL author who read your quaint stories and realized that horror should actually scare people!
Edgar Allan Poe: And if I had lived to read anything you’d written, rest assured I would be mocking it as well!
Bart: Oooh, this is good — lame dead guys fighting!
Make Lovecraft Compare Poe’s Mother to Nyarlathotep- 4hrs
Make Poe Read Lovecraft’s Work So He Can Mock It-
Make Lisa Feel Embarrassed for Them Both-
Make Bart Laugh at Their Lame Insults- 4hrs
Collect Tombstones- x145
Edgar Allan Poe: “Non-Euclidian geometry” is the root of your horror? That just means you’re frightened of curved surfaces.
H P Lovecraft: Don’t say curved! Walls should be straight!
Lisa: And this is what the “Masters of Horror” have reduced Halloween to.
Bart: At least with these two lamewads we’re not running for our lives.

The Conjurationing Pt. 5

Mopey Mary: Hey, check it out — there’s a zombie outbreak happening at the cemetery on the edge of town.
Lisa: Real zombies?
Mopey Mary: Totes. They’re eating people’s brains too! Or trying to. Not sure they’re finding much brain meat in Springfield.
Lisa: I have a brain, so I get that!
Edgar Allan Poe: Flesh-eating zombies?! This is terrible!
H P Lovecraft: My brain is too superior to be eaten!
Bart: Relax, guys. This happens every couple of years. Someone will stop them.
Edgar Allan Poe: And that someone is Edgar Allan Poe! I know just what to summon to thwart this zombie infestation!
H P Lovecraft: Not if I summon my vastly superior solution first!
Lisa: I’m thinking a healthy horror writers’ competition is a good thing, right?
Make Poe Try to Summon His Raven- 4hrs
Make Lovecraft Try to Summon Cthulhu-
Make Lisa Wonder About Summoning Better Authors-
Make Bart Wish He’d Read More Books- 4hrs
Collect Tombstones- x185
Edgar Allan Poe: Where is my infernal raven! Pecking zombies to death would have been so righteous!
Lisa: The raven is already in the game…I mean in Springfield.
H P Lovecraft: And why isn’t my mighty Cthulhu answering my call?
Bart: He’s already here, too.
Mopey Mary: And he’s totally hogging the bouncy house, so if you could tell him to get his big butt out of there, that would be swell.
H P Lovecraft: Ugh. Having all your stories in the public domain is the worst.
Edgar Allan Poe: Agreed. It’s so hard to control anything from the grave.

Gil Deal

Spooky Dark Plunger Bundle (Decoration (plunger will toggle all Halloween Facades on/off) + 4 NEW Halloween Facades)- 150

No real benefit to this combo.  If you like the Halloween decor for your houses in Springfield pick it up.  If not pass.  The plunger does offer a 4% bonus on all cash and XP.

And there you have it my friends, the full wrap up of Act 2 of THOH XXXIII.  Honestly, the way things are going, you’ll likely see this again for Act 3.  (although I’ll try to have a rundown post up as well…)

Thoughts on Act 2? Ready for Act 3 to start Sunday? Sound off below…

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