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Shout Out! And the Finalists Are….


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Well we’re nearing the end of March and that means it’s about that time to pick our Tapper of the Month!  Our cross blog monthly contest to find the Tapper of the month between TSTO Topix, TSTO game and TSTO Addicts has been set up because we want to feature YOU!   Your town, your words anything/everything about YOU!  Each month we’ll pick a handful of readers across the three blogs to be featured in our Monthly Shout Out, where we’ll feature your town and some fun information about you.  Then at the end of the Shout Out we’ll let the TSTO Community vote for their favorite.  That winner will be declared our Tapper of the Month! This has been a fun process for Topix, game and Addicts!

We’ve enjoyed getting to know each of you through your submissions and we really loved seeing your creative work on display!  We received many submissions for the April Tapper of the month and had a tough decision to narrow it down to just 5, but we did it!  The writing staff of all THREE blogs came together and collectively agreed that all 5 of the finalists were Tapper of the Month material! So check out the top 5 and be sure to vote for your favorite!  Remember the Tapper you choose could be the Tapper of the Month and be featured on Topix, game and Addicts for the month of April AND win a $10 gift card!  So choose wisely!

Now with out further ado the finalists are…… In no particular order

saramary3 and her 2D town!
Here’s some more info about Saramary3:
“My “Springfield” is Cary North Carolina
How I Tap – iPhone and iPad
I’ve been a happy tapper since the summer 2013. I enjoy the free stuff and also have a lot of premium stuff. I’m an on again / off again viewer and am completely addicted to TSTO! I especially love the creative uses for various decorations. This is 2D of slimer and logo from Ghostbusters. (So that’s where all my donuts are going!)”
And here is SaraMary3’s Slimer:

ArchHeretic1 and his 2D Bart!
Here’s some more info about ArchHeretic1:

“My name is ArchHeretic1  and I play on iOS. 
I live in Romeoville, IL, I work in graphic design and I’m also in a metal/progressive band called Arch Heretic. I love playing music and working in Photoshop and Illustrator. I’ve been playing Tapped Out since the first Halloween update and I just love this game because it’s the Simpsons, no explanation needed. I should be featured because donuts are not easy to come by and my Bart is awesome (not easy to make).   Here’s a 2D version of Bart. Enjoy! ”
And here’s ArchHeretic1’s 2D Bart: 

Mopurglar and his full Springfield!
I asked Mo via the original post to send us in some more details and Mo responded!  So the info is down in the comment section of Addicts and Topix, however I promised in my initial post that I would update it if we got the info.  So here’s a bit more about Mo:
“My ID is Mopurglar, I live in Georgia. and I’ve been playing Tapped Out since last summer. What I love most about the game is the design focus — I love seeing what people can make using simple objects and textures. Be it a perfectly decorated wooded area, a 3D pyramid made of large hedges, or an Andy Warhol classic with a Tapped Out spin, there is so much to admire out there and many talented players.
Parts of my town, particularly the 3D areas, were inspired by some awesome designs by mokkabee, pharrah2003, corkhopper, and mitzytaz. You can see their stunning panoramas at or on the EA forums. And feel free to drop me a line at either place if you have any feedback about my town, as I’m eager to put some work into it and re-do some areas. Thanks!
  (if you’d like to get a better look…bigger…at Mo’s Springfield you can access it here )
Here’s Mopurglar’s Springfield:

ryaannogues22 and his Springfield!
Here’s a little more about ryaannogues22

“Hi, my origin ID is ryaannogues22.  
I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18 years old.  I’m studying architecture and i live with my grandpa.  I love music and play basketball.
I love TSTO because The Simpsons is one of my favorites tv shows and i like this game because i love designing houses and cities, etc.  I think i should be featured in the monthly shout out because i think i have a wonderful city!”
Here’s ryaannogues22’s town:  (Note: he sent us in 30 plus images.  Bunny stitched these together as best she could, but not all of the images were there.   So we apologize if it looks a little incomplete  in the stitching.  You can view a bigger version of Ryan’s town here…

And finally….

adamski14179 and his Springfield!
Here’s a little more about adamski14179

“I am adamski14179, and have been tapping for a year now. Love the Simpsons, and looking forward to new levels. I have put a lot of thought into my town, and would like to share some snaps with you. I am over in the UK, and will keep my fingers crossed that you like what you see”
Here’s Adam’s Springfield:

So Tappers what did you think?  Which one of our finalists do YOU think deserves to be the Tapper of the Month?  Now’s YOUR chance to voice your opinion and vote for your favorite!  Voting is open until 11:59pm EST on 3/31/14 and you may cast 1 vote every 6 hrs for your favorite.  We’ll combine the vote tally from Topix, game and Addicts and announce the winner on April 1st! (for the official rules check out this post)

Take Our Poll

Do YOU want to be featured for our May Tapper of the month?  Start sending in your photos of your Springfield to (please put Shout Out in the Subject line).  In addition to photos please also send us:
-Your origin ID
-A few sentences about YOU (where you live, what you do for a living, any hobbies etc)
-How long you’ve been playing TSTO
-Why you love TSTO
-Why you should be featured in our Monthly Shout Out
That’s it!  No fancy stories to write, no complicated questions to answer…just tell us about YOU 🙂

You can check out this post for a FAQ about what you need to do to be considered Tapper of the Month! 

Have fun voting and GOOD LUCK to the finalists!

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