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Hello from Graham-S


Hello, hello, hello. Shiny new year and a shiny new Addict. While Alissa and Safi are busy, busy, busy I volunteered to try and help out with some of the interesting info. you are all used to.

Some of you may know me from comments on here, or from elsewhere. If you remember the 10 year specials you’ll also have heard me on the round table special with a few other players. You can find that here. Don’t worry, I’m not going to subject you to my ugly mug. It’ll still be Alissa and Safi who do those spoiler vids and Addicts Live when they get the chance.

You might still be thinking why is this muppet posting, fair ’nuff. The answer is simple, I offered and I have sources that may help.

Don’t expect these to be anywhere near as good as the posts Alissa and Safi used to prepare and we’ll all be fine. I will promise to do my best though.

Here’s what I’m hoping to bring you, to help keep all you Addicts well informed.

Update alert. I play on Android but when I know there’s an update due I check the websites for all the App Stores. I’ll include links once they show an update is available and try to give a heads up on who you don’t want on long tasks.

A Rundown post. Should be up when the act or mini event goes live. Basic info including an overview of the plot or the store blurb, a quick look at the prize track and the new premium offering(s), a look at who is able to earn event currency and what the intro tasks are.

A Turbo Tappin’ post. The tasks required for each of the prizes so you’ll know who to keep free and not miss a bit. Hate it when that happens and I hit the target only to find I didn’t scroll enough and left off a task !!

Returning items. A look at what is back in store for the event and what’s included in a mystery box if there is one.

Walkthrough posts. One each for any new characters or skins. Those will feature the dialog and tasks from the questline for each of them.

Dialog recap. A look back at the dialog and tasks from the main questline for the act or mini-event.

I won’t be doing Should I Buy’s though, sorry. I’m swimming in sprinkles and skint so if it’s for donuts I got it and if it costs real money I can’t afford one for both towns. Perhaps those walkthroughs will help, but I will say it’s always a good idea to spend at least a little each year to keep this game we all love going. Don’t want the Devs going hungry, do we ?!? I always buy Black Friday tokens and the odd Golden Scratch-R despite not needing the donuts.

I’m hoping that these posts will help to bring you some of the info. you’ve come to know and love. Dunno about you but if I ever go do a little internet research to find out about these things I always look for the ones on Addicts first. Hope what I post does work for now and for future readers too, but as I said earlier I can never match Alissa.

Meanwhile it’s not long now until the next update. We’ll all soon see if these are any good or if there’s cries of “Oi, muppet, what ya playin’ at” !!

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