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Scenes from an Italian Restaurant


So there I sit in the Italian Bistro, enjoying my beverage and pasta.  Why I chose this one, well, because I like it and hey, I get to order for free.  The food is great, the cooks care about what they make and there’s no family drama going on or screaming kids while I eat my spaghetti.

Then, there’s a commotion in the kitchen.  The elder chef is ranting about his meatballs to the owner and how he’s the best meatball maker and there’s another chef keeping his meatballs from being recognized as the best.  He’s not a big fan of her in the kitchen.  They apparently aren’t fond of each other… who knew while we all enjoyed our delicious food?

Wow… what’s going on?

Jeesh, they’re only meatballs.  Granted his seem a little more salty but it’s actually a pretty easy recipe.  Isn’t everyone just making them from Mama’s original recipe?  Hmmm…let’s listen in.

Apparently he also doesn’t like pasta or any other confection you put stuff into, and there’s a furry breadstick maker who he’s ok with but he’s created a recipe book and kind of a big deal.  Watching him rant while the other chefs keep on making their delicious food is actually pretty hilarious.  The meatballs are burning!

Ok, enough with this ridiculous and mildly confusing analogy.  There’s no French wine involved and this particular restaurant is much better known for it’s Sangria and Margaritas anyways….Maybe I was clueless while I enjoyed my food?  Maybe the kitchen was too far away from what really mattered (the food for all of us)?  Is this a takeover by Fat Tony and the mafia?  Chefs argue just like Gordon Ramsey?  <Mind Blown>

While no trouble in paradise situation or drama to really get involved in, there is a point to this post.  Namely, Cranky Old Guy and Ryan are leaving Addicts.

The who, what, when, where, why and how really isn’t important in the grand scheme of things.  They have their own site now and will be continuing their particular sauce concoctions over there.  With so many restaurants all competing for crumbs of furry breadsticks, there’s no point in drama over small peices of the proverbial pizza pie.

Here at Addicts, we strive to maintain an atmosphere of non-drama so suffice to say we wish them the best of luck.  I’m sure they’ll do great at whatever restaurant they choose to work at.  I personally will miss them but the beautiful thing about free will is I can check on them whenever I like.  The internet is cool like that.

Thus closes a small chapter here at Addicts but trust me when I say, the reads here will continue to be what you have come to expect.  We’ll continue to keep cooking up our particular brand of hilarity and kookiness and hopefully you keep coming here for our free food.

TTFN… Wookiee out!

P.S. I love breadsticks

Note from Alissa: This story was (and is) meant to be fun and make light of a situation we’re all saddened about.  Unfortunately, not everyone sees it that way.  So if we’ve offended anyone we do apologize immensely.  Our brand of humor sometimes needs to be taken with salt and a lime (and of course a shot of Tequila helps too!) 

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